The Journey to Zion
Note: this information was gathered using the steps shown on the
Tracing Mormon Pioneers web page.
The following is a tracing of the path of Rasmus Nielsen and
Christian Olsen from Denmark to Salt Lake City using first hand
accounts and other contemporary sources.
During 1858 the Saints in Utah were under occupation by the United
States Army under the command of Johnston. This and other events
suspended the emigration of European saints who had a desire to come
to Zion. The situation proved to be a temporary one and Brigham
Young announced the lifting of the emigration ban to Elder Asa
Calkin, president of the European mission on October 21, 1858.
Urge on the emigration as far as you have the power.
Wherein the Saints are not able to came all the way through, let
them come to the States, and then make their way through as soon
as they can.1
The British LDS church periodical, The Millennial Star on January 1,
1859 restated the lifting of the ban and provided some instruction
concerning the pending migration later that year.2
We are pleased to be able at length to say to the
Saints that emigration is again opened for all those who have
means at their command to gather to Zion. As we have before said,
no one will receive any help whatever from the P.E. [Perpetual
Emigration] Fund. The deliverance of the Saints depends entirely
upon themselves, and we hope that those who have the means will
go, and that those who can assist their brethren will stretch
forth a helping hand. There will be an opportunity for all to go
with handcarts this season, as usual, who cannot raise the amount
necessary to procure a team.
In the Spring of 1859 saints from various branches of the Church in
Scandinavia gathered at Copehagen, Denmark. It was here that a
roster of persons leaving for Zion was taken. It listed names,
number in party, ages, and how much money they had on their person.
The roster had stated that Rasmus was travelling alone and that he
was 28.3 His future wife, Hansine Nielsen was already in
America having arrived in 1857. It should also be stated that
Christian Olsen and his future wife Annie Ellingsen were also part
of this Scandinavian group. It was probably during this time that a
life-long friendship began for Rasmus and Christian.
Rasmus travelled with a large group of fellow Scandinavian Saints.
The breakdown of the group was as follows: 224 Danes, 113 Swedes,
and 18 Norwegians, for a total of 355 from the Scandinavian Mission.4
This Scandinavian group boarded the steamer L.N. Hvedt April
1, 1859 in Copehagen under the direction of Elders Carl Widerborg
and Niels Wihelmsen.5 They traveled for five days on very
stormy seas over the North Sea and arrived at Grimsby, England on
April 6. After arriving the group continued their exodus by train to
Liverpool, England where they joined fellow British and Swiss
members and went on board the William Tapscott on April 7, 1859.
Elder Robert F. Neslen was made President of this group of saints,
and Henry H. Harris and George Rowley served as counselors. Neslen
had been sent to England as a missionary and was made available to
lead this group of saints to Salt Lake City.6
The L.N. Hvedt brought Scandinavian Saints
from Copenhagen to Grimsby
On April 11, 1859 the William Tapscott7 set sail
for New York in the United States of America.8 The cost
of the voyage from England to America cost five British pounds.9
Speaking of the departure and the voyage Fanny Fry, a passenger on
the ship said:
After we got out in the sea, the people began to be
seasick. I do not think there ten escaped and I was one of the
favored ones. I was not sick an half hour all the voyage through.
We had a very pleasant trip. We had dancing and music every
evening, with a very few exceptions. Our regular meetings were
held, and we had a splendid party on the captain’s birthday.
A shark followed the ship for three days. That was quite a sight
for a landsman. We had one slight storm lasting only six hours,
just strong enough to rock nicely. I remember Jimmie Bond, that is
what we called him, for he was such a jolly fellow. His wife was
lying sick in her berth; he was kneeling at an unlashed trunk when
the ship began to rock. It pushed him under the berth and back
again in quick succession and he singing all the while, “Here we
go, there we go again,” and the trunk following him each time. It
was quite laughable to those looking on, but not, I suppose, for
Writing about the voyage, the company leader, Robert Neslen wrote
the following report to European mission President, Asa Calkin
concerning the trip across the ocean upon arriving in New York.11
New York, May 13, 1859
President Asa Calkin.
Dear Brother, After a very pleasant and prosperous voyage of 31
days, we are happy to take the earliest opportunity, according to
promise, of report ourselves as having arrived safe, sound, and
right side up, “with care.” As brevity has never been a motto with
me, and realizing that “words written are written,” I will now
proceed to give you an outline of our progress since paring with
you in the river Mersey.
After we had gone through the process of Government inspection,
clearing, &c., I proceeded, in connection with my Counsellors
to organize the company into ten wards, five English, and five
Scandinavian, appointing a President over each to see to the
faithful observance of cleanliness, good order, &c. This being
done, and all ready for sea, we found ourselves necessarily
detained, in consequence of head wind, until Monday the 11 ult.,
when the anchor was weighed at 4 a.m., and every heart rejoiced in
bidding adieu to Babylon and setting forth to the land of Zion.
