Course 24: OpenGL and Window System Integration

OpenGL and Win32

WGL Reference

WGL (pronounced "wiggle") is the glue that binds OpenGL and the Win32 API together.

Rendering Context functions
Font and Text functions
Overlay, Underlay and Main Plane functions
Miscellaneous functions

Rendering Context Functions

wglCreateContext Creates a new rendering context.
wglMakeCurrent Sets a thread's current rendering context.
wglGetCurrentContext Obtains a handle to a thread's current rendering context.
wglGetCurrentDC Obtains a handle to the device context associated with a thread's current rendering context.
wglDeleteContext Deletes a rendering context.

See the source code referenced in previous sections for examples of the use of each of these functions.

Font and Text functions

wglUseFontBitmaps Creates a set of character bitmap display lists. Characters come from a specified device context's current font. Characters are specified as a consecutive run within the font's glyph set.
wglUseFontOutlines Creates a set of display lists, based on the glyphs of the currently selected outline font of a device context, for use with the current rendering context. The display lists are used to draw 3-D characters of TrueType fonts.
example from Microsoft Developer Studio topic wglUseFontBitmaps

HDC    hdc;  
HGLRC  hglrc; 
// create a rendering context 
hglrc = wglCreateContext (hdc); 
// make it the calling thread's current rendering context 
wglMakeCurrent (hdc, hglrc); 
// now we can call OpenGL API 
// make the system font the device context's selected font 
SelectObject (hdc, GetStockObject (SYSTEM_FONT)); 
// create the bitmap display lists 
// we're making images of glyphs 0 thru 255 
// the display list numbering starts at 1000, an arbitrary choice 
wglUseFontBitmaps (hdc, 0, 255, 1000); 
// display a string: 
// indicate start of glyph display lists 
glListBase (1000); 
// now draw the characters in a string 
glCallLists (24, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, "Hello Win32 OpenGL World"); 
example from Microsoft Developer Studio topic wglUseFontOutlines

HDC    hdc;  // A TrueType font has already been selected  
HGLRC  hglrc; 
// Make hglrc the calling thread's current rendering context 
wglMakeCurrent(hdc, hglrc); 
// create display lists for glyphs 0 through 255 with 0.1 extrusion 
// and default deviation. The display list numbering starts at 1000 
// (it could be any number) 
wglUseFontOutlines(hdc, 0, 255, 1000, 0.0f, 0.1f,  
            WGL_FONT_POLYGONS, &agmf); 
// Set up transformation to draw the string 
glTranslate(0.0f, 0.0f, -5.0f) 
glScalef(2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f); 
// Display a string 
glListBase(1000); // Indicates the start of display lists for the glyphs 
// Draw the characters in a string 
glCallLists(24, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, "Hello Win32 OpenGL World."); 

Overlay, Underlay and Main Plane functions

wglCopyContext Copies selected groups of rendering states from one OpenGL rendering context to another.
wglCreateLayerContext Creates a new OpenGL rendering context for drawing to a specified layer plane on a device context.
wglDescribeLayerPlane Obtains information about the layer planes of a given pixel format.
wglGetLayerPaletteEntries Retrieves the palette entries from a given color-index layer plane for a specified device context.
wglRealizeLayerPalette Maps palette entries from a given color-index layer plane into the physical palette or initializes the palette of an RGBA layer plane.
wglSetLayerPaletteEntries Sets the palette entries in a given color-index layer plane for a specified device context.
wglSwapLayerBuffers Swaps the front and back buffers in the overlay, underlay, and main planes of the window referenced by a specified device context.

See the overlay.c program for examples of how to use the functions above.

Miscellaneous Functions

wglShareLists Enables a rendering context to share the display-list space of another rendering context.
wglGetProcAddress Returns the address of an OpenGL extension function for use with the current OpenGL rendering context.