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Subject: French 1: Unit 12: Number 3: 20 points

French Level 1: Unit 12: Number 3

Reading & Writing (Typing) Assignment

Directions: Type the correct word or phrase into the appropriate area. Each word or phrase is worth one point.

Bonne Chance!

Les Traits de Caractère (10 points)

Directions: Type the correct French phrase for each equivalent given in English into the boxes in the chart below:

Le Traits de Caractère SOUND BYTE GOES HERE
He is annoying!
You (fam.) are conceited (stuck-up).
They (males & females) talk constantly!

Your answer depends on whether you are male or female.
I am crazy!
You (form.) are scatter brained.
She is kind.
He is rude!
They (females) are intelligent.
He is understanding (sympathetic).

Les Nationalités (10 points)

Directions: Type the correct French phrase for each equivalent given in English into the boxes in the chart below:

I am an French (male)
You (fam.) are Chinese (female)
He is Mexican.
She is Russian.
We are Irish. (female)
You (form.) are Japanese. (male)
They are Americans. (males)
They are Scottish. (females)
They are Swiss. (males)
They are Germans. (females)

DON'T FORGET to make certain that you have filled in all boxes including your full name at the top of the assignment!