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Goblin Culture

The Grimme is a wild land only partially "controlled" by the Goblin Clans.  Much is unexplored and under the control of monsters and other races.  Goblins are the primary, dominant species.  Each of the four Clans controls a portion of the territory, as shown above.  Borders range from well-marked and well-defended to unmarked and unoccupied.  In many places a wanderer could pass from one Clan area to another and not know it.  At other times the border is clearly marked with skulls, pennants and stone monoliths with Clan markings.
Border skirmishes between rival Clans are not uncommon, and are even considered accepted and expected, so long as all-out war does not break out.  Although the Nine Fist is the dominant Clan, bordering Clans have no hesitancy to attack one another over perceived tribal insults or infringement of hunting grounds.  Cross-border raiding among tribal goblins is a common practice.
The Law of Strength applies, however, and the Nine Fist asserts its dominance in the most ruthless terms, keeping the other Clans in line.  Outside of war and war preparation, the Clans do not usually mix.  However the presence of Nine Fist Clan members in rival Clan territory and cities is regular, and something the lesser Clans simply have to tolerate, though grudgingly.
The following is an overview of the basic, overall Goblin culture and commonalities throughout the Clans.  Clan-specific notes will follow

At the top of the hierarchy is the Goblin King, known as "The Dench."  At present, the King is "Jiilk of Mastif Has, Clan Nine Fist," whose nicknames include "Seven Skins" and "Hatchet." 
              Each of the four Clans has a Clan Lord, known as a "Pah."
            Within each Clan are two forms of family units.  The largest and most dominant are called "Mastifs," (meaning house) followed by the family name, such as "Mastif-Septius."  These Houses are huge in numbers, wealth, weapons and power.  The power bases within each Clan.  These ruling-class families are always based in the primary Clan City.  Each is ruled by a dominant male warlord, and usually birth-rank determines position within the house (provided the individual is strong and ruthless enough to hold the position.) 
The smaller, common family unit is called a "Dihn" (detailed later.)  The uncountable Dihns can be found within cities and villages, and out among the tribes.  The Dihn is ruled by the dominant male, known as the "Lion."
            Other than the great Mastifs and city-based Dihns, most goblins fall into the category of a Tribe, or "Kaska."  The tribes vary in size, comprised of from only a few families (Dihns) to hundreds.  Each tribe is loyal to its Clan (though it will have its own tribal name), and is ruled by a dominant male called a "Pasha." 

Goblin King  ("The Dench")
                         I                                                                                    I
            Nine Fist "Pah"                                                            Forbidden City Mystics
            Nine Fist "Mastif" Warlords
            "Pah's" of other Clans
            Other Clan "Mastif" Warlords
            Powerful, Respected Military Leaders (all Clans)
            Tribal "Pasha's"
            "Dihn" dominant males ("Lions")
            Solitary males ("Bulls")
            Slaves, Captives, Mixed Breeds & Goblin Females

With few exceptions, the Goblins worship "The D'Vahli," the living Gods who reside in unseen seclusion within the Forbidden City inside Kurst.  Chief deity among them is "Khorne," the God of War.  The D'Vahli are attended by "D'Vahli Mystics," divine goblin clerics who serve their needs and carry out their decrees.  It is unknown whether these mystics ever actually see their living Gods, or simply hear their words and catch glimpses (the D'Vahli are quite elusive.)  It is said that only the Forbidden City's High Mystic, "The Grand Imam," knows their true form and nature, and that even the Goblin King himself is not permitted to be near them.

D'Vahli Mystics enjoy tremendous authority and wield terrible power in the name of their Gods, and due to this actually maintain a social position elevated above the warrior caste in the Nine Fist, a concept undreamed-of in Goblin culture.  Despite how this may offend the warrior class, none dare to challenge the power of the D'Vahli, for Goblinkind is a superstitious lot and tends to be especially fearful of Divine Magic.
It is the D'Vahli Mystics who have been spearheading the spread of the "Goblin Spires" throughout the war front and across the Grimme, presumably at the direction of their Gods.

