Hearings held before the
House Subcommittee on NASA Oversight Hon. Rep. Olin Teague, Chair
Cape Kennedy, Florida, 21 April 1967
Statement of
Mervin "Al" Holmburg
[Mr. Thomas Baron's testimony
immediately precedes in the hearing. --Clavius]
Mr. TEAGUE: Mr. Holmburg, are you in the room? (Whereupon,
Mervin Holmburg was called before the committee, and, being first duly
sworn, was examined and replied as follows:)
Mr. TEAGUE: Mr. Holmburg, did you come here of your own
free will?
Mr. HOLMBURG: Yes, sir.
Mr. TEAGUE: Would you give us your full name and address for
the sake of the record?
Mr. HOLMBURG: Mervin Holmburg, 3031 Pimbrook Road,
Titusville, Fla.
Mr. TEAGUE: Mr. Holmburg, Mr. Baron has testified, as I am
sure you know, that you told him that you knew what caused the
accident and all about it. Did you ever tell in anything of that
Mr. HOLMBURG: No, sir.
Mr. FULTON: Will you put your hand down away from your
Mr. TEAGUE: Did you ever discuss the cause of the accident
in a drugstore with Mr. Baron?
Mr. HOLMBURG: No. I talked to him many times in the
drugstore, but that is about it.
Mr. TEAGUE: But you did not say that you and other people
know what caused the fire?
Mr. HOLMBURG: No, sir.
Mr. DADDARIO: What was the nature of your conversation with
him on those occasions in the drugstore?
Mr. HOLMBURG: Well, Most of them was about his report, why
he wrote it and when he wrote it and so forth. Whether he was making
progress on it.
Mr. DADDARIO: Did you in any instance while he was relating
this to you agree with him as to the difficulties which the Apollo
spacecraft had run into and the tragedy that had occurred which would
give him any indication that you did have the answer to the problem
which caused the fire?
Mr. HOLMBURG: Never.
Mr. DADDARIO: Can you say that with as clear a recollection
as possible of the conversation you had with Mr. Baron?
Mr. HOLMBURG: Yes, sir. I bumped into him accidentally
almost every time I met him. I told him I shouldn't even be talking
with him because of the report he is writing, and he is probably being
watched. He gets all his information from anonymous phone calls,
people calling him and people dropping him a word here and there.
That is what he tells me.
Mr. DADDARIO: What caused you to come here today? We had
not scheduled you as a witness. I had no idea; in fact, I can't
recall that I ever heard your name before today. What brought you
Mr. HOLMBURG: Well, I work right outside the door here, and
it is my time to come to work now.
Mr. DADDARIO: Why would you have asked that you might be
allowed to testify?
Mr. HOLMBURG: Well, Mr. Baron had brought my name up a
couple of times in here, and I thought I should come in here to defend
Mr. DADDARIO: You come here for that purpose?
Mr. HOLMBURG: Yes, sir.
Mr. WYDEN: Who told you that?
Mr. HOLMBURG: I can't recall who that was now.
Mr. WYDLER: You mean you can't recall who told you that?
Mr. HOLMBURG: There were several people right outside the
door and I overheard it being mentioned.
Mr. SMART: I am Mr. Robert Smart, Assistant to the President
of North American Aviation. When Mr. Holmburg's name was injected into
this testimony in the manner in which all of you know, I did not feel
that we could leave it unanswered at this time, if there was an answer
to it, therefore I asked one of our employees here to see if he could
find him. He did find him. He asked him to come out in the hall. I
told him the accusations which had been made by Mr. Baron. If he
wanted to appear and testify under oath, to tell the truth, that he
would have an opportunity, and I then came in -- and he said he did
want to so testify -- I came in, and I sent that word to Mr. Teague,
and you know what has happened from that point to now.
Mr. WYDLER: I do.
Mr. TEAGUE: We have two minutes left, Mr. Wydler.
Mr. WYDLER: Did you ever speak with Mr. Baron about the 012
[i.e., command module 012, the Apollo 1 capsule. --Clavius]
Mr. HOLMBURG: Casually, yes.
Mr. WYDLER: What does that mean, "casually?"
Mr. HOLMBURG: He has ideas of what caused the fire. He did
most of the talking about it and I listened to speculations on that
thing. I never made any comments about what caused it or I never told
him exactly what caused it. I was never near the accident when it
Mr. FULTON: Mr. Chairman.
Mr. TEAGUE: One question.
Mr. FULTON: You are certain at no time you gave any
statement that you had knowledge of the cause of the Apollo 204
accident that killed three astronauts, that you at no time said that
they were in the capsule for five minutes without getting out, nor
that there bad been nine minutes' noticed of a fire and nothing was
done about it?
Mr. HOLMBURG: No, sir.
Mr. FULTON: You are absolutely sure?
Mr. HOLMBURG: Yes, sir.
Mr. FULTON: Thank you. That is all.
Mr. TEAGUE: The committee will be adjourned.
Mr. WYDLER: I would just like to get straight for the record
that I have certain additional witnesses that I would like to see
before the committee here. I will take this up at the time that the
Chair suggests would be the most convenient time. But, I want to make
it clear as we adjourn here today that I will make this request
sometime either in executive session or public sessions, whichever may
turn out to be the best time. I would like to, however, say that I
would like to see one thing, and I think the committee should see it.
That is the picture, and I think there are moving pictures of the fire
that was simulated of the 012 spacecraft fire. They simulated the
fire. NASA did some test somewhere, I would like to see the motion
pictures of that fire if there are any motion pictures of that test.
Mr. TEAGUE: The committee is adjourned.
Mr. DADDARIO: Mr. Chairman, one moment, before you
adjourn. I would like to just say one thing at this time. One matter
has stood in my mind since we questioned some of the people at the top
of the pad where the tragedy took place. The names of the men I don't
recall. But, I am referring to the pad leader and the people with
him. I would like to have their names.
(Information requested is as follows.
D.0. Babbitt, NAA Pad Leader.
J.D. Gleaves, NAA Mechanical Lead Technician.
L.D. Reece, NAA Quality Control.
H.H. Rogers, NASA Quality Control.)
(Above personnel are those interviewed by the Committee at Complex
34 on the morning of April 21, 1967. For a complete list of those
personnel on level A-7 and A-8 of the Service Structure during the
accident, refer to Panel 12 report, pages D-12-7 through D-12-9.)
Mr. DADDARIO: I believe that under the conditions that they
were operating under at the time of the accident -- the great heat,
flame, and smoke these men, notwithstanding the finding of the board
that there was not adequate fire and rescue teams available at the
time, and, acting on their own under extremely dangerous conditions,
acted with great courage. I think that we all ought to commend them,
and understand that they reacted as competent, experienced and brave
men should. We are in their debt for what they tried to do on that
Mr. TEAGUE: I certainly agree with the gentleman, and the
committee is adjourned.
(Whereupon, at 3 p.m., the committee was adjourned.)