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Torre Duo

Torre Duo is the universally accepted center of magic in the Imperium; a place of research and arcane lore, the seat of considerable political power in Florenta, and home to the "Helix Institute," the official name of the attached school of wizardry and sorcery.
Established in IC 740, the 'Home of Magic' is now nearly 700 years old.  Located in the heart of "The Croft," one of the Capital City's main districts, Torre Duo is a walled complex of tall, gothic-style buildings with steep roofs covered in green copper.  Gargoyles leer from every corner, and the campus is a place of well-tended greens and old trees, cobbled paths, benches and fountains.  Dominating the campus - and The Croft as well - are the two towers.  Identical to one another, each is 500' high, weathered gray granite, with many narrow windows and small balconies, and steeply-pitched slate roofs.  Strange lights and occasional weird sounds come from the two towers at all hours, but these events are so commonplace as to go unnoticed by the locals.  Access to the complex is well-controlled, and passage beyond the front, 'common' area is restricted.  A loyal, in-house cadre of guards (as well as other-worldly beasts and all manner of magic) protects the complex from intrusion.
Torre Duo actually consists of two distinct areas; First is The Towers, which contain apartments, private libraries and labs for high level wizards and sorcerers, dining spaces and meeting halls, areas for high-level conjuring, classrooms for advanced studies, menageries, dungeons, treasure chambers... neither tower has ever been successfully mapped, and rumors abound as to what else might lie within those gray spires.  The second area is The Helix Institute (frequently referred-to simply as 'The School'), which occupies most of the complex and lies within a second walled area.

The Council of the Void
"The Void" is the ruling body which oversees all affairs of Torre Duo.  This is a nine member democratic group, and members are chosen by the votes of the others.  Length of service is as long as the individual wishes to serve, or until the rest of the council votes him or her out.  All members who are "Of The Nine" are of archmage status, and all are equal in authority and responsibility.  The Void's current official spokesman - incorrectly viewed by the outside as the Master of Torre Duo - is the archmage "Siracusa."
This is a fairly liberal group, very tolerant of differences and diversity, and thus usually at odds with The Church.  Knowledge and Arcane Power is what interests them, as well as the freedom to explore and experiment with both.  They are non-judgmental and accepting of all alignments, so long as there is no threat to Torre Duo or the safety of its inhabitants.

The Faction
Those affiliated with Torre Duo in some way are part of one of the three major Factions in Florenta, "Science & Wonder."  The other two are The Church and The Merchants.  The Faction includes not only the mageborn of Torre Duo, but also those who study and teach Astronomy, Physics, Mathematics, Geology, Meteorology, History, Philosophy, etc.  Most who are involved with the Universities are part of this Faction, as well as a hodge-podge of Alchemists, Apothecarists, Tarot & Palm readers, backroom Witches & Warlocks, other-planar creatures, and artists & performers of all types.  The Croft is home to all these people, as well as those who cater to their needs.

Admission to the Helix Institute is generally made for students aged 14-15, but sometimes as young as 12.  An application is made to the Dean of Admissions, who reviews the candidate's background and qualifications.  He also handles the tuition, which is usually around 15,000gp per year for pre-doctorate classes, but scholarships are sometimes awarded to talented but impoverished candidates. 

Once through this process, a candidate is sent to The Proctor, who administers entry-level testing.  Those who pass are admitted as students, and the Dean of Curriculum sets the class schedule.  First-year Freshmen are called "Plebes," are housed in the dorms, and for the first year are not permitted off the grounds.  These Plebes get the worst of everything; cramped, drafty dorm rooms, last in line at meals, the worst work assignments and the constant abuse and taunting of upper classmen.  Week one is 'Hell Week,' where the Plebes are subject to all manner of physical and psychological torment and magical humiliation, inflicted by Seniors.  Sometimes Hell Week gets out of control, and there have been deaths (and expulsions,) but after this, classes settle in to the work ahead.

There are three levels of educational degrees available to students;

  • Bachelor of Arcana (B.A.):  A basic, 4-year degree in magical studies.  A student can specialize in a particular area in order to receive the additional title of "Focused."
  • Mastery of Arcana (M.A.):  Two years of advanced study on top of a BA, with Focus, earns this degree.  A mage with an MA is referred-to as being "Hooded."


  • Doctorate of Wizardry (or Sorcery) (DW or DS):  Another four years of highly-advanced studies on top of an MA earns this degree.  The last two years of the program involve a full-time apprenticeship to one of the archmages.  At the end of the program, a graduate gets to add "1st Degree" to the end of their doctorate.  Each subsequent year of apprenticeship entitles him or her to increasing degree levels.

Summer recess marks the end of an academic year, and creates spacing between classmen (sophomores, juniors, etc.), but the work doesn't end.  Plebes who make it through their Freshman year spend the summer cleaning and tending to the grounds, preparing for the start of Fall classes, with additional studying in between.  They are still confined to campus until two weeks into the new year.  For upper classmen, the summer recess is a time for Lesser Apprenticeships (the true scut-work for professors and archmages, duties which are beneath full apprentices.)  They pick up bits of knowledge and maybe a spell or two, and begin laying the groundwork for their full apprenticeship when they go for their doctorates.  This applies to sophomores through seniors.

