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Blood Hand

The original Clan to unite the tribes... and don't think they've forgotten it.  Occupying the central and southern Grimme, the Blood Hand boasts the most established cities, numbers rivaled only by the Nine Fist, centuries of war-hardening and easily the most violent and bloodthirsty goblins in the Grimme.  They are proud that it was they who martyred the human Saint Rosalyn at Gristmil in P.E. 561... They who spent nearly a millennia hunting primitive humans and pushing their petty feudal society out of the Grimme and back over the mountains... They who invented the hideous "Biter Box"... They who raise, train and employ the mighty D'Drooga Beasts... They who have spearheaded every re-taking of Hax, and they who have led the way during the Pass Wars for a century and a half.  Theirs is a Clan culture designed top to bottom around war.  They train for it constantly, long for it, and revel in it.  Bathing in the hot blood of fallen enemies on a field of carnage is their idea of paradise.

The Blood Hand has borne the brunt of fighting in the Grimme for centuries (exactly as the Nine Fist wants...), but this has not weakened their culture, it has created it.  Blood Hand goblins are easily the biggest and strongest of the species on average, and their warlords are living nightmares to behold (although still lesser than Nine Fist Warlords.)  They push to reach the front of an engagement by choice, are difficult to call back in a retreat, and take genuine pleasure in the butchery of the weak and helpless.  They are the epitome of every human caricature and stereotype for goblins, the "boogeymen" used by human mothers to frighten children, or by military recruiters to drive enlistment.  These creatures live for war.  To them, "peace" is merely a pause to regroup and rearm. 

Their Clan Lands include open savannah, dense forests, rocky foothills and raging rivers with huge lakes.  Haxfal Wood, once a fall-back position for goblin forces during earlier crusades, is a dim realm of shadows, crumbling and overgrown fortifications, skeletal remains of broken and outdated siege weaponry, and dangerous monsters.  It makes the perfect training ground for the elite troopers of the Raketooth Brigade (covered below.)  Gristmil is the Clan Home, a stone a wood fortification with multi-layered defenses, less a city than an above-ground bunker, bristling with siege engines.  The Blood Hand Pah resides here in an impregnable keep known as Black Fallow, with wicked and whispered-about dungeons and torture chambers below.  Gristmil would be considered lawless by anyone other than its residents, for it is Sodom at its prime, and nearly anything goes.  It is the final collection point for troops bound for the passes (and now for the defense of Hax) and a signal that life is nearing its bloody and glorious conclusion.

Seet is an underground city, with two primary access points protected by a full regiment each.  This place, a collection of caverns and goblin tunnels, is truly a fortress.  Even during the bloody days when the Nine Fist tore leadership of the Clans away from the Blood Hand, the city never fell (and at that time it was little more than a cluster of defended caves, nothing near its current labyrinth-like state.)  This city is home to the Headquarters of the elite military units of the Blood Hand.  It is also the base of operations (when not in the field) of "Vox Errgoth," Supreme Commander of Ground Forces (a title not officially recognized by Nine Fist Warlords.)  Vox is a nasty one... as big and powerful as any Nine Fist Warlord, blooded by fifty years of war (he obtains potions of longevity to extend his life, so that he may kill more), and founder and leader of the Blood Boars (elite military.)  Vox would be a candidate for Pah of the Blood Hand, but he believes that political seat would keep him from the field of battle, where he needs to be.  The reigning Pah knows this, and showers Vox with all the adoration and riches he desires.  It is whispered that in practice, the Pah only rules by Vox's generosity, and it is the Warlord who truly rules the Clan.

In the east, deep within the triple-canopy of the Umberhood Forest, lies the goblin city of Trann.  It has stone temples, but is built primarily out of banana tree wood and bamboo.  The Umberhood is a ghastly place of temperate-to-tropical climate, prehistoric animals and the greatest living horrors of the insect kingdom.  The goblins of Trann are on a constant war footing, sending troops to Hax and the Passes, raiding over the mountains into Delmharven, the Black Forest and Llhona, and defending against aggressive 40' venomous centipedes (just a small example of local wildlife.)  The Trann Rangers form an element of the Blood Hand's elite military.