A Mystic is easily recognizable due to black hooded robes belted with a crimson sash, golden amulets denoting rank and station, and inscribed black staves tipped with a smooth, egg-shaped D'Vahli Ruby.  They also wear a wicked, curved sword, and in combat are easily a match for their warrior counterparts.  They have access to all divine spells, and progress as clerics.

Among the Hack Sling Clan is a sect of Spider Shamans, a splinter group from the D'Vahli Mystics who pay nominal tribute to the clerical powers of the Forbidden City, but who are becoming increasingly independent (further details within section on the Hack Sling Clan.)

All Goblins speak a common language, filled with Clan dialect and regional & tribal slang.  Their written language is rune-based and relatively crude (by human standards) and is taught only to males.  A literate female is subject to execution, and is a source of disgrace to the male who "owns" her.  Since paper is rare, the only actual books written in the goblin tongue will be found among the D'Vahli Mystics and the Mastifs.  Most written goblin takes the form of stone, wood or bone inscriptions, and those words printed on cured hides and skins.  Most male goblins are proficiently literate in their language.  The study and/or knowledge of the languages of other races (specifically human and dwarvish) is considered a valuable skill for military leaders.  The Elvish language is beyond goblinkind, the words too complex and difficult to form with thick tongues and tusks.

Goblin females are built with strong backs, wide hips and two large main breasts. They have (6) additional teats which run down their bellies in pairs.  A female reaches sexual maturity around age 13, and is capable of giving birth twice per year (5 month gestation period.)  Births are "litters" of 4-16 young, who are weaned at 5 months from birth.  Many of the young do not survive, due to disease, malnutrition, intentional selection for extermination (in order to remove "less than desirable" specimens) and the inherent aggression among siblings, which begins to show itself within a week of birth and even at times while still in the womb (there are plenty of documented incidents where a rapidly-developing fetus has actually bitten a womb-mate to death...)  Generally by age 40 a female is no longer capable of having healthy litters. 

Goblins generally do not mate with other goblinoid species.  On those rare occasions, the offspring are either immediately killed or live a cruel, solitary existence as pariahs.

The pairing of goblins and human females (captives & slaves) produces ½ Goblins which are called "Tuskas," the goblin word for Scab.  These creatures are permitted to live, and are raised by ill-favored collectives of goblin females until the child is 10.  At this time the young Tuska is sent to the Clan's slave chains to labor the rest of its miserable life.  A few fortunates, however, are identified at this age as having strength and war potential.  These Tuskas are separated and trained in the arts of war by cruel goblin masters.  Those who survive the training form units of front-line shock troops, living in segregation with no opportunity to advance in goblin society.  Tuska units are always sent in first, and assigned the most dangerous and suicidal missions.  Tuskas who survive in this hard environment are a force to be reckoned-with, dangerous and skilled, scarred and intelligent.  So much so that veteran Tuskas are feared and avoided by mainstream goblins, and in a way, they finally earn some form of respect.  All Tuskas are castrated at age 10, to avoid any chance they will mate with a pure-blooded goblin female and further dilute the species.

Captive Dwarven females are incapable of carrying ½ goblin offspring to term.    
Sometimes female Elven captives bear ½ goblin children known as "Gelflins."  These are considered true aberrations and are frequently killed and eaten.  Sometimes a stronger specimen is raised in order to serve on a slave chain.  In rare instances, a strong Gelflin male is raised to maturity and taught the art of war and stealth (a skill they seem to take to naturally) in order to serve as a scout.  This usually only occurs among the Blood Hand Clan tribes in and around Trann.  There is one story about a particular Gelflin named K'Lormein who was so gifted that he matured into a skilled and deadly Ranger, stalking the Umberhood Forest.  It is said he was so feared and dangerous that he actually broke away from his adoptive goblins and established his own tribe, a mixture of goblins, Tuskas and Gelflins.  K'Lormein's forces are said to dwell in the south Umberhood, answering to no one, and are responsible for many of the goblin raids over the Alps and into the Black Forest of the Empire.
Although the goblins are a male-dominated society, genetics and breeding have steadily begun creating extremely strong and aggressive females capable of combat and leadership.  These specimens pose an uncomfortable threat to the authority of many goblin males, and are frequently killed once they start demonstrating these aggressive qualities.  Other times, however, such a female is prized, especially by "Lions" with a large house and "Pride," (explained later) for they know a dominant female will take good care of their house and other females, keeping everyone in line.  Some of the more confident males even enjoy the mating with a being which is nearly their equal – violent, passionate and utterly exhausting.  In the Northern Steppes, these large, aggressive females are cherished and developed into fearsome warriors (more on this later.)

