hit counter code William Whiteoak
the World






Commander – Gauntlet Company (Archers / Heavy Crossbow).

Word From the Troops
“We saw Sir Edgar pulled from his horse, saw the end they made of him, and then heard the scream… The boy wades into them ogres with his sword, shrieking at the top of his lungs, and them ogres…two of ‘em fall before they know what’s happening. Then another goes down, and the rest start jabbering and fall back. The boy grabs Sir Edgar’s standard and plants it on this little rise and starts crying, ‘To me! To me!’ and we go, those that’s left, piling up around him like he’s going to save us… Then the goblins counter-attack and come on in a wave, and we know we’re dead. But young William steps to the front and raises his sword, cries “For St. Cuthbert and st. catherine!” and in he goes, just a lad, fightin’ like a man possessed. He moves into them goblins like a harvestman into wheat. I’ll never forget the screams from those foul beasts, being sent back to Hell…. But what was the most amazing, and check with my mates if you don’t believe, was that while he was fightin’, young William sorta…glowed…a bright, white light all around him… Then he’s among us and the light is gone, and he’s going from man to man, checking on us, encouraging us… not a scratch on him! I…I could’ve gone home three months ago, but I signed on for another year.”