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Notes: Islam

Pre-Muslim World

People polytheistic
--Allah - the High God
above all other gods

--Jinn (Genies)
lesser gods

Monotheistic Groups

--Led by "prophets"
--most revered, Muhammad

Muhammad - Last Prophet
--born in 570 AD
--praying in cave and receives a vision from an angel, Gabriel

--result: Islamic religion begins

The Koran (Scriptures)
--usually recited by Muslims
==brings protection
==used as designs in mosques, schools, and other public bldgs.

--Great honor brought to those who can recite all 114 chapters of the Koran by memory

Monotheistic Beliefs
--One God, "Allah" the Benevolent and the Merciful

Muhammad and followers chased out of Mecca (Holy City) in the year 622 AD
--beginning of the Muslim Calendar
--flee to Yathrib
--many followers also in Medina
--Muhammad dies of fever in 632 AD at 62 years of age
--Muslims today copy Muhammad's style of dress, etc.

Spread of Islam
-- Middle East
--Saudi Arabia
--Parts of China, Africa, India

Caliphate - (Leader)

Two groups are formed:

--Sunnis (leaders chosen by election)

--Shi'ites (Caliph must be a descendent of Muhammad)
==son-in-law, Ali (husband of daughter, Fatima) first caliph

--Sufis (mystics)

Basic Beliefs of Islam

1. Shahadah: Faith
--"There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet." (2-3)

2. Salah: Prayer
-- Five times per day (1)

3. Zakah: Alms (Charity)
--Give money to the poor (2)

4. Sawm: Fasting
--Takes place during the month of Ramadan from Sun-up to Sun-down (2)

5. Hajj: Pilgrimage to Mecca
--Must go once during lifetime
--March around the Ka'bah 7 times
--kiss or touch the black stone

The Jihad
--means "striving"
--often used when talking about the wars

Islamic claim to Power
--through Abraham

Sarah Hagar
Isaac Ishmael
Jews Arabs

Abraham told by Allah to sacrifice son:
Isaac in Judaio-Christian version

Ishmael in Islamic version

Black Stone: A rock that was dropped from heaven ( a meteorite) and given to the first man, Adam. Later, believed to be the top stone of the altar for Abraham's sacrifice of Ishmael.