Goblins do not usually make slaves of other goblinoid species.  Dwarves, elves, humans and Tuskas make up the majority of the slave chains.

Slaves belonging to a Mastif or Dihn work to support the family and its holdings.

Clan slaves are used in large groups for mining, woodcutting and brick making.

Longevity is something members of a goblin slave chain do not have to worry about.  Theirs is a life of back-breaking labor, physical abuse, malnutrition and sudden, horrific death when a master is displeased.

Slaves are a commodity, and represent a portion of a goblin male's wealth and status.  Sometimes a goblin male will hold a humanoid female as a slave for his pleasure, a situation which infuriates the females of his "Pride" and assures the slave's death the moment the male has grown tired of her.

Goblins are hunter/gatherers, rarely farmers, though they may settle in a region rich with wild resources such as grains, fruit and mushrooms.  They are primarily carnivores, and will eat almost any meat-bearing creature (cooked or raw).  Eggs of any kind are prized.  Human flesh is a delicacy (they consider dwarf meat tough & gristly) and elf meat – particularly female – is a special treat.  They are crude brewers, cooking up a vile and potent alcohol drink called Swill.  Though not farmers, they will absolutely raise livestock of every variety, forming great, sprawling ranches.  Bison are a popular domestic herd animal, and boar are raised both as mounts and meat.

This individual is not the "Pah" of the Nine Fist Clan, and the position of Dench is not automatically a hereditary title.

For 550 years, Goblin Kings of the Grimme have been of the Nine Fist Clan, but not always of the same Mastif.  Assassinations and intrigue are the order of the day, and there have been periods where 5 or 6 different Kings have sat upon the throne in a single year.  In general, a Goblin King serves for 20-30 years.
Upon a Goblin King's death (natural or otherwise), the Pah of the Nine Fist and the dominant male of each of the prominent Nine Fist Mastifs enter the Forbidden City to seek the counsel of Khorne.  It is the God of War who names the next King, almost always chosen from those assembled, but not automatically the Pah of the Nine Fist.  At times throughout history, Khorne has chosen to name a lesser-known goblin from the Nine Fist Clan...this immediately resulted in Clan civil war and massive bloodshed, the would-be upstart always being found and slaughtered.  The senior candidates then returned to Khorne for his next choice as if nothing had happened.  There are those who speculate that Khorne does this on occasion to intentionally stir bloodshed, keep the Nine Fist in line and thin out their power structure.  To date, Khorne has never chosen a member of any other Clan, though technically he could do it if he chose to do so.
The Dench, Steward of the Oroth, is the supreme ruler of the Grimme and of the four Clans.  He is always one of the most war-hardened, intelligent and craftiest of his kind, utterly ruthless.  He is a dictator of the darkest variety, feared and respected.

Goblins have trouble with the dexterity needed for stringed instruments, so these will rarely be found in The Grimme.  They prefer drums, bone percussion, cymbals, gongs, horns and bagpipes.  Drums, of course, are the primary instrument, employed for all occasions, from funerals to war.  Goblin singing is most unpleasant.