 Students of the graduate program (Master's Degree) live apart from the Bachelors and the Doctorates.  Now in advanced studies, their summers are spent in junior apprenticeships, rotating through a small group of specialized archmages.  While they work, they are evaluated by the archmages, and sent on minor errands.

Doctorate students spend the first two years of the program in highly-advanced studies.  These two summers off are often spent adventuring in order to apply what they have learned, gain experience and collect the 30,000gp per year tuition they will pay for each of the four years of the Doctorate program.  Their last two years, as noted, are spent as full apprentices to one of the archmages.  By now they have chosen who they will work for, and in turn have been selected and approved by that archmage.  There are no summers off now, and all their focus is on gaining knowledge and serving their master.  After attaining a Doctorate of Wizardry 1st Degree, they may elect to stay on as an apprentice to earn higher degree levels (if they are permitted to do so by the archmage.)  Tuition stops at this point, and the archmage handles all the student's expenses and pays them a monthly stipend.  Very few students remain in apprenticeship beyond 5th Degree.  By then they are approaching some status of their own, and are nearly at the point where they know as much (if not more) than their master.  This is an unacceptable situation fofr an archmage, who will then nudge (or throw) the student out of apprenticeship, forcing them out on their own.  Mage's who reach a Doctorate 5th Degree will most likely stay on at the school as a professor, and never leave Academia.

Any fairly competent mage can get a Bachelors, and even manage the Master's program.  But graduation from the Masters program, and access to the higher level spells of 7th - 9th requires "The Test."  In order to receive the MA and gain access to the spells mentioned, a student must pass a rigorous, two week battery of academic and magical testing, then finish with a dose of Anzid (an other-planar toxin which opens the student's mind to the possibilities of higher-level spells.)  The save is a DC.20, and is Intelligence-based:  Mage Level + Intelligence modifier.  Failure means painful death.  Some, fearful of the outcome, elect not to attempt graduation and simply leave the school to find their own fortunes, resigned to only being able to use up to 6th level spells.

Mages out in the world who do not attend the Helix Institute, if they wish access to the higher level spells, must find their own source of Anzid privately.  It can be found on the Black Market (beware of imitations!) or brewed by a skilled alchemist (watch out for improper brewing!)  Anzid created by anyone outside Torre Duo has a save DC.24.

Benefits of Graduation & Membership
Graduation from the Helix Institute (or successful application & subsequent membership to Torre Duo), entitles the mage to housing and board upon request (permanent or temporary), use of labs, libraries and other facilities, and (if the Dean of Curriculum permits it), teaching privileges, usually as guest speakers.  In addition, membership creates a ready market for wizards and sorcerers to sell magical items they acquire in their travels.  In fact, Torre Duo requires its members to grant first right of refusal on any magical items other than garden-variety potions, scrolls or minor magics.  Payment can be made in whatever form is negotiated.  Likewise, a member can purchase magical items at 10% off list price.

Like any organization, Torre Duo and the Helix Institute has a structured pecking order.  Students have already been mentioned.  The following is for staff and members.

  • Professor Mundana:  Any non-mage professor who teaches regular classes, usually one or more of the sciences.
  • Associate Professor:  A junior professor with a minimum of a Mastery of Arcana Degree, often a teaching assistant to a more senior professor.  Sometimes this person is in the process of working towards a Doctorate, but not yet in the apprenticeship program.
  • Professor Doctorate:  A full professor with a minimum of a Doctorate of Wizardry 1st Degree.
  • Professor Emeritus:  A professor of Archmage status.
  • "Of The Nine:" A member of the ruling Council of the Void.  On occasion, one of these individuals will teach a seminar.
  • Headmaster:  The chief administrator of the Helix Institute, and also on the Council of the Void.
  • Mage in Residence:  Any mage living, researching and practicing his or her art at the school (housed in one of the two towers), but rarely teaching classes.
  • Magis Gratis:  A mage who has either graduated from the Helix Institute (automatic membership in Torre Duo), or has petitioned for and been accepted into membership.  These wizards and sorcerers do not live or teach at the school, but they retain the "privileges" of housing, resource access, etc.  These types are usually off adventuring, at war, or traveling & engaged in other work.  A "mage off the street" who petitions for membership (Magis Gratis) must pass vigorous tests and trials, survive Anzid (if not already taken) and receive majority approval from The Void.  Few mages under 10th level even attempt these trials.
  • Deans:  These are mages with a minimum of a Master's Degree who assist the Headmaster in running the school;
    • Dean of Admissions
    • Dean of Housing & Facilities
    • Dean of Archives
    • Dean of Curriculum
    • Dean of Discipline (the "Hellhound")
    • The Proctor

Politics & Relationships
The faction of Science & Wonder (in particular the mageborn of Torre Duo) gets along well with the Merchants.  The Merchants frequently acquire magical items, ancient tomes or other relics in their travels, which the mageborn are eager to get their hands on.  They also supply much of what the school needs in the ways of supplies, spell components, paper, ink, etc.  In return, the Merchants frequently have need of magical protection or escorts for their goods or property.

