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Tuesday Dec 2nd
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6:30 PM
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Chronicle for Nov. 17th 2008

Sunday April 21st 1428 Imperial Calendar

The party is gathered in Venns’ tent after the battle. The sound of hooves churning the grassy turf grows louder with the approach of the Astoria Lighthorse. Lady Grendel Chamberlain leads a column of 150 horses into the compound. She and several of her high-ranking commanders dismount and enter the tent. She enters and greets the fellowship.


Grendel - “Lord Hellebore, Lady Celeste, well met. I see your mission was a success. Once we had word of your location we moved with the utmost haste. The road here was hostile, but fortune favored us. It seems the Saints have spared no quarter in securing this holy site.”

“It appears One Eye was no match for you. Let me be the first to congratulate you on your enormous achievement. The abbey and the bell, have they been secured?”

“If it is not too much trouble I would like to make use of your stables and the northwest corner of the yard to quarter my troops.”

The Bishops troops are the next to enter the fort. Several of the Inquetorious carry poles suspending a tarp to shield the bishop from the light rain that has begun to fall. The remainder of the bishop’s honor guard approach in their platemail and red tabards. The bishop enters in full armor, removing his helmet as he enters. A white ring of hair and matching goatee reveal Sebastian Vittorio beneath the bishop’s armor.


Bishop Sebastian - “Lord Hellebore, how good to see you again. Miss Celeste, I see you have acquired the armor of the Madrigala.’ He gestures behind him. “I’m sure Patience will find that quite reassuring.”

Behind the bishop a woman dressed similarly to Celeste steps forward. Her waist length blond hair braided and tied with red ribbons. On her hip the familiar Madrigala long and short swords. Her hardened physique a testimony to beauty if ever there was one. Her cool grey eyes scan the tent with a casual confident gaze.


Sister Patience - “Lady Celeste, I am pleased to find you in good health. Bishop Sebastian, this is the candidate I was telling you about. I see you have already made yourself comfortable in the trappings of the sisterhood. May I read into that your willingness to join our order?”


Bishop Sebastian -“ I gather this quest has been a positive influence for you on your road to redemption.” He looks first to Celeste then to Enzo. “I must say I am pleasantly surprised to see you all here. I do note that there is a fresh face among you and another absent. What news?”

“We will miss brother Sullivan. His sacrifice was not in vein. We will see that he is remembered well.”

Just then some commotion can be heard from the tent flap. Sir William and entourage enter the tent. The young knight’s face is flushed with the exertion of battle. His face fills with life at the sight of Lady Celeste. Wasting no time he gives her a hearty embrace. Before he even finishes he extends a hand to Lord Hellebore. A vigorous handshake and a pat on the back finds him looking for more of you to greet and wish a fond embrace.


Sir William -“We are truly blessed this day! I am filled with the spirit. Bless my soul if that wasn’t the angel Zophiel. I had never in my life expected to see her in action. If that wasn’t the spirit of St. Roseline inhabiting her let my eyes ne’er see again.

Oh well met my brothers, well met! Surely this will be a day that lives on in the annals of history. To be here with you on this glorious day is a gift I shall cherish always.”


Bishop Sebastian -“Thank you young William, but I believe we have some business to attend to before we start carving statues and writing illuminations. There is the matter of the bell. Is it safely in the halls of the abbey?”

“This is wondrous news. Saints be praised. This alliance gathered together under the wise council of the departed bishop Portacio has succeeded ushering in a grand new era. Tomorrow we shall bestow the heroes of the realm the accolades they so deserve. Let this day Sunday April 21st from this day forward be known as the Day of Redemption.

The tent flaps flutter briefly. In the space to the south of the room by the entrance, Zophiel appears. All present drop to a knee, the bishop included. In her lyrical voice she addresses the members of the quest.


The Angel Zophiel -“You have restored my faith in humanity and thereby given me grace to return to my role as messenger and guardian. May Cuthbert’s light guide you until such time as you return to him. For those of you who contributed to the quest for no other reason than to aid your companions I extend a special thanks. All creatures of good strive for the same cause and your participation will not be lost in our memories. Seek fellowship and you will find good and right. Fair thee well.”

Her black eyes seemed to well with emotion, did she wink when she departed?