With death as a constant and friendly companion, Blood Hand goblins look for plenty of ways to celebrate.  In addition to everyday competitions of strength and arms, widespread gambling and drinking contests, the Blood Hand follows those festivals observed by other Clans, and five more of their own;

  • Char-Bone:  A three day festival in June, where celebrants firewalk, compete to resist burning, drink a flammable alcohol called "Shaah," which allows them to belch flame, and essentially rejoice in the fury and deadly nature of fire.
  • The Pitting:  A week long event in September involving a complex competition with semi-finals, finals and championships, of gladiator-style, fight-to-the-death pit fighting.
  • B'braaga-Naaska:  A day-long event in December involving competitive axe throwing, using slaves, captives and out-of-favor goblin females as live targets.  Victims are referred-to as "Getting a Naaska."
  • Bite of Khorne:  April.  A one-day ritual where every Blood Hand Lion selects one of his own young, and in a religious public display, bites the struggling Cub or Yob to death with his bare teeth, sacrificing it to Khorne.  A night of frenzied mating follows, and Wild Pihgs, saved for just this purpose, are thrown into orgies of frenzied Bulls.
  • H'Suuk:  Early May.  A two day feast, an absolute blasphemy of gluttony, drunkenness and vomiting.  A celebration of what brief life the D'Vahli have generously granted.

Blood Hand dead are burned on great pyres.

Eating almost anything which doesn't eat them first (and willing to bite their way out if that did happen), Blood Hand goblins enjoy such regional cuisine as Bison, Goat, Hyena, Antelope, Savannah Rats, Fish, Fried Locusts, Blut-Bread, "Soldier's Pie" (which is nearly any type of organs baked in a crust), emu, cranes and a wide variety of rodent & varmint.
In Trann, regional specialties include Snakes, Lizards, "Wongas" (a generic term for any type of centipede), Shrieker Fungus, "Potstickers" (leeches stuffed in a doughy ball and boiled), and "Billy Beetles" (big, slow-moving but heavily armored beetles with soft underbellies and sticky insides.)  Trann goblins also have a near-addiction for the sweetmeats of elves...

Siege Mongers:  These specialists are the masters of all artillery and siege weapons, including catapult & trebuchet, ballista, rams, siege towers, D'Drooga warbeasts and sapping.  Sometimes, Razorfang sappers are included in Siege Monger units for their explosive talents.  This unit is based in Seet.  When not engaged in warfare, members of this unit expand Seet's underground excavations and enhance defenses.           

Bloodboars:  Elite cavalry mounted on armored boars, highly trained to fight in close formation.  Their charges are devastating, and even when fighting in singles are tough to bring down.  Both boar and rider can target individual opponents, and both will fight to the death.  It is said that each member of the Bloodboar cavalry is chosen while still in a Drogue, and raises his mount from a piglet throughout late childhood and early cavalry training, forming an unbreakable bond.  Once fully-trained Bloodboar, they are inseparable; if the rider is killed, the boar is killed and buried with its rider.  If the mount dies, the rider never serves in a line unit again, never rides, and spends the rest of his service training new recruits.  Such a rider often erects a magnificent obelisk to honor his fallen boar.  They are based in Gristmil, their banner a black silhouette of a boar's head on a red field.

Raketooth Brigade:  The elite of the elite, the "Navy SEALs" of the goblin military.  This brigade is comprised of the finest warriors the Grimme has to offer, and its members are predominantly Blood Hand, though on a limited basis, the best warriors of the other Clans are part of the unit.  These individuals have not only survived the hard training of the brigade, but endured the dislike and harsh treatment of the Blood Hand, and have earned respect within the unit.  They believe in Brigade first, Clan second.  Raketooth leaders are called "Battlelords," and sub-leaders are called "Bloodchiefs."  Within Raketooth units are also two sub-specialties; "Bloodgunners," who specialize in the use of heavy crossbows, and are frequently armed with explosive bolts of brimstone and liquid mercury, obtained from the clever weaponsmakers of the Razorfang Clan.  The other sub-group are the "Brutes."  These massive specimens are bred to be ogre-sized and nearly mindlessly savage.  When turned loose on enemies, they are like berserkers, impossible to call back until the battle is over.  Once Brutes are sent forward, expect to take no prisoners.  The Raketooth banner is a single, curved tusk on a black field.  They are based in Seet.

Trann Rangers:  Although more than capable in front line infantry action, these killers are at their most dangerous when hunting by stealth and springing lethal ambushes.  Raised and trained in the unforgiving dangers of the Umberhood Forest, they advance as Rangers, and specialize in the use of poison, which they gather from many of the venomous creatures (centipedes, snakes, giant toads and lizards) which call the forest home.  The simple collection of these poisons is a deadly proposition, and hardens these rangers further.  Trann Rangers are the leaders selected for raids over the mountains into Llhona and the Black Forest, and (until the dwarves buttoned themselves up in their mountains) raided into Delmharven.  If dwarves are found as slaves in the Grimme, you can be certain it was a Trann Ranger who captured them.  Headquartered in Trann, these Rangers do not carry a banner in the field; instead they tie a black and green striped rag around their left bicep.  Their banner at home is black egg with crossed arrows on a green field.