Water Taxation

Spring 2004

The LWV of Utah has positions on water conservation and planning strategies which we hope will enable future generations to live on a limited water budget without threatening the health of the natural environment. We also support policies that support a safe and reliable water supply for our citizens. Therefore we understand the necessity for a stable revenue flow to pay for water delivery infrastructure. Since user fees may be unstable or burdensome, especially in times of drought and under regimens of strict conservation measures, additional revenue sources that are not tied to rates of consumption may be necessary. A state sales tax and local property taxes have been a traditional support for water districts in Utah, but the League believes that other sources might be more equitable, for example assessments on each water account or hook-up.

Any water policy or fee should meet the following standards:

1.     Transparency - easily identified and understood

2.     Voter approval - approved by direct vote of the citizen or elected representatives

3.     Time limitation - subject to time limits or scheduled sunset review

Furthermore, a robust public discussion on water policy is critical in a state where water is limited, rapid growth is predicted, and competing environmental and lifestyle choices must be considered


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