Grand Inquisitor Stracci -“Ladies and gentlemen I believe we have some business to attend to. First there is the matter of artifacts of significance to the church. Second we have the issue of Eric Venns heavily tainted belongings. As I am sure you realize the Inquitorious are adept at rooting out evil and the tools of evil. The proper disposition of tools of evil is clearly our bailiwick. As such we will be disposing of his equipment. As for the artifacts of St. Catherine I am concerned that holy artifacts of this nature rest in the control of a non-believer. As you can imagine this would cause quite a stir among the faithful if these sacred objects were to wander off to some foreign lands in the hands of a barbarian chieftain."


Celeste Rahmel -" As you may well remember St. Catherine was a missionary and it makes excellent sense that her equipment should be used by those souls who are only now aware of Cuthbert’s influence. This gesture would bode well for future missionaries into their lands and server Cuthbert’s purposes to a far greater degree than to place them back in a tomb or display them behind glass."


Grand Inquisitor Stracci -“Very well sister, we shall observe the benefit of your insight into this matter.

Tomorrow we will be observing your heroic actions in a great ceremony. If I may take some time to interview each of you so that we may properly honor your contributions
we would be most appreciative."

Enzo took time to wander the grounds of the new fort. During his walk he made and effort to visit the central camp of the Astoria elite. Hard at work in the shadows of the celebration the shield maidens were tirelessly working to order and maintain the equipment of the storied cavalry.

A screech of elation burst from Gwenneth Chamberlain as she spied Enzo.


Gwynneth Chamberlain - Bubbles! it is so good to see you. The men of Trinity company still speak of you. In their minds and hearts you will always command their respect.
You are looking well, How are you and Celeste getting along?

A visit to the command tent later by the young sheild maiden rekindled many old memories. Calais and SIlverhawk were feeling the walls closing in and took the opporunity to go for a walk. A reuninon between Calais and Gwennyth would have to wait for another day.

The open sky and open spaces allowed Silverhawk and Calais a reunion of their own. They did not return to the command tent until late the next morning.

Monday April 22nd 1428 Imperial Calendar
You were informed this morning that a ceremony would be held on your behalf at dusk in the main hall of the abbey. You have time to clean and prepare. The Inquisitor has asked that you wear something appropriate to the venue. He extends a gracious invitation to avail yourselves of the bishop’s tailor if you are lacking in ceremonial garb.

Several visits from members of the clergy and the bishop's tailor consumed much of the day.

Eventually the sun began to det and the party was summoned to the abbey. Trumpeters herald the beginning of the ceremony. The party is instructed by one of the bishop’s men to enter the hall.

The bishop has called for a ceremony in honor of the quest. Banners from each element of the army are positioned on the overlook outside the Abbey. The main hall has been partially restored to its former glory. Candles and oil sconces warm and illuminate the sacred space within. A sea of soldiers 15,000 strong fills the main hall to capacity and spills outside onto the plaza. Representative members of the Astoria Lighthorse, the Madrigala, Gauntlet Company, The Collective, and the bishop occupy the elevated platform at the head of the hall.

Even though it has only been a day since the abbey was liberated it has been transformed from a cold place of death and decay to a living breathing testimony to the strength of the church and its faith in Cuthbert. Banners hang where mold and ruin were prevalent. Though far from perfect the importance of this moment moved heaven and earth to honor those who sacrificed so much to change the fortune of an empire.

Gauntlet Company in their red and blue tabards, hold their swords high in tribute. Pride seems to radiate from their ranks as you pass by. The white and blue of the Astoria Lighthorse is next. On one side the elite of the cavalry on the other members of the shield maidens. On the isle nearest your approach one member beams with energy that threatens burst from her gown. Gwynneth Chamberlain’s eyes reflect the light of the chamber with a glossiness that spills down her cheek.

Elements of the Bishop’s Corps fill the remaining pews up to the sacristy.


Bishop Sebastian - The Abbey of St Rose is one of the earliest symbols of the holy mother church, it creation predating the Bacilica in Florenta. This magnificent tribute to the faith of our forbearers has been lost to us for generations. The completion of this hallowed hall in PE 225 signaled the beginning of an era of enlightenment. With the reclamation of St.Rose and San Marin, our collective destinies entwine as we move against the forces of evil in this world.

