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Subject: French 1: Unit 13: 40 points

French Level 1: Unit 13

Reading & Writing (Typing) Assignment

Directions: Type the correct word or phrase into the appropriate area. Each word or phrase is worth one point.

Bonne Chance!

La Maison (12 points)

Directions: Type the correct French word for each English word into the boxes on the chart below:

the grass
the street
the shower
the bathroom sink
the oven
the kitchen
some flowers
the table
a sofa (a couch)
a chair
the bed
the bedroom

La Ville (5 points)

Directions: Type the correct French word for each English word into the boxes on the chart below:

a poste office
a train station
a small corner store
+sells magazines, cigarettes, stamps,etc.
a supermarket
a park

Les Verbes (5 points)

Directions: Type the correct French phrases for the English sentences into the boxes below:

I arrive at the library at ten o'clock.
I live in Salt Lake City.
You (fam.) return to the restaurant.
He stays at the mall.
She visits the beach.

Les Phrases avec "Aller" (5 points)

Directions: Type a correct French phrase using the verb Aller which accurately portrays each English sentence below:

They are (males & females) going to arrive
at school at seven o'clock.
I am going to visit my aunt.
You (form.) are going to return to the beach.
They are (males) going to stay at the cinema.
They are (females) going to visit the park.

Les Phrases avec "Venir" (4 points)

Directions: Type a correct French phrase using the verb Venir which accurately portrays each English sentence below:

I am coming from at school at eight o'clock.
I am coming from the library.
You (fam.) are coming from the supermarket.
He is coming from the arc of triumph.
(a famous French landmark)

Les Animaux (9 points)

Directions: Type the correct French word which accurately describes each picture below:

DON'T FORGET to make certain that you have filled in all boxes including your full name at the top of the assignment!