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Table of Contents

This document shows the organization of the book into chapters.

Pipeline Poster
Part I: Preliminaries
1. Introduction
2. Direct3D
3. Direct3D Devices
4. 2D Applications
Part II: Geometry Processing
5. Modelling
6. Vertex Transformations
7. Viewing and Projection
8. Lighting and Materials
9. Vertex Shaders
Part III: Pixel Processing
10. Rasterization and Shading
11. Basic Texturing
12. Advanced Texturing
13. Pixel Shaders
14. The Frame Buffer
Part IV: The D3DX Library
15. D3DX Utility Library
16. D3DX Concrete Types
17. D3DX Helper Objects
18. D3DX Mesh Ojbects
Part V: The Application
19. X Files
20. Debugging
21. Performance
22. Installation and Setup
Part VI: Appendices
23. Guided Tour of the SDK
24. D3DFrame
25. Shader Tokens
26. Contents of the CD-ROM