The Government has many uses for the mageborn, especially in times of war, but they recognize that a sorcerer's loyalty to the Imperium is situational at best, and keep a watchful eye.  They prefer to hire outside talent whenever possible, and remain sensitive to their position - caught between Science & Wonder and The Church.  Still, the government often employs Torre Duo mages as magistrates, investigators or as consultants.

The Church is almost always at odds with Torre Duo.  At best there is tense-jawed tolerance for the part they play in the grand scheme.  At worst, open hostility for those whom they consider (sometimes rightly so) to consort with the forces of Darkness.  The Inquisition openly persecutes transgressing mages whenever possible, and even local priests preach to their congregations on a regular basis about "The perils of putting your faith and trust in those using dark arts beyond the grace of Cuthbert, and the risk to their mortal souls."  The mageborn take this propaganda in stride, but are ever watchful for the sly machinations of The Church.

The Community tends to be respectful (if not a little fearful) to the mages of Torre Duo.  Those who live and work in The Croft are welcoming to the mageborn and the school, the business it brings, and the tolerance it embraces.  The neighborhood caters to learning and the arts, and there are two universities nearby.  Others who call the area home are sages and scientists, bookbinders and scribes, philosophers, alchemists and numerous artists and performers.  Merchants in the area cater to the needs of the mage and academic community.

Crime is a problem here, as it is anywhere in the city, but the Facci who prowl The Croft choose their targets wisely.  One never knows whom one is about to mug.  Getting turned into a chicken is a poor way to end the night, and even a simple burglary may require disarming magical as well as conventional traps.  There are those who brag that they have successfully penetrated and burgled the school itself, but these wild boasts are given no credibility.  The many taverns in The Croft are frequented by the mageborn, and so tavern brawling can pose its own special risk.  More than one brawler has started trouble in a pub, only to discover his opponent to be an intoxicated mage who turns them to stone with a muttered phrase and a wave of the hand.  Several public houses boast a statue of just such an unlucky troublemaker, now used as a conversation piece and coatrack.

Magic For Sale
In Florenta, there are many people selling magic items, including several shops close to the school.  Some of these items are even the genuine article.  Many, however, are fakes and frauds with a little glamour thrown in, along with a good show.  Many items are cursed, or at the very least stolen from individuals eager to get them back and punish the one in possession of the objects.  Divine magic is especially common in this church-intensive environment.
Torre Duo offers magic items for sale, or on a "create-to-order" basis.  Just about anything can be had for the right price, and the buyer will pay top dollar (and even higher, depending upon the nature and rarity of the item.)  The up side is that Torre Duo stands behind their magic and guarantees it is the real thing.  They do not take responsibility for the misuse of any magical item.

Complex Defenses
In addition to the many spells which protect the gates, walls, buildings and grounds, there are magical creatures - seen and unseen - at the command of the Headmaster, The Void and the Master at Arms.
The Master at Arms is an archmage with ultimate responsibility for the security of Torre Duo and the Helix Institute.  Under his command is a cadre of fighters, wizards and pagan clerics (no Cuthbert clergy is permitted within the walls) who guard the gates, man the watchtowers and patrol the grounds.  These individuals are known as 'Shadows,' and dress all in black, brown and gold.  They are elite, battle-hardened and no-nonsense (equals to the mercenaries of 'The Red.')  They also perform bodyguard and escort work, assist the Dean of Discipline in keeping order, and take care of any conjured creatures that get out of control on the grounds. 

During the daytime, the campus is crowded with professors moving between buildings and students of varying ages and class level, all dressed in the black robes of the school and carrying books and satchels.  Gold bands on the upper arms of the robes signify where a student is in the program.  Masters students wear soft black caps, and Doctorate students wear personalized headwear, from the classic pointed wizard's cap to wide-brimmed floppy to headbands.  Benches are usually occupied, and students often cluster under the shade of trees during breaks.  There is excited babbling and calls to other students, a general murmur of conversation.
At night there is little foot traffic, except for small knots of upper classmen taking night classes, the occasional professor, and patrolling Shadows.  Floating orbs of bluish light line pathways, fading out with the dawn, and reappearing at dusk.  Although Florenta is known for its great flocks of pigeons, and the masses of seagulls which attend any port city, neither can be found on the grounds... only big, glossy black rooks.

1. Gate of Wonder
2. Visitors Que
3. Audience Hall
4. East Garrison
5. Little Watchtower
6. West Tower
7. Sorcerer's Gate
8. East Tower
9. Spire of Conjurations
10. Wassel Laboratory
11. Blackrock
12. West Dormitory
13. East Dormitory
14. Hall of Shades
15. Garibaldi Herborium
16. Apothecary
17. Bastille of Souls
18. Eldermage Grand Library
19. Phoenix House
20. Arcana Hall
21. Chessboard
22. Bol Field
23. Issac Hall
24. The Pillar
25. Bigby Commons