Please send any suggestions, improvements, or additions to the author and maintainer of this page.
Last edited on July 15th, 1997.
The author and subject indices are cross-linked. Traversing a link
attached to an author's name in the brings you to the appropriate section in
the author's index. Similarly, traversing a link attached to a title in the
author's index brings you to the appropriate section in the subject index.
This allows you to see other works by the same author from the subject
area, as well as works of related subject matter from the author area.
When the referenced work itself is available online, it can be fetched by
selecting the link in parenthesis after the work's name in the subject
section. Usually this indicates the size of the online version and its
This bibliography is cross-linked to the Laissez-Faire Books
Catalog, which offers many of the referenced works. Selecting the
"Laissez-Faire" link will bring you to the work's description in their
- July 15th, 1997
- Fixed broken Laissez-Faire Books links.
- April 19th, 1995
- A few cleanup edits.
- June 28th, 1994
- Added links to Laissez-Faire
Books Catalog for books made available by them. Also removed links to
electronic versions in the author list; use the links in the subject
sections or in the list of electronically available titles.
- May 31st, 1994
- Cleaned up pages for Lynx/Mosaic combined viewing, changed links to
conform to new HTTP server file structure.
- May 21st, 1994
- Added index to titles available on-line.
- May 18th, 1994
- Added hyperlink for on-line verions of:
- May 16th, 1994
- Created this bibliography from Volume 1, No. 3 issue of
Liberty Today
Up to Contents
Up to Contents
Up to Contents
- Frederic Bastiat, The Law (120K
LaTeX source,
DVI output, or
49K compressed ASCII; also available from Laissez-Faire
- David Bergland
- Libertarianism in One Lesson (available from Laissez-Faire Books)
- America's Libertarian Heritage
- Maurice Cranston, What Are Human Rights?
- Garet Garrett, The People's Pottage
(available from Laissez-Faire Books)
- F. A. Hayek, The Road to Serfdom (available
from Laissez-Faire Books)
- Rose Wilder Lane, The Discovery of Freedom
(available from Laissez-Faire Books)
- H. L. Mencken, A Mencken Chrestomathy
(available from Laissez-Faire Books)
- P. J. O'Rourke, A Parliament of Whores
(available from Laissez-Faire Books)
- C. Northcote Parkinson, The Law and the
- Isabel B. Paterson, God of the Machine
(available from Laissez-Faire Books)
- Ayn Rand, Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal
(available from Laissez-Faire Books)
- Leonard Read, Anything That's Peaceful
- Robert Ringer, Restoring the American Dream
- Murray Rothbard, For a New Liberty
(available from Laissez-Faire Books)
Up to Subject List Up to Contents
- Lord Acton,
Essays on Freedom & Power
- Benjamin Constant,
The Liberty of the Ancients Compared with that of the Moderns
- Auberon Herbert,
The Right & Wrong of Compulsion by the State
- Wilhelm von Humboldt,
The Limits of State Action
- Thomas Jefferson, The Declaration of
Independence (9K
- John Locke,
Two Treatises of Government (available from Laissez-Faire Books)
- John Stuart Mill,
On Liberty
- Tom Paine,
The Rights of Man (available from Laissez-Faire Books)
- Herbert Spencer
- Social Statics
- Man vs. the State
- Lysander Spooner,
No Treason (113K LaTeX
154K DVI
output, or 45K
compressed ASCII; also available from Laissez-Faire Books)
- Henry David Thoreau,
Civil Disobedience
60K ASCII; also available from Laissez-Faire Books)
Up to Subject List Up to Contents
- Isaiah Berlin,
Four Essays on Liberty
- James M. Buchanan & Gordon Tullock,
The Calculus of Consent
- F. A. Hayek,
The Constitution of Liberty
- Ludwig von Mises,
Liberalism (available from Laissez-Faire Books)
- Albert Jay Nock,
Our Enemy the State (available from Laissez-Faire Books)
- Michael Novak,
The Spirit of Democratic Capitalism
- Robert Nozick,
Anarchy, State & Utopia (available from Laissez-Faire Books)
- Karl R. Popper,
The Open Society & Its Enemies (available from Laissez-Faire Books)
- Murray N. Rothbard,
The Ethics of Liberty
Up to Subject List Up to Contents
- D. T. Armentano,
Antitrust Policy: The Case for Repeal
- Frederic Bastiat,
Economic Sophisms
- P. T. Bauer,
Dissent on Development
- James Bovard,
The Farm Fiasco
- Milton Friedman
- F. A. Hayek, Ed.,
Capitalism & the Historians
- Henry Hazlitt,
Economics in One Lesson (available from Laissez-Faire Books)
- George W. Hilton
- Federal Transit Subsidies
- Amtrak
- Gabriel Kolko,
The Triumph of Conservatism
- Ludwig von Mises
- Llewellyn Rockwell, Ed.
