Ancient Middle East: Sumerian Legends

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Anu - Creator

Enlil - son of the Earth and the Sky
Chief god in charge of the world

Ea - god of the water

Flood Story

Enlil - decides human race is evil
- Gods decide to destroy humans with flood rain

Ea - only god who does not want destruction

--Ea goes to a human named Ut-napistim
--Instructs Ut to build boat to save his family and the human race
--Ut takes with him several animals - by twos - one male and one female
--Rains for 7 days and 7 nights
--Ut sends out 6 birds - two pigeons, two sparrows, and two ravens
--one returns with a twig in its mouth

Flood Ends

--Enlil and other gods feel badly for killing all humans
--Enlil gives gift of eternal life to Ut and wife
--Ut and wife create more humans using stones

Epic of Gilgamesh
--Search for eternal life story (4)

Religious Comparisons

  Judaism Israel
Scriptures Torah
(Same as
1st five books of
Christian Bible)
-prophets- many same as in Torah and Bible
View of Jesus in all three writings

Babylonian Conquering Philosophy
--Absorb Culture
--Allow people to stay in families
--Allow captives to keep own religion
--Tax captives
--Occasional exploitation of captives as labor or for military

Assyrian Conquering Philosophy
--Destroy culture of captives
--Split up families
--Destroy religious beliefs
--Exploit captives as slave labor