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Parish - A geographic area with one church.
Diocese - A collection of parishes.
Archdiocese - A collection of diocese.
Convent - Residence for female clergy.
Rectory - Residence for male clergy.
Monastery - Remote, fortress-like structure, home to monkish orders.
Abbey - Often remote, sometimes fortress-like Church structure, home to monks & priests. Serves as the heart of the parish.
Mission - Rural, remote grouping of Church structures, including a church, living quarters, school and place of care for the sick. Sometimes fortified. Also the term used for the act of venturing into a wilderness area to bring primitive residents Cuthbert's word.
Chapel - A small church, usually with a specific purpose (ie, just for baptisms, just for funerals, or reserved for a particular family.)
Church - The general term for the Cuthbert Faith. Also the commonly applied term to any religious structure larger than a chapel but smaller than a cathedral.
Cathedral - A large, gothic church, generally with high vaulted ceilings, spires and high belltowers.
Basillica - A cathedral of high significance.
Eucharist - The bread or wafers which signify Cuthbert's body (the Host) and the wine which signifies Cuthbert's blood. Both are taken during the act of Communion.
Chalice - The goblet, often gold, used for wine during Communion.
Paten - The golden plate used to serve the Host.
Standard - A spear-like device topped with Cuthbert's Cross, carried at the lead of religious processions.
Sacramental Wine - The wine, blessed by a priest, used for Communion.
Holy Father - An address and term of respect for the Cardinal.
Lamb - A reference to Cuthbert and his gentle mercy.
Scourged - A process used by the Inquisition in which a victim is flogged by a multi-strap leather whip with hooks at the end. Does tremendous damage to the flesh.
Last Rites - The final prayers said to the dying.
Confession - A private process in which a follower proclaims his sins to a priest and asks for forgiveness.
Atonement - The process through which a follower "makes up" for his sins and apologizes to Cuthbert. Some significant act is required.
Contrition - Being genuinely sorry.
Penance - The "penalty" or required act in order to receive forgiveness for particular sins. May be as simple as performing a specified number and type of prayers, or as involved as completing some kind of quest.
Absolution - The forgiveness of sin, granted by a priest.
Canonization - The official decree by the Cardinal which elevates the soul of a deceased to the title of saint. Sainthood is rarely given, and the deceased is often dead for several hundred years before the honor is bestowed.
Lent - A 40 day period in the Springtime in which all faithful followers give up some pleasure, in acknowledgement of Cuthbert's sacrifice.
Vows - Sacred oaths of obedience taken by priests, nuns, monks, etc.
Genuflect - To touch one knee lightly to the floor, bow the head and make the sign of the cross.
Possession - A state in which some powerful demonic force has taken control of a mortal's body.
Scriptorium - A place where books are copied, or where collections of writings are assembled into books.
Adytum - The most holy of places, secluded and not accessible by the common public. Cuthbert's sepulcher is an adytum.
Censer - A metal brazier on a long chain, in which incense is burned. Used during processions and sacred rites. The burning of incense and the resulting smoke signifies prayers going up to Heaven.
Oils - Specially prepared and blessed oils used for anointing during baptisms, confirmations and other blessings.
Fallen - A term used to describe a priest, nun, paladin, etc. who has lost their faith and fallen from Cuthbert's Grace. Also a term used to describe any demon or devil.
Heretic - One who has been baptized into Cuthbertism, but is practicing against Church teachings.
Heresy - Speaking of religious concepts and teachings not approved by the Church.
Ascension - The process in which the departed soul rises to Heaven.
Chaste - Living without sex. All members of the clergy and paladins take this vow. Most follow it.
Damnation - The outcome in which a soul travels to Hell or Hades.
Witchcraft - A broad term used by the Inquisition to describe any wizardry, sorcery or pagan divine spellcraft which goes against Church doctrine, or which involves friendly use of or conspiracy with the undead or evil beings.
Witch - Another broad Inquisitorial term, real or imagined, describing the practitioner of witchcraft.
Tithing - The annual (or more frequent) financial payment to the Church by all faithful followers.
Salvation - The process which guarantees a soul's place in Heaven.
Bishop's Court - An Inquisitorial trial.
Baptism - The sacred right which welcomes an infant or converted adult into the faith.
Sanctify - To make holy. Also Consecrate & Bless.
Excommunication - A serious process filled with shame and public shunning in which one of the faithful has sinned against Cuthbert and the Church so grievously they are "Denied Cuthbert's Grace" and barred from the right to take Communion. Contrary to belief, this does not mean a person is cast out of the Church. They are still expected to attend Mass and pay tithing. Most who are excommunicated fall from the faith completely, and usually relocate to try to start a new life.
Warrant - A document issued by the Inquisition ordering an arrest, an investigation or a particular sentence.
Mass - The primary religious ceremony of Cuthbertism.
Ordain - The rite which consecrates a priest.
Conclave - The gathering of bishops in which a new Cardinal is elected.
Affliction - A general term describing an ailment or condition.
Exorcism - The sacred rite which drives a demon from one who is possessed.
Trapist - Anyone, non-clergy included, who has taken a life-long vow of silence.
Mew - A secret placoncealment.
Sprinkler - The device employed by priests during the ceremonial use of holy water.
Scripture - The contents of the bible.
Disciple - Term used to describe the companions of Cuthbert during his time on Earth, and the title for those chosen few who led the Church in its early days. It was the original disciples who wrote the many books of the bible, chronicling Cuthbert's life and teachings.
Cleansing - An Inquisitorial term used to describe torture.
Pagan - Any non-Christian.
Blasphemy - Speaking disrespectfully about the Church or Cuthbert.