- Economics of Liberty
- The Free Market Reader
- Murray Rothbard
- Adam Smith,
The Wealth of Nations (available from Laissez-Faire Books)
- Michael A. Walker, Ed.,
Rent Control: A Popular Paradox
Up to Subject List Up to Contents
Up to Subject List Up to Contents
Up to Subject List Up to Contents
Up to Subject List Up to Contents
Up to Subject List Up to Contents
Up to Subject List Up to Contents
Up to Subject List Up to Contents
Up to Subject List Up to Contents
Up to Subject List Up to Contents
- Walter Block,
Defending the Undefendable (available from Laissez-Faire Books)
- Clint Bolick
- Unfinished Business: A Civil Rights Strategy for America's
Third Century
- Changing Course: Civil Rights at the Crossroads
- Henry Hazlitt,
The Conquest of Poverty
- Michael Levin,
Feminism & Freedom
- Wendy McElroy, Ed.,
Freedom, Feminism & the State
- Charles Murray
- Ellen Frankel Paul,
Equity & Gender: The Comparable Worth Debate
- Joseph Peden & Fred Glahe, Eds.,
The American Family & the State
- Helmut Schoeck,
- Julian L. Simon
- The Ultimate Resource
- The Economic Consequences of Immigration (available from
Laissez-Faire Books)
- Thomas Sowell
- William Graham Sumner,
What Social Classes Owe to Each Other
- William Tucker,
The Excluded Americans: Homelessness & Housing Policies
- Gordon Tullock,
Welfare for the Well-To-Do
- Walter Williams,
The State Against Blacks
- S. David Young,
The Rule of Experts: Occupational Licensing in America
Up to Subject List Up to Contents
Up to Subject List Up to Contents
Up to Subject List Up to Contents
Up to Subject List Up to Contents
Up to Subject List Up to Contents
- Clint Bolick,
Grass-Roots Tyranny (available from Laissez-Faire Books)
- David Burnham,
A Law Unto Itself: Power, Politics & the IRS
- Jonathan Emord,
Freedom, Technology, & the First Amendment (available
from Laissez-Faire Books)
- Richard A. Epstein
- Takings: Private Property & the Power of Eminent
Domain (available from Laissez-Faire Books)
- A Theory of Strict Liability
- Forbidden Grounds: The Case Against Employment Discrimination
- Henry Mark Holzer,
Sweet Land of Liberty
- Harry Kalven, Jr.,
A Worthy tradition: Freedom of Speech in America
- Stephen Macedo,
The New Right Versus the Constitution
- Felix Morley,
Freedom & Federalism
- Roger Pilon, Ed.,
Flag Burning, Discrimination & the Right to Do Wrong: Two
- Lysander Spooner,
An Essay on the Trial by Jury
- Ralph K. Winter, Jr. & John R. Bolton,
Campaign Finance & Political Freedom
Up to Subject List Up to Contents
- Walter Block,
The U.S. Bishops & their Critics
- Walter Block & Irving Hexham, Eds.,
Religion, Economics, & Social Thought
- Walter Block, Geoffrey Brennan & Kenneth
Elzinga, Eds., Morality of the Market: Religious &
Economic Perspectives
- Walter Block & Donald E. Shaw, Eds.,
Theology, Third World development & Economic Justice
- Leonard W. Levy,
The Establishment Clause: religion and the First amendment
- Ronald Nash,
Poverty and Wealth: The Christian Debate over Capitalism
- Ed Nelson & James Singleton,
Lessons from Louisville: Observations on Christianity &
- Michael Novak,
Free Persons & the Common Good