The joyous songs of Zion [Fanny Fry reported that the group sang,
“Babylon, Oh Babylon, We Bid Thee Farewell.”] echoed through the
ship; and as we got into the channel, the chorus followed, of
course, in good sea-sick style, in which nearly all joined to
their heart’s content.
The voyage throughout was by far the most pleasant and agreeable
that I have ever realized, during the whole of the five times I
have crossed these waters, owing to the very pleasant weather and
the exceeding good order, general good feeling, and harmony which
prevailed throughout the entire voyage.
The health of the passengers was excellent. This can be realized
from the fact that we had but one death—an old sister from Sweden,
named Inger Olesen Hagg, aged 61, and who had been afflicted for
upwards of five years previous to her embarkation. This was
counterbalanced by two births—namely, sister Higson, from Leigh
[England], of a son; and sister France, from Hindley [England], of
a daughter: mothers and children doing well.
In the matrimonial department we did exceeding well, as we had
nineteen marriages, five couples of which were English, one Swiss,
and thirteen Scandinavian,—all of which were solemnized by myself.
During the whole of the voyage, from the day of our organization,
we had the people called together for prayer every morning and
evening at eight o’clock, which was faithfully attended to by the
Saints. On Sundays, three meetings were held on deck, and
fellowship meeting in each ward two nights a week, which was a
good preventive against grumbling, as it kept the minds of the
people actively engaged in the better things of the kingdom.
The monotony of the voyage was also enlivened with singing,
instrumental music, dancing, games, &c; in which, as a matter
of course, the junior portion took a prominent part, while the
more sedate enjoyed themselves in seeing and hearing the
happifying recreations.
I certainly felt it quite a task in being appointed to take charge
of a company composed of people from so many countries, speaking
nine difference languages, and having different manners, customs,
and peculiarities, and thrown together under such close
circumstances; but through the faithfulness and diligence of the
Saints, which were universally manifested, I soon found the load
far easier than I had anticipated; and on our arrive here, we were
pronounced, by doctors and Government officers, to be the best
disciplined and most agreeable company that ever arrived at this
We are now lying at anchor, ready for landing at the Castle
Gardens, to-morrow morning at an early hour; and we expect to
start by the Central Railroad on Monday for the West; and as I
shall have to write to you again before leaving here, I will close
for the present, with warmest love to yourself and Counsellors,
and all in the Office, in which my brethren, Elders Harris,
Rowley, and Bond, join.
Yours truly,

The William Tapscott was built in Bath,
Maine in 1852
Upon the arrival of the William Tapscott in New York harbor on May
13 a list of the ship’s passengers was taken and Rasmus Nielsen was
listed as a immigrant from Denmark heading for Utah with an
occupation of laborer and being 28 years old. Christian Olsen and
his wife Annie were also listed. Christian was listed as a farmer by
occupation and that he was 34 years old.12
The ship arrived at Castle Garden on May 14, 1859 and the group
exited the ship looking like a bunch of drunkards.13 They
had been on the sea for over a month and had yet to get their land
legs back. Later that evening the group continue their journey by
steamboat on the Isaac Newton14 up the Hudson
River to Albany, New York. Once there they traveled by rail to
Writing about going to Niagara, Fanny Fry records15 the
view and the reaction:
The conductor stopped the train and let us all have a good look at
the Niagara Falls. I have never forgotten the grandeur of the
scenery. At every depot of any size there would be a crowd of
people waiting to see the company of poor deluded Mormons going to
Utah. The young girls oh how they did pity us, going there to
enter into polygamy. They would express great sorrow for us.
From Niagara they continued by rail to Windsor, Ontario, Canada;
Detroit, Michigan; Quincy, Illinois, and to St. Joseph, Missouri
where they arrived May 21, 1859.16 That afternoon they
all boarded the steamboat the St. Mary, which brought them
to Florence, Nebraska on May 25.17 The route taken to get
to Florence was unique in that no other group prior to them had
taken the same route.
Writing about the journey to Florence, Johanne Mourtisen said:
On railroads and steamboats we traveled with very
poor accommodations. Sometimes in cattle cars and on boats with no
place to sit nor make beds, so standing was our only pleasure.18
Upon his arrival in Florence, Rasmus went about finding his future
bride, Hansine Nielsen. It must have been a great reunion having
been away from each for about two years. Pooling their meager
resources they prepared for the overland journey. Prior to departing
Florence, Rasmus and Hansine were married on June 12, 1859.19
Rasmus and Hansine may have travelled in different pioneer
On 26 June, 1859 a group of Saints composing of about 380 persons
was headed by Robert F. Neslen, who had already led the Saints
across the ocean, began their journey westward to Salt Lake City.21
They were about 1000 miles away and would require several weeks of
travelling before reaching Salt Lake. Rasmus walked most of the way
suffering bouts of rheumatism along the way.22
Upon their arrival at Fort Laramie, Robert Neslen sent the following
message22 to Brigham Young:
FORT LARAMIE, Aug. 6, ‘59
Enclosed you will receive the report sheet of the European
Independent Company, which I have forwarded from the first
convenient point.