Each Clan has its own Clan festivals and celebrations (detailed later.)  The following are annual events observed by all Goblins;

  • Feast of Khorne:  A four-day event in April, filled with religious observance, great feasting and drinking, and contests of skill in warfare.
  • Day of Blood:  A week-long October event which ends on the "Day of Blood," the day Hax fell to the Grimme hordes in 1376.  It is a sort of  Grimme "Veterans Day," honoring the fallen and those who serve.  There is much drinking and military contests of all types.
  • Oroth Hallow:  A three-day event, ending on the sitting Goblin King's birthday, honoring the start of the Oroth of the Nine Fist.  For obvious reasons this is a bigger holiday in the Nine Fist regions than elsewhere, but the other clans are mandated to celebrate as well.  Nine Fist observers travel to all other-Clan cities during this time to ensure the holiday is given proper attention...

Goblins have a simple philosophy.  Humans are a hated enemy, to be killed and enslaved at any opportunity.  Monsters pose a threat to the safety of their people, and need to be exterminated (or avoided, if too powerful.)  Other goblinoid races are either a resource to be harnessed for war, or a drain on goblin resources, in which case they must be eliminated.

  • Kobolds:  Considered the lowest of the races, worthy only of contempt, but as big a pest as locusts, for they are burrowers, great in number, and devour organic food supplies at an unholy rate.  When used in war, they are forced into the front ranks.  Of any goblinoid species, Kobolds are the closest to being candidates for enslavement, and that decision could easily be made by the Goblin King...
  • Hobgoblins:  Considered lesser cousins, and the fact their name even contains the word "goblin" is offensive.  Numerically few in number, they are always driven into the remote areas.  When used in war, they alone are allowed to serve in mixed goblin units.
  • Orcs:  Brutish and primitive, little more than animals, orc hunting parties are a major problem to goblins raising livestock.  They are also a constant infringement on hunting grounds, and cannot be reasoned-with.  At best they are killed on sight.  The Goblin Spires have allowed orc bands to be "enslaved" for war, in which case they are used as savage berserker units which are turned loose on the enemy.  No effort whatsoever is made to protect orc units on the field, provide healing or food, and any goblin commander who is given an orc unit is filled with resentment, despite their military benefits.
  • Gnolls:  Also few in number, the average gnoll is bigger and stronger than a goblin, and is a species so far on the fringe it barely qualifies as goblinoid.  In the Grimme, gnoll bands are hunted by large goblin war parties, for they raid natural crops, livestock and villages.  The goblin Spires have made it possible to use them in war, but they are almost always split up as individuals... the goblins do not trust them in bands, regardless of the power of the Spires.
  • Bugbears:  Goblins fear Bugbears, for it is the species closest to their own in intelligence, breeding capability and ruthlessness.  In fact (though the goblins would never admit it) Bugbears are somewhat smarter than goblins, and even an average specimen is half again a goblin's size and three times as tough.  Bugbears live in rough tribal groups, purely hunter/gatherers, and make claim to the same hunting grounds as the goblins.  They have no written language, and do not build anything other than semi-permanent camps.  Though they are able, they do not breed as often as goblins, which keeps their numbers down.  They make up for it in sheer ferocity and craftiness.  Goblin/Bugbear conflict is frequent throughout the Grimme, and it is always a fight to the death.  Treaties are made among the tribes, at times, and both sides have been known to compromise, but there is hatred behind the smiles.  Bugbears are valued elements of the goblin war machine, but they serve only for pay, and leave when they wish.  They seem to be highly resistant to the effects of the goblin Spires.  Many goblins pray that Khorne will strike down these offensive creatures, and purify the Grimme from their existence.
  • Ogres:  Considered stupid and easily manipulated, the goblins make great use of these creatures whenever possible.  Frequently, instead of killing them outright, these brutes are captured and "trained" to fight for a tribe (the goblins do not consider this slavery, because the ignorant thugs do not seem to realize they are slaves.)  They have no rights in goblin society, and are only allowed to congregate if closely monitored.  In war they are used as juggernauts to break formations of heavy footmen or cavalry, and for breaching fortifications.
  • Trolls:  Feared and hated by goblins, these huge creatures are avoided unless the goblins have absolute numerical superiority, in which case they are hunted down and destroyed.  Goblins appreciate their strength and mindless violence, and the Spires have allowed them to force entire bands of Trolls into war service.  The fact that Trolls would wade into humans without provocation anyway makes the task all the easier.  Only the strongest goblin commanders willingly take trolls into their formations, and then only in singles or pairs.
  • Giants:  Fehirmoor is home to the Giant races, and it is clearly outside goblin territory, left alone and the borders watched closely.  For the most part giants do not raid into the goblin lands, and the goblins return the favor.  They are not considered goblinoid, and so when they are used in war, it is only after negotiation and payment of some kind.  Hill Giants are the only giants who will have non-hostile dealings with goblins.


