DirectX 9 Summer Update API ChangesThe SDK docs give an overview of the changes in Direct3D for DX9, but the definitive list of changes is given by comparing the header files between the two releases. By doing this you will get an insight into every change between the two releases, not just those deemed important enough to mention on the "What's New" page in the docs. The Summer Update to the SDK included changes to the D3DX utility library and no runtime changes. Additional changes in the Summer Update include:
Below are lists of all the header changes for the the D3DX utility library (d3dx9.h, d3dx9anim.h, d3dx9core.h, d3dx9effect.h, d3dx9math.h, d3dx9mesh.h, d3dx9shader.h, d3dx9shape.h and d3dx9tex.h). Each item is given by name with a change indication in the first column. The change indicators are as follows:
D3DX Changesd3dx9anim.h - IID_ID3DXInterpolator - IID_ID3DXKeyFrameInterpolator - ID3DXInterpolator - ID3DXKeyFrameInterpolator ! IID_ID3DXAnimationSet ! IID_ID3DXAnimationController ! ID3DXAllocateHierarchy ! CreateMeshContainer ! ID3DXSaveUserData ! AddFrameChildData ! AddMeshChildData ! D3DXSaveMeshHierarchyToFile ! D3DXFrameAppendChild ! D3DXFrameFind ! D3DXFrameNumNamedMatrices ! D3DXFrameCalculateBoundingSphere + IID_ID3DXKeyframedAnimationSet + IID_ID3DXCompressedAnimationSet + ID3DXCompressedAnimationSet + ID3DXKeyframedAnimationSet + D3DXCreateKeyframedAnimationSet + D3DXCreateCompressedAnimationSet d3dx9core.h ! D3DX_VERSION ! D3DX_SDK_VERSION ! D3DXCreateFont ! ID3DXFont - GetLogFont - Begin - End ! DrawText + GetDesc + GetDC + GetGlyphData + PreloadCharacters + PreloadGlyphs + PreloadText ! ID3DXSprite - DrawTransform ! Begin ! Draw + GetTransform + SetTransform + SetWorldViewRH + SetWorldViewLH + Flush + D3DXSPRITE + D3DXFONT_DESC d3dx9effect8.h ! D3DXPASS_DESC - VSVersion - PSVersion - VSSemanticsUsed - VSSemantics - PSSemanticsUsed - PSSemantics - PSSamplersUsed - PSSamplers + pVertexShaderFunction + pPixelShaderFunction ! ID3DXEffect + GetStateManager + SetStateManager + BeginParameterBlock + EndParameterBlock + ApplyParameterBlock + ID3DXEffectStateManager d3dx9math.h ! D3DXPLANE + operator*=(float) + operator/=(float) + operator*(float) + operator/(float) + operator*(float, const D3DXPLANE &) + D3DXMatrixTransformation2D + D3DXMatrixAffineTransformation2D + D3DXPlaneScale + D3DXSH_MINORDER + D3DXSH_MAXORDER + D3DXSHEvalDirection + D3DXSHRotate + D3DXSHRotateZ + D3DXSHAdd + D3DXSHScale + D3DXSHDot + D3DXSHEvalDirectionalLight + D3DXSHEvalSphericalLight + D3DXSHEvalConeLight + D3DXSHEvalHemisphereLight + D3DXSHProjectCubeMap d3dx9mesh.h ! ID3DXSkinInfo ! SetBoneOffsetMatrix ! UpdateSkinnedMesh ! D3DXComputeBoundingSphere ! D3DXComputeBoundingBox ! D3DXCreateSkinInfoFromBlendedMesh ! D3DXGenerateOutputDecl ! D3DXCreatePatchMesh ! D3DXWeldVertices ! D3DXSplitMesh + D3DXOptimizeFaces + D3DXOptimizeVertices + D3DXSHCOMPRESSQUALITYTYPE + D3DXSHMATERIAL + D3DXSHPRTBUFFER_DESC + D3DXSHPRTSPLITMESHVERTEXDATA + D3DXSHPRTSPLITMESHCLUSTERDATA + LPD3DXSHPRTSIMCB + D3DXSHPRTSimulation + D3DXSHPRTExtractChannel + D3DXSHPRTGetRawDataPointer + D3DXSHPRTExtractDesc + D3DXSHPRTSimulationTex + D3DXSHPRTExtractTexture + D3DXSHPRTExtractToMesh + D3DXSHPRTCompress + D3DXSHPRTCompExtractToMesh + D3DXSHPRTCompExtractDesc + D3DXSHPRTCompNormalizeData + D3DXSHPRTCompExtractBasis + D3DXSHPRTCompExtractClusterIDs + D3DXSHPRTCompExtractPCA + D3DXSHPRTCompExtractTexture + D3DXSHPRTCompSuperCluster + D3DXSHPRTCompSplitMeshSC d3dx9shader.h - D3DXGetShaderDebugInfo ! D3DXSHADER ! D3DXSHADER_SKIPVALIDATION ! D3DXSHADER_SKIPOPTIMIZATION | D3DXSHADER_PACKMATRIX_ROWMAJOR | D3DXSHADER_PACKMATRIX_COLUMNMAJOR + D3DXSHADER_PARTIALPRECISION + D3DXSHADER_FORCE_VS_SOFTWARE_NOOPT + D3DXSHADER_FORCE_PS_SOFTWARE_NOOPT ! ID3DXFragmentLinker ! LinkShader + LinkPixelShader ! D3DXSHADER_CONSTANTTABLE + Flags + Target + D3DXGetPixelShaderProfile + D3DXGetVertexShaderProfile + D3DXGetShaderVersion d3dx9tex.h ! D3DX_FILTER ! D3DX_FILTER_SRGB_IN ! D3DX_FILTER_SRGB_OUT ! D3DX_FILTER_SRGB + D3DX_FILTER_DITHER_DIFFUSION ! D3DX_IMAGE_FILEFORMAT + D3DXIFF_HDR + D3DXIFF_PFM + D3DXSaveSurfaceToFileInMemory + D3DXSaveTextureToFileInMemory + D3DXSaveVolumeToFileInMemory |