Up to Subject List Up to Contents
Up to Subject List Up to Contents
- Timothy Garton Ash,
The uses of Adversity: Essays on the Fate of Central Europe
- Richard Ashcraft,
Revolutionary Politics & Locke's Two Treatises of
- Eric Foner,
Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men: The Ideology of the
Republican Party Before the Civil War
- Norman Gash,
Politics in the Age of Peel
- Joseph Hamburger,
James Mill & the Art of Revolution
- Aileen S. Kraditor,
Means & Ends in American Abolitionism: Garrison &
His Critics on Strategy and tactics, 1834-1850
- Pauline Maier,
From Resistance to Revolution: Colonial Radicals & the
Development of America Opposition to Britain, 1765-1776
- John Morley,
On Compromise
- Robert V. Remini,
Martin van Buren & the Making of the democratic Party
- Peter Stansky,
Gladstone: A Progress in Politics
Up to Subject List Up to Contents
Up to Subject List Up to Contents
Up to Subject List Up to Contents
Up to Subject List Up to Contents
- Natalie S. Carlson,
The Family Under the Bridge
- Rebecca Caudill,
Tree of Freedom
- Paul Galdone, Illus.,
The Little Red Hen
- Donald Hall,
Ox-Car Man
- Robert Heinlein
- Between Planets
- Red Planet
- The Rolling Stones
- Starman Jones
- Madeleine L'Engle,
A Wrinkle in Time
- Jean Merrill,
The Pushcart War
- O. T. Nelson,
The Girl Who Owned a City (available from Laissez-Faire Books)
- Kate Seredy,
The Singing Tree
- Dr. Seuss
- Yertle the Turtle
- The Butter Battle Book
- Thidwick the Big-Hearted Moose
- Isaac Bashevis Singer,
The Fools of Chelm & Their History
- T. H. White
- The Once & Future King
- The Book of Merlyn
- Laura Ingalls Wilder,
The Little House Stories
Up to Subject List Up to Contents
A, B,
C, D,
E, F,
G, H,
K, L,
M, N,
O, P,
S, T,
-- A --
- Bernard Bailyn,
The Ideological Origins of the American
- James Bamford,
The Puzzle Palace
- Frederic Bastiat
- P. T. Bauer,
Dissent on Development
- David Bergland
- Isaiah Berlin,
Four Essays on Liberty
- Jagdish Bhagwati,
- Walter Block
- Walter Block Ed.,
Economics & the Environment: A
- Walter Block & Irving Hexham, Eds.,
Religion, Economics, & Social
- Walter Block, Geoffrey Brennan & Kenneth Elzinga, Eds.,
Morality of the Market: Religious & Economic
- Walter Block & Donald E. Shaw, Eds.,
Theology, Third World development & Economic
- David Boaz, Ed.,
The Crisis in Drug Prohibition
- M. M. Bober,
Karl Marx's Interpretation of
- Eugen von Bohm-Bawerk,
Karl Marx and the Close of His
- Clint Bolick
- James Bovard
- Charlotte Bronte,
- James M. Buchanan & Gordon Tullock,
The Calculus of Consent
- Tod G. Buchholz,
New Ideas from Dead
- David Burnham,
A Law Unto Itself: Power, Politics &
the IRS
- Natalie S. Carlson,
The Family Under the Bridge
- Robert A. Caro
- Ted Galen Carpenter, Ed.,
America Entangled: The Persian Gulf Crisis
& Its Consequences
- Rebecca Caudill,
Tree of Freedom
- Alejandro A. Chafuen,
Christians for Freedom: Late-Scholastic
- John E. Chubb & Terry M. Moe,
Politics, Markets & American
- Benjamin Constant,
The Liberty of the Ancients Compared with that of
the Moderns
- David Conway,
A Farewell to Marx
- Maurice Cranston,
What Are Human Rights?