A "Dihn," the word for the basic family unit, will carry the name of the dominant male (Such as Dihn-Borog.)  The ranking male is called the "Lion," out of the goblin respect for that animal (ie, "Borog the Bonesplitter, Lion of Dihn-Borog.") 
 The Lion will have a collection of females, known as "Pride-Wives."  These non-combatant females take care of the house, all domestic tasks, have litters, raise young and serve the pleasure of the Lion (from bathing to sex to braiding bones and metal into his dreadlocks.)  It is not uncommon for a Lion to add one of his own daughters to his Pride (incest is considered normal in goblin culture), but "less-than-desirable" offspring – birth defects – are put to death, along with their mother.  There is no negative consequence for this to the sire.
Young – raised by the females - have even fewer rights than adult females (who have precious little), including male young.  Upon their 10th year, goblin males are separated from the Dihn.
A solitary male "Bull" may be part of a Dihn if the Lion so allows (young males aged 15-20, or the Lion's brothers or uncles, cousins, etc.)  They serve the Lion, defend the home and the Pride, and under no circumstance are they allowed to mate with any Pride females.  The Lion may send them away at any time, and young Bulls must leave by their 21st birthday, like it or not.
The ranking female in the Pride runs the house.  She is the boss of all domestic affairs, though she is lesser in position than even a 15 year-old Bull (even her own son.)  A young Bull who mistreats the Pride without justification, however, will answer to the Lion.
On occasion, elderly parents or in-laws may be permitted to be part of the Dihn, provided they have something to offer.  Elder males must be able to fight and offer wisdom to the Lion.  At the first signs of weakness or senility, the Elder male is "Put Out" by the Lion, forced to wander the Grimme alone until his death (he will usually seek to end it in battle with the most fearsome creature he can find.)  Elder females must be able to contribute to domestic chores, and help raise and teach the young.  They fall under the strict authority of the ranking female (even their own daughters.)  When this elder female has passed her usefulness – a decision made by the ranking female – it is the Lion's obligation to put her to death...even his own mother.  This is a desirable end for Elder females.  It signifies that they have lived a long life of service to the males and the young, and receive the honor of death at the hands of their own offspring.  Such a killing is highly ritualized and respected.  Among goblins, there is no honor in dying of old age.

As a general rule, goblin females are non-combatant.  They are not permitted to be literate, may not have tattoos or piercings, and in nearly all things are considered  property (the same level of regard as slaves, captives and livestock.)  Females reach maturity around age 13.  At this point they may begin having litters, and are available to be "Pride-Claimed."  (Claiming a female under age 13 has serious consequences for a male goblin.)

Females may be Pride-Claimed in several ways;

  • An unattended female of proper age is caught out in the open, away from her family or the protection of her male relatives or Lion.  Sometimes this happens by accident – the female wanders too far and is snatched up.  Sometimes this is a result of border fighting, where her males have been killed, and she is unprotected.  Even if the female is taken when wandering too far, there is no recourse for the Lion or the family.  Goblin culture shrugs and says, "She shouldn't have been left unattended.  It's the Lion's fault, he deserves it."  Females taken in this way may be either Pride-Claimed and join a Lion's harem, or may simply be taken by a group of Bulls looking for a plaything.  Either way, the taking stands.
  • The family's Lion (the female's sire) negotiates for another Lion or Bull to take her off his hands, receiving a negotiated payment known as a "Pihg-Pence," a sort of reverse-dowry.  Depending upon the desirability of the female, this Pihg-Pence could be as small as a lame goat or as great as a caravan of gold and slaves.
  • A family's Lion is slain in "Challenge" (detailed later) by another male.  The victor claims all females of the fallen goblin's Pride, adding them to his own, keeping or selling them as slaves, or killing them as he sees fit.

