* psole-l2.m - 14" infill panel plane
* Jim Yehle - Salt Lake City - Dec 20 2003
* Dovetails (double-splayed) at left edge of sole
*  First pass (psole-l1.m) made normal woodworking pins
*  This second prog adds 15-degree splay
* Stock is 3/16 thick; sides are 1/8
* (for 5/32 sides, see comments below)
* Held in vise, edge up, front to left
* Part zero is: x=0 at front,
*  y=0 at edge toward operator
*  z=-.145 at bottom of prior sockets
*5/32 sides: *  z=-.1762 at bottom of prior sockets
* Z depth setting must be accurate!
* Use 1/2" 60-degree dovetail cutter
Dim Abs
Rapid      Z 0.1000
Rapid      X 0 Y -0.26
* Depth=.145: 1/8 (.125) + .02 proud
Rapid      Z -0.145
*5/32 sides: * Depth=.1762: 5/32 + .02 proud
*5/32 sides: Rapid      Z -0.1762
* Front two sockets ahead of iron
Rapid      X 1.375
Call 2
Rapid      X 3.625
Call 2
* Five sockets behind iron
Rapid      X 5.75
Call 3
Rapid      X 7.75
Call 3
Rapid      X 9.75
Call 3
Rapid      X 11.75
Call 3
Rapid      X 13.75
Call 3
Rapid      Z 0.1
* Cut 15-degree splay into a 1.125" wide socket
* (outer surface is 15 deg line,
*  parabolic void behind it)
* For 3/16 stock, to mate with 1/8 stock
* Entry: Y=-.26
*  X=center of bottom of right wall of socket
* 15 degree splay over 1/8 run is 0.0335
* 15 degree splay over 5/32 is 0.0419
Sub 2
Dim Incr
* Cut aft wall first (right as oriented for machining)
* Cutter intersects the near face (y=0 face)
*  tangent to 60-deg socket wall
* i.e. cutter-radius * sin 60, or .2165 left of ref. X
* so start X -.2165 + splay: -.2165+.0335
*5/32: * so start X -.2165 + splay: -.2165+.0419
Rapid      X -0.183
*5/32: Rapid      X -0.1746
* Cut in, only to 60-deg tangent:
*  rad * sin 30 = .125, from cur Y .26
Line       Y 0.135 Feed 1
* Cut up and over,
*  tapering to nothing at top of prior cut
Line       X -0.0335 Z 0.125
*5/32: Line       X -0.0419 Z 0.1562
* Move straight back down .125 to socket bottom
*5/32: * Move straight back down .1562 to socket bottom
Line       Z -0.11 Feed 10
*5/32: Line       Z -0.14 Feed 10
Line       Z -0.015 Feed 3
*5/32: Line       Z -0.0162 Feed 3
* Move to left side of socket and repeat
* .7255 for 1.125-wide socket; cuts only final .0335
*5/32: * .7255 for 1.125-wide socket; cuts only final .0419
Line       X -0.692 Feed 3
Line       X -0.0335 Feed 1
*5/32: Line       X -0.0419 Feed 1
Line       X 0.0335 Z 0.125
*5/32: Line       X 0.0419 Z 0.1562
Dim Abs
Rapid      Y -0.26
Rapid      Z -0.145
*5/32: Rapid      Z -0.1762
* Cut one 1" wide socket
Sub 3
Dim Incr
Rapid      X -0.183
*5/32: Rapid      X -0.1746
Line       Y 0.135 Feed 1
Line       X -0.0335 Z 0.125
*5/32: Line       X -0.0419 Z 0.1562
Line       Z -0.11 Feed 10
*5/32: Line       Z -0.14 Feed 10
Line       Z -0.015 Feed 3
*5/32: Line       Z -0.0162 Feed 3
* Move to left side of socket and repeat
* .6005 for 1"-wide socket; cuts only final .0335
*5/32: * .6005 for 1"-wide socket; cuts only final .0419
Line       X -0.567 Feed 3
Line       X -0.0335 Feed 1
*5/32: Line       X -0.0419 Feed 1
Line       X 0.0335 Z 0.125
*5/32: Line       X 0.0419 Z 0.1562
Dim Abs
Rapid      Y -0.26
Rapid      Z -0.145
*5/32: Rapid      Z -0.1762