- Stephen P. Halbrook
- Donald Hall,
Ox-Car Man
- Joseph Hamburger,
James Mill & the Art of
- Ronald Hamowy,
Canadian Medicine
- Ronald Hamowy, Ed.,
Dealing With Drugs
- Cameron Hawley
- F. A. Hayek
- F. A. Hayek, Ed.,
Capitalism & the Historians
- Henry Hazlitt
- Robert Heinlein
- Auberon Herbert,
The Right & Wrong of Compulsion by the
- Robert Higgs,
Crisis & Leviathan
- George W. Hilton
- Trygve Hoff,
Economic Calculation in the Socialist
- James Hogan
- Henry Mark Holzer,
Sweet Land of Liberty
- Wilhelm von Humboldt,
The Limits of State Action
- Harry Kalven, Jr.,
A Worthy tradition: Freedom of Speech in
- Fred Kaplan,
The Wizards of Armageddon
- Don B. Kates, Jr., Ed.
- Francis Kendall & Leon Louw,
After Apartheid: the Solution
for South Africa
- Ken Kesey
- Israel Kirzner,
The Economic Point of View
- Gary Kleck,
Point Blank: Guns & Violence in
- Heinrich von Kleist,
Michael Kohlhaas
- Lesek Kolakowski,
Main Currents of Marxism
- Gabriel Kolko,
The Triumph of Conservatism
- Aileen S. Kraditor,
Means & Ends in American Abolitionism:
Garrison & His Critics on Strategy and tactics, 1834-1850
- Melvin B. Krauss & Edward P. Lazear, Eds.,
Searching for Alternatives: Drug-Control Policy in
the United States
- Jonathan Kwitny,
Endless Enemies
- Stephen Macedo,
The New Right Versus the
- Tibor R. Machan, Ed.,
The Main Debate
- Pauline Maier,
From Resistance to Revolution: Colonial
Radicals & the Development of America Opposition to Britain,
- Alessandro Manzoni,
The Betrothed
- Wendy McElroy, Ed.,
Freedom, Feminism & the
- Seymour Melman,
The Permanent War Economy
- H. L. Mencken,
A Mencken Chrestomathy
- Jean Merrill,
The Pushcart War
- John Stuart Mill,
On Liberty
- Ludwig von Mises
- Thomas Gale Moore,
Privatization Now or Else: The Impending
Failure of Democracy and Freedom in Central Europe
- Felix Morley,
Freedom & Federalism
- John Morley,
On Compromise
- Charles Murray
- Tom Paine,
The Rights of Man
- C. Northcote Parkinson,
The Law and the Profits
- Isabel B. Paterson,
God of the Machine
- Ellen Frankel Paul,
Equity & Gender: The Comparable Worth
- Sam Pelzman,
Regulation of Pharmaceutical Innovation
- Joseph Peden & Fred Glahe, Eds.,
The American Family & the
- Roger Pilon, Ed.,
Flag Burning, Discrimination & the
Right to Do Wrong: Two Debates
- Robert W. Poole, Jr.,
Cutting Back City Hall
- Karl R. Popper
- John Prados,
Presidents' Secret Wars
- H. F. Saint,
Memoirs of an Invisible Man
- Helmut Schoeck,
- Kate Seredy,
The Singing Tree
- Dr. Seuss
- William Shakespeare,
Richard II
- Nevil Shute
- Bernard Siegan,
Land Use Without Zoning
- Julian L. Simon
- Isaac Bashevis Singer,
The Fools of Chelm & Their History
- Adam Smith,
The Wealth of Nations
- L. Neil Smith,
Probability Broach
- Melinda M. Snodgrass
- Sophocles,
- Thomas Sowell
- Herbert Spencer
- Lysander Spooner
- Peter Stansky,
Gladstone: A Progress in
- Stendhal,
The Red & the Black
- Richard L. Stroup & John Baden,
Natural Resources
- William Graham Sumner,
What Social Classes Owe to Each
- Thomas S. Szasz,
Ceremonial Chemistry
Up to Contents
This is a list of referenced texts that are available on-line. The list is
alphabetical by title. The author is linked to the appropriate section in the
alphabetical list of authors and the work's title is linked to its section in
the listing of works by subject. The online text itself is linked through the
description of its on-line format.
Up to Contents