The youngest/newest female to enter a Pride is called a "Pihg," and is the lowliest member of the Dihn.  She is routinely brutalized and mistreated by the other females, unless and until another female is added to the Pride, at which point she ceases to be the victim and instead joins the victimizers.  Her mistreatment is of no concern to the male, regardless of how much pleasure he takes in the new addition.  He will only involve himself if the other Pride-Wives so damage the new Pihg that she cannot perform to his satisfaction.
Due to their two litters per year, the females are almost perpetually pregnant, and perpetually giving milk.  They are able to nurse the young of other females.  Goblin females are made of tough stuff;  they rarely miscarry, and can go to term through their pregnancy and still undergo rough intimate treatment and even savage beatings without losing the litter.  A barren female is considered of less value than livestock, and will either be killed outright (to spare the male's shame) or thrown to the slaves for their enjoyment.  Such a female loses her name and is simply called a "Vood."
Female goblins seem to have few protective maternal instincts.

From 0-3 years they are called "Pups."  From 3-10 (or 13 with females) they are referred-to as "Yobs."  With litters of 5-16, and only eight teats, competition for milk can be fierce.  Weaned at 5 months (when they can tear into such food as they find, or is placed before them, without assistance), generally only 8 out of the litter will survive the weaning, with dominant littermates claiming the milk.  At times an especially aggressive pup will claim 2 or even 3 teats, growing fat and strong while littermates starve – it fights them off with sharp teeth and developing claws, and a natural instinct for violence.  Female goblins do not interfere – whoever gets the milk, gets the milk.  It is a source of pride to have cubs so strong, and the females simply take those young who do not survive and toss the bodies into the hog trough.
Pups are fully ambulatory – crawling – at 3 months.  They toddle and start to walk at 5 months, just in time for the arrival of a new litter, in most cases.  Crawling & toddling pups are a terror around the house, getting into mischief and chewing everything in sight as their teeth and tusks develop.  Pets are not safe.  Even 5-month-old pups will set up simple ambushes, pretending to be asleep on the floor and waiting for a housecat to wander too close, then pouncing and trying to kill it with teeth and claws before eating it, fur and all.  Some dogs are at risk as well, if goblin pups ambush in packs, but most dogs kept around a goblin home are big and mean, and have little problem snapping a youngster's neck and carrying it away to be devoured.  The adults pay no mind to these hijinks, knowing it is nature's way. More than one Lion has sat quietly watching an infant son pretend sleep as a scarred old tabby cat strolls past, silently making wagers as to the bloody outcome.
After weaning, pups will eat whatever is available.  Their chewing and peskiness is often their undoing, as an irritable Lion finds one gnawing on a favorite sandal and boots the pup into a stone wall with a wet THUD. 
*(Goblin pups are considered especially tasty treats to Bugbears, who also enjoy making necklaces of their skulls to present as gifts to Bugbear females.)
From 3-10 years (or 13), Yobs are forced to work around the home, starting with small chores and working up to hard labor.  All are taught to forage for roots and mushrooms, and to burrow after tasty field mice and groundhogs.  Yobs do not receive clothing until age 5, and that will be either a simple loincloth or a burlap bag with holes cut for the head and arms.  Once littermates are weaned, they no longer sleep with the females (though they will be nearby) and instead sleep in "nests" or hides and furs, sprawled over one another.
Fighting among the Yobs is expected.  Although male and female young are treated equally, Yob females quickly figure out that the males are stronger and more aggressive, and at an early age start to give them space, allow them to eat first, and try hard not to provoke them.  Of course more than one male Yob has been smothered in its sleep by its female littermates, and it is not uncommon to see an 8-month-old Cub dragging his dead sister through the village like a ragdoll, barking, "Choppa!  Choppa!" (roughly translated as, "She bothered me...look at her now.")  Again, the adults do not interfere.  It is part of natural selection.  The only time a Lion may get involved is if a particularly aggressive Cub or Yob continues to systematically exterminate its littermates and all other young in the household.  If this happens, the proud Lion will take the homicidal toddler to the tribal Pasha, and arrange for it to be sent to a Drogue early.  Such a fine specimen of goblinhood deserves special nurturing...

