Altimeter interface program and terminal program, v 1.6 This is a program which talks to the Parrot, downloads and saves raw flight data, and does post-processing. It calculates various flight stats and plots the results. There are two distributions: windows source + binary, and source. You can download them from my home page For the windows binary version, right-click on on the web page, and save it to your local drive. Create the directory "C:\Program Files\parrot", and move the zip file there, and then extract-all into "C:\Program Files\parrot\lib". The executable program is "C:\Program Files\parrot\lib\parrot-all.exe", a windows executable. There's also source (Python) for, the it uses, and a standalone capture program (console, not GUI) called parrot-term.exe. The source distribution contains the Python code. This is the verion to get if you want to run on Linux. You can install the Python interpreter and the required packages if you want to look at or modify the program under any operating system. Both versions contain an example Parrot raw-flight (*.par) file. I have tried it on Linux (Ubuntu 8), and the real-time data display crashes the gtk library. Instead, capture data using the standalone program (, then run the GUI app ( to open and plot the result. The FTDI driver assigns port /dev/ttyUSB0, so capture using "python -p /dev/ttyUSB0" if your port ends up named like mine. An alternate way to capture flights is to configure verbosity to zero, which will shut up the screen echo during download, and then the GUI program (parrot-all) can be used to capture flights. I haven't tried Mac yet. Don't know whether pySerial supports Macs. The post-processor should work. The source code is released into the public domain under the terms of the GNU General Public License GPLv3. For details, see Feel free to contribute. Why would you want to use this program? 1. Downloading is easier than using Hyperterminal. It names the file, opens and closes it at the proper time, cuts off the download when the flight ends, and corrects the CR/LF reversal bug in the Parrot. 2. You don't need to use (or even own) Excel. You don't need a computer with 1Gig of RAM. You won't overflow Excel's 64000 line limit. You don't need to cut- and-paste huge blocks of math cells to exactly match your data set, nor scroll around in huge spreadsheets. (Inveterate Microsoft-haters should note that Open Office scalc does a pretty good job on Adrian's template spreadsheet. Up to the latest version, that is; OpenOffice chokes on the new VB macros.) 3. Plotting is automatic. No cutting/pasting/selecting/configuring. 4. When post-processing, the program finds the moment of launch, and stops the analysis when the rocket returns to the ground. No hunting. (Sorry, it doesn't find your rocket for you.) 5. Several pieces of data are calculated and displayed: maximum altitude, maximum positive acceleration (thrust), and average descent rate. 6. You can save your plots to PDF files (and make prints from the PDFs). 7. You can program the flight profile using parrot-term, but you will still generally need Adrian's Excel template to generate the 12-character string to type. (A few common profiles are listed by parrot-term when you press 'P' to enter the programming phase.) 8. You can download the program which controls flight behavior, a.k.a. "flight-index zero" using either parrot-all or parrot-term. You will still need the Excel template to interpret it. 9. Configuring the comm port is easy, using the "Discover Comm Port" button. Questions? Feel free to email me. Jim Yehle