Pontifical / Papal - Anything having to do with the Cardinal.
Blackguard - A fallen paladin who has freely given himself to evil, and now works to serve its purposes.
Purification by Fire - The Inquisitorial punishment of burning one at the stake.
Crypt - The general term for an underground burial place.
Sarcophagus - A stone container holding remains of the deceased.
Sepulchre - An elaborate sarcophagus.
Niche - Any alcove. A burial niche is a horizontal depression in a wall which holds remains.
Tomb - A collection of spaces which hold not only the remains of the deceased, but sometimes their earthly possessions and treasures as well. Wall paintings of the deceased's life and deeds are often found in tombs.
Mausoleum - Usually reserved for the wealthy, a free-standing stone structure, often in a graveyard, inside which the deceased's remains rest. The departed is often buried beneath the floor, and the interior may have a bench for reflection and prayer, and perhaps a flame of remembrance.
Shroud - The wrappings which encase the deceased.
Inquest - An Inquisitorial investigation.
Judgment - The divine ruling which determines the ultimate destination for a soul.
Sign - A divine demonstration that Cuthbert is real. Can take many forms, from smoke stains in the shape of the Virgin to rays of sunlight at just the right moment to full-blown visitations.
Visitation - The appearance of and communication from a saint, an angel, the Virgin or Cuthbert himself.
Holy See - A term used to describe the office and authority of the Cardinal.
Martyr - One of the faithful who is killed for their beliefs, or in the service of Cuthbert.
Renounce - To vocally and publicly give up ones faith (or evil ways, such as "renouncing Satan.")
Seven Deadly Sins - First class tickets to damnation; Greed, Lust, Gluttony, Sloth, Vanity, Envy and Wrath.
Repent - To change one's sinful ways.
Sin - Literally meaning "without," such as "without Cuthbert's Grace." Any act or thought which does not follow Cuthbert's word. All followers of Cuthbert, up to and including the Cardinal, are considered sinners.
Defile - To make a sacred or holy place unholy.
Liturgy - Also the Word. Anything from Scripture.
Vespers - Evening prayers.
Cantor - A layman who sings the liturgy during the Mass.
Penitential Rites - An acknowledgement by the assembly of their sinfulness, and the need for Cuthbert's mercy.
Alb - A white garment which a priest wears over his normal clothing.
Surplice - A flowing white garment worn over the Alb during sacred rites.
Stole - The "scarf" (usually purple or red silk) worn around a priest's neck when administering rites.
Mitre - The "Big Hat" worn by senior clergy during formal ceremonies and rites.
Canon - Norm or law.
Layman - An active church member, not ordained. Also known as a Congregation member.
Chancellor - A title given to a priest of any authority level who is in charge of archives.
Magisterium - The official teaching office of the Church. Rectors are representatives of the Magisterium.
Mortification - Acts of self discipline and hardship (such as conducted by certain monkish orders) which remind the individual of Cuthbert's suffering on their behalf.
Curia - A council of bishops who stand as advisors, such as the "Curia Basillica" (those bishops in Florenta who advise the Cardinal,) the Curia Inqusitum (the bishops who oversee the Holy Inquisition,) the Curia Missionarius (those bishops who create & review policy involving missions and their work, etc.)
Superior - The head of a religious order, such as a "Mother Superior" for an order of nuns.
Neophyte - A recently-converted member of the Church, often from a tribal area affiliated with a particular mission.
Bull - A formal document issued by the Cardinal. Commonly called a "Papal Bull."
Rapture - The prophesized "snatching away" of the faithful prior-to or during the Second Coming of Cuthbert.
Acolyte - One who assists the priest during Mass, another term for "Altar Boy." Many eventually enter the seminary and become priests.
"His Holiness" - The term of address for the Cardinal
"His Emminence" - The term of address for an Archbishop.
"His Excellency" - The term of address for Bishops.
"His Most Reverend" - The term of address for Prelates and Vicars (sometimes Abbots, if well-respected.)
Narthex - The foyer area of a church. Usually the poor box and a small, wall-mounted font for Holy Water is found here.
Apse - The rounded alcove behind the altar.
Ambo - Another term for pulpit.
Ambry - A niche for storage of religious articles.
Nave - The main part of the church, where the congregation sits or stands.
Chancel - The raised area, usually behind some railing, where the priest conducts the service. Also called the Sanctuary.
Sacristy - A room reserved for storage of Communion supplies, including the sacramental wine.
Transcept - The common architecture for a church is in the form of a cross; The long lower portion is the Narthex and Nave, the top piece is the Sanctuary and Apse. The cross-piece is the Transcept, a usually open area. Commonly, choir will occupy one side, out of the direct view of the Congregation.
Undercroft - The basement, cellar or even dungeon and crypt beneath a church.
Arcade - A roofed walkway.
Cloister - Those parts of the church reserved for use of the clergy only.
Tabernacle - An area behind the altar, usually raised and heavily decorated with holy images, partially curtained off, where the Host is kept.
Chancery - A workplace / office for the parish priest.
The Devil - Also... Satan, Lucifer, The Dark One, Prince of Darkness, Father of Lies, the Morning Star, Legion, Eater of Worlds, the Beast, Old Hob, Splitfoot, Lord of Flies, Tempter of Souls, The Dragon, Serpent of Eden, Old Nick, Ruler of Hell, The Unclean, etc.
Hell - Also... the Pit, Infernal Regions, Lake of Fire, the Abyss, the Underworld, Fiery Kingdom, Realm of Eternal Damnation, Satan's Locker, the Lightless Cell, Fields of Despair, Eternal Darkness, Lucifer's Playground, etc.