From birth to age 10, male goblins live in the Dihn with as low a status as females, slaves and cattle, ignored by their sire except for regular and vicious beatings to begin the toughening process.  During this period, many males are also forced to wear complicated and painful head braces to encourage jutting lower jaws and tusk growth.  Some are loaded day and night with increasing amounts of weights to develop muscle mass.           
At age 10, several things happen to male goblins.  Braces are removed, they receive their first ceremonial piercing to signify that childhood is over and "young manhood" has begun, and they are removed from their Dihn.  Males are then placed in loosely-formed educational clusters called "Drogues," and they are themselves referred-to as Drogues.  For the next five years, one or more war-hardened goblins will teach the young drogues how to read, fight, kill, compete, ride, hunt and participate in masculine pursuits.  In the Drogues, they will also have any remaining respect for the females of their species wiped completely away.  These Drogues are highly competitive and savage, and at least 25% of the males do not survive the full five years, whether due to training accidents, over-eager beatings from instructors, or the violent bloodlust of their classmates.
At age 15, the male reaches "manhood," and receives another piercing and his first tattoo, always the symbol of his clan, on his chest over his heart.  He returns to his home and presents himself to his sire in a ritualized ceremony, reaffirming his loyalty to the Dihn and formally acknowledging his father's position as Lion.  The Lion in turn formally recognizes his son as a man (a curious, ironic term for a species which despises humans), granting him several cultural privileges, and imposing certain restrictions as well.  First, the young male is no longer a Drogue, but is now called a "Bull."  He has the gender-granted authority to dominate all female members of the house (within reason, as previously noted.)  Although he is still considered too young to start his own Pride (one must be strong enough to support and protect Pride-Wives), he is permitted to capture an unattended female goblin (referred-to as a "Wild Pihg") and keep her as a slave within the Dihn.  Naturally, the Lion may use her as he pleases, as well.  While a Bull of his father's Dihn, he may not mate with any of the Pride-Wives or the Lion's female slaves.  He is required to serve at his father's wishes, and defend the Dihn and Pride.  The young Bull must also serve in the military if his father wishes, and he will certainly wish it.  There is great honor in donating young Bulls to the wars, and great shame in refusing to do so.  The Bull can expect to be sent into military service by the time he turns 16.  The Clan's military leaders decide where and how he will serve.
The first tour of military service lasts until age 20 (provided the Bull lives that long, and not many do.)  Upon successful completion, the 20-year-old once again returns to his Dihn, this time bearing the many piercings which represent battles, campaigns and great deeds, numerous service (and drunken leave) tattoos, and proudly displaying his many scars.  It is at this point when the Bull has reached "Maturity," and receives yet another ceremonial piercing, handled personally by his sire.  The proud young Bull has one year without mandatory military service.  He remains under the authority of his sire, but he may now begin collecting his own Pride, starting his own Dihn, (though not yet entitled to the title of "Lion," and will enjoy a time of nearly friendly comradeship with his father.
At age 21 the Bull is ejected from the Dihn (along with any Pride-Wives, if he has any) and must present himself to his tribal Pasha, swearing allegiance to the tribe and its ruler.  He will be expected to serve the raiding and hunting needs of the tribe, and now also is entitled to the right of "Challenge" (explained below.)  The Bull may now build a home and get serious about his own Dihn, and has earned the title of Lion.  The Pasha now decides the young Lion's military service (a tour of approximately 2 years) and it isn't long before the younge Lion is off to war once more... the Pasha looks after his Pride in his absence...  It is not unusual for tribe-based lions with particularly attractive Prides to be sent repeatedly to war.  In the event of their death, with no male heirs of "Maturity" age, all the Lion's possessions go to the Pasha.
When not engaged in war and mating, male goblins engage in the "masculine life;"  Battle training;  Competitive fighting, running, wrestling, throwing, archery, boar & worg riding;  Drinking; Hunting; Tattooing; Gambling.
            In the Goblin culture, a male displays his status and prowess in several ways;