Days like these are too few in number. Our campaign against the Grimme and the forces of darkness has cut deep into our lives, our culture and our humanity. A scant three weeks ago we assembled a company of individuals from all walks of life. They collectively represent the diverse nature of the imperium. Cuthbert’s grace allowed them the faith and resolve to achieve his purpose. As proof of our divine cause and against all odds we stand here in this holy abbey as a testimony to our divine saints and the shepherds of the faith.

Our divine purpose could not have been served without the efforts of the following people. Please come forward as I announce you and accept the honors bestowed.

Lady Celeste Rahmel, our sister has traveled far on this journey. Farther than many of us will ever have to. Hers was the dual responsibility to guide this expedition and forge a new spirit of purity and sanctimony. Her connection to St. Catherine and her desire for redemption is a lesson for us all. None who have fallen are without the means for redemption.

Lady Celeste, for your service to our holy church you are awarded the Order of The Sacred Light. This honor is bestowed upon paladins who distinguish themselves against the undead. Her part in vanquishing the lich knight Klavius more than earns her this rare honor.

For her bravery in battle against the forces of the Grimme I also award The Holy Chalice to our reverend sister.

I believe there is another award for Lady Celeste but it is not in my purview to award. For this honor may I introduce Sister Patience of the Madrigala.”


Sister Patience - “It has been nearly three hundred years since members of my order were able to inhabit the place of our founding. St. Roselyn and St. Catherine both gave their lives in the service of Cuthbert. This abbey is the symbolic center of what they espoused and thanks to our sister Celeste we have come home. Celeste it is my honor to grant your petition to join our order. Take a knee.”

Patience passes her sword from shoulder to shoulder as she calls the names of St. Roselyn and St. Catherine.


Sister Patience - “Your given name is Celeste Rahmel protector of Villetta and blessed chosen of St. Catherine. In our order you shall be known as Faith. Rise Faith, defender of justice, protector of those unable to protect themselves.”


Bishop Sebastian - “Thank you sister Patience. Next I call Lord Calais Hellebore. Order of the Claymore, Princeling of the Black Forest in Astoria.

On this day we honor you with your Golden Spurs. The traditional award for a princeling who completes his 1-year tour of duty. Lord Eldred of the chalice sent them with his thanks. I am told that you will be allowed to serve out your remaining time at a post in Eldred’s Cross if you so chose. I also have an award of merit usually reserved for members of the clergy who demonstrate exemplary action, but for your role in this quest I have deemed it appropriate to award you the order of the Holy Chalice.

Next I call Enzo Vittorio of Trinity Company. Honoring Angels Cross with his service. I award you the title of the Holy Chalice. Through the wise counsel of Lord Aiden I have been selected to inform you that your status as Sergeant with Trinity Company is restored and you are to be awarded the rank of Commander.

Through the generosity of our allies the in the Collective the holy quest was supported by not one but two wizards in good standing. The first, who could not be with us here today, Alf Romeo of St. Capella. The second who saw the quest through to completion comes to us from our sister nation of Castille. Casper Lovato, your service to the quest has earned you the title “order of The Chalice”. I have the additional honor of being the first to inform you of your admission to the exclusive order of the The Collective. Your official acceptance will be confirmed at The Chalice in the coming weeks.

Silverhawk of Angel’s Reach comes to us as a petitioner to the noble institution of Imperial Rangers. You are awarded the Holy Chalice for your service to the church.

His muster sheet list his heraldic title, but I understand he is known only by the name Mouse. A devoted member of the church, Mouse has displayed a nearly fanatical desire for the sacred. As a reward for his faith we extend him the title of The Chalice for his valiant contributions to the quest.

With all great enterprises a price is to be paid for our achievements. Our brother of the cloth Sullivan, has crossed the divide and returned to our holy father. He will be honored with a likeness in stone.

We have the unique honor of welcoming an emissary from the land of the Vorsemen. A nomadic tribe living on the western border of the Grimme. A horseman of merit among his people we honor Corman of Mastiff with the Silver Spurs.

As Bishop of St.Rose and the newly appointed Commendatore of the 8th Military District I give you the heroes of St.Rose.

Gathered in the secure antechamber adjacent to the great hall the heroes of the rose receive visitors.


