The Equalizer ® anti-sway and weight distribution hitch

"Tows like a dream"

This is the best hitch system I've seen. Has sway control AND weight distribution in one hitch. It uses no chains - solid contruction. I highly recommend this brand. Comes with ball and ball hitch.


Equal-i-zer Web Site

I feel very little sway when truckers go by, pulling out of driveways... Once fitted to my truck, it's easy to hook up. I like the solid contruction without chains. The ball has a 10,000 pound rating. It takes the stress out of towing. Payed around $355 U.S. It's supposed to work with mechanical brakes like boats as well.
I'm not affiliated with Equalizer in any way - just love this product.

Hitched up to truck

Updated 4/21/2001