  • Battle and ritual scars.
  • Ceremonial piercings.
  • Mithril piercings (demonstrates wealth).
  • Quality of weapons.
  • Size and quality of Pride.
  • Number & types of slaves owned.
  • His name... the longer and more fearsome the better.  Most goblin males create their own "titles," which may or may not have anything to do with reality (just because Borog calls himself "Supreme Warrior of the Blood Hand, Champion of Khorne," does not mean it is so.  This, too, could be the source of a "Challenge."

There are (4) basic types of Challenge;  Blood, Tribal, Pasha & Clan.
A Blood Challenge occurs when a single goblin male challenges another male, a Lion or Bull.  This is a fight to the death, the prize being the loser's wealth and Pride.  The tribe's Pasha decides whether or not to allow the challenge (preventing a much stronger opponent from steam-rollering a weaker, outclassed goblin, and thus maintaining balance within the tribe.  It also demonstrates the Pasha's power... one had better be respectful, or the Pasha could permit an unmatched challenge...
A Tribal Challenge occurs when a male goblin wishes to break away from his existing tribe to form his own.  He must ask his Pasha's permission.  If the answer is yes, he may simply take his Pride and his possessions move to a nearby area and establish a tribe (which will remain allied with the original tribe.)  If the answer is no, the applicant has two options;  First, he can accept the decision and spend his life as a loyal member of the existing tribe.  Second, he may  meet the Pasha in a match of unarmed combat.  This is ritualized and not to the death, only to the surrender (though permanent maiming often occurs.)  If the applicant loses, he may never try to break away again, and stays in the tribe.  If he wins, he moves away as noted.  Regardless of the outcome, there are no hard feelings, and the new tribe will usually remain allied with the old tribe.  If a Pasha loses this contest, there is no loss of status for him...quite the contrary;  the Pasha is celebrated for having helped develop such a strong, independent example of goblin manhood.
A Pasha Challenge occurs when a Lion of the tribe challenges the Pasha for the right to rule the tribe.  In this case, the Clan Lord (the Pah) keeps the balance and decides whether or not to allow it (a power-play which helps a Pah maintain dominance over his tribes.)  If the Pah decides the answer is "no," the applicant forfeits all wealth, holdings & Pride Wives (half go to the Pasha, half go to the Pah) and is cast out of the tribe to wander the Grimme as a solitary, tribeless Bull.  If the Pah allows the challenge, the Pasha meets the challenger in a ritualized fight to the death (terms set by the Pah.)  If the challenger is killed, all his wealth and Pride go to the Pah, and the Pasha retains his position.  If the challenger is victorious, he assumes the position of Pasha and claims all the former Pasha's wealth and holdings as his own.  The tribe is expected to re-pledge their loyalty, and the new Pasha is expected to pay a sizable tribute to the Clan Lord.
Finally there is the Clan Challenge.  Theoretically, any Clan male can challenge the Pah for leadership of the Clan.  Permission must be obtained from the Goblin King himself.  If the answer is "no," the challenger is immediately put to death, along with every living member of his house, including slaves (one must think carefully before making a Clan Challenge.)  If the answer is "yes," the Goblin King sets the terms, and the battle – a fight to the death – is a spectacular show equal in grandeur to an annual holiday.  If the challenger wins, he becomes Pah and takes on all the wealth and holdings of the loser (kicking at least 50% up to the Goblin King.)  If the challenger loses, the current Pah retains his position, ans all the challenger's wealth and holdings go to the Goblin King (who clearly comes out ahead, regardless.)  All Clan goblins are expected to pledge (or re-pledge) their loyalty to the victor.
There is no challenge process for the position of King.  To do so would be to question the wisdom of Khorne, who chose the king in the first place (although assassination of Khorne's chosen-one seems to be okay...)