Grand Inquisitor Stracci -You may well be wondering what is next for the heroes of St. Rose. Well is seems that your next assignment is to rejoin your old unit at the crossroads. From there you are to return with them to The Chalice. It seems Duke Lucius Eldred would like to honor the heros of St. Rose personally. Once you reach The Chalice you are to turn command of Trinity company over to Princeling Paolo Sartosa. Coordinate this change of command with Lord Viggo. He will provide you with your orders from that point forward

Notable among them the Arch Mage Samuel Thinne. A private conversation between he and Casper reveal an opportunity not to be denied. Torri Duo as far as schools go is peerless. The caveat to the acceptance is to include Anna as Casper’s apprentice. Thinne gives his assurances that acceptance will be granted to them both.


Samuel Thinne - “I know we only met briefly before your departure. As you know I was instrumental in you attachment to this expedition. I made a promise to the man whose position you supplanted. I offer you the same bargain I offered him. Torri Duo is one of the most prestigious schools of magic in all of the empire. Study at such a place is an honor bestowed to a select few who show aptitude for magic. I say it is a school, but that is a disservice to the institution. Torri Duo is a gateway to greatness. To reach the level of power you have attained means you are resourceful. Powerful too perhaps, but there is a great divide between being a spell caster and a true mage. If you have the courage and the ambition I would open a door for you that few can pass through. Your predecessor thought he was ready, but he was not. You cannot serve magic and cross the divide, magic must serve you if you are to attain your full potential.

You are interested in being great or you wouldn’t have started down this path. Sit for a while ant tell me of your journey. I am very interested in your travels. When we are done. I will send word to Torri Duo that they have a new applicant. You may avail yourself of their service at any time in the future, but do not wait too long. Time is the stream we all swim in.”

Gwenneth manages to fight her way to the front of the line and gets admitted to the secure area. She rocks slightly on her heels as she clasps her hands behind her back. The effect enhances her young figure noticeably. Her hair is pulled back in twin braids as is it was upon your first meeting. Her natural fresh looks are not diminished for the lack of paint or rouge. Fresh scars on her hands and on one cheek testify to the difficulty of the journey from The Chalice to the abbey. She wears a floor length gown of the sort common to women of noble houses. Her penchant for natural understated colors is evident in the tans, browns, and cool greens in her dress.


Gwynneth Chamberlain -“Lord Hellebore, I hope I am not intruding? M’lord Hellebore, please excuse my boldness. I wanted to congratulate you in person. You are looking well, the conviviality born of my prayers for your safety did not fall on deaf ears. Have you heard that Trinity Company is currently assigned to the crossroads down in the marshes? I must say the humor of the men is much diminished without its heart and soul. They speak often of the accomplishments of its most notable figures. From the sounds of things Enzo still commands the men’s hearts and minds. Many new faces now fill the ranks. The new recruits are proud to continue the tradition of Trinity company going forward. It seems you are an example to us all.”

Words seem to flow from her in a steady discourse. An unspoken question seems to wait in the wings like a scavenger bird waits for the lion to fill its belly.


Gwynneth Chamberlain -“It was an amazing journey from The Chalice, but I expect I don’t have to tell you that. You were the ones that cut the trail for us. Oh, it seems like I have so much to tell you and now it is all clouded in my head. I am told we will be stationed here for the foreseeable future, something about securing the 8th District or something. Any word on your next assignment?

I, of course, will respect your choice. Many things that happen in times of strife are temporal and only live in the moment. Forgive my impertinence.”

The hilltop fort had become the current home for the heros of the Rose. The Lighthorse had the honor of providing security for the weary adventurers. The journey back from the abbey after the ceremony was filled with mixed emotions. The ceremony had afforded them the attention and prestige they greatly deserved, but the Monsignor, now bishop, had turned their victory hollow.

Lady Celeste was delayed in returning from the celebration to bring further clouds with her news.


Celeste Rahmel (Faith)- “My friends I will not be joining you on your journey to Eldred’s Cross. I am required to serve a mission to confirm my petition to the order of the Madrigala. It is something that I must do alone. Try not to lavish too much in the attention of the Duke and his court.

Who knows the direction of fortunes, the campaign against evil knows no boundaries and we may yet meet again in our service to the emperor and my lord Cuthbert.

Enzo, if you must seek satisfaction elsewhere trust not your southern compass. and seek the council of your trusted companions. Fare thee well...”


Sullivan - What the hell happen’d uh. I cloz mu eyes for a minute and the ‘ole place az turned dounside up. THanks fur bingin’ me back. I owe ya all in wayz I may ne’er be able to repay.




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