We are travelling at a slow rate, owing to the largeness of our
company and the lameness of our cattle, which arises from the
fouls of foot evil. This will necessarily cause our provisions to
run short, but I hope we will be able to arrive near by before we
need supplies. I will travel as fast as possible to obviate this
difficulty, but should we need assistance, I will inform you by
letter or express.
Our accidents have been slight and few, with one exception, which
was a stampede of ten teams, resulting in the death of one man
instantaneously and breaking the leg of one and wounding five
others; but I am happy in stating that the injured are recovering.
We have no other sickness in our camp.
Praying the Lord to bless you I remain yours,
Along with this message a roster of saints showed Rasmus Nielsen and
his friend, Christian Olsen as members of the company.24
Echoing some of the same information previously related Johanne
Mourtisen recorded the following concerning the journey across the
Several in this company died on the road, among them
was P.A. Fjeldstad and a baby belonging to N.P. Larsen, the elder
from Pleasant Grove who baptized me into the Church. These two
were buried in the same grave.
Upon another occasion misfortune overcame us. I well remember as
we were yoking up the cattle, some being already hitched and
carelessly some of the company were lying in the shade of the
wagons, when a wild cow was put into the yoke began to bellow.
This frightened five teams and they ran away, killing J.C. Madsen
and more or less wounding several others. One of the company, who
several accused of being the cause of the contention, went down to
the Platte River to drown himself but said he was not able find
sufficient water. He was found sitting on the bank contemplating
when people came to his rescue.26
James Kirkham was a boy of nine years old when he and his family
traveled with the Neslen company. Later in life he recorded his
thoughts concerning the travel across the plains in his journal. His
expereinces were recorded in a four volume journal covering his
life. Here are a few excerpts from volume one.
We traveled by steamer and rail 2000 miles until we
reached Florence May 25th 1859. Here we lived for some time
(waiting for the arrival of our cattle and wagon) in an old lumber
cabin and when it rained it never failed to come through the roof.
I spent many happy hours while we live here gathering strawberries
and fishing in the river nearby we used to sport on the green
grass and roam among the wild flowers.
At last everything was in readiness for our journey across the
plains a distance of a thousand miles. Our company was composed of
Saints with 60 wagons. Each wagon was drawn by to yoke of oxen
besides some cows. Besides our captain we had a chaplain and some
night herders my father used to stand guard in his turn around the
camp and the cattle. Some times our chaplain (James Bond) would
call the camp to prayers and if they did not attend he would stand
on an wagon and sneer at the people.
On our journey we had many difficulties to put up with and narrow
escapes. At one time we were surrounded by a prairie fire but
escaped without injury. We also had a stampede and some 20 people
were injured. One man was killed and one woman very badly. One day
we encountered a great herd of buffalo which stopped our train for
some time and several were killed for meat for the company.
We also came in contact with many tribes of Indians and in order
that we might travel in peace with them we had to feed them and
sometimes give them presents. While journeying on our way we had
to wade many streams sometimes rivers and while walking barefoot
in the hot sands I got my feet badly burnt.26
Arriving on September 15, 1859 at the Salt Lake Valley27
was probably a great relief to Rasmus. He had be traveling for
several months now with only a short rest prior to leaving Florence.
Coming through Emigration Canyon Rasmus and his company were met and
led to Emigration Square.
James Kirkham describes this event as follows:
...we arrived all well in the valleys of the Great
Salt Lake and camp on what then known then as Emigration Square.
The day was beautiful and the sun shone in all his splendor. Our
train was led into the city by two wheel covered cart drawn by one
small white ox. The animal was covered with garlands of wild
flowers and on the sides of the vehicle was this motto in large
letters “Hail Columbia this beats the Hand Carts”. After our
arrival hundreds of people came to our camp to seek for friends
and presented us with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.28
Another account of the arrival of the Neslen company to Salt Lake
City was recorded in the weekly newspaper, the Deseret News.29
Arrivals from the Plains
Captain R.F. Neslen’s company of European Saints, arrived in this
city, on the 15th instant, all well and in good condition. The
company consisted of 56 wagons and about 400 souls, mostly from
Scandinavia. They left Florence, June 26, and have enjoyed good
health generally all the way. There were six deaths and three
births. They lost 24 head of cattle from disease and lameness, a
small number comparatively, as the mortality among cattle on the
plains during the latter part of the season has been great.
Much credit is due to Capt. Neslen for the energy and ability
which he has displayed in bringing so large a company of people so
comfortably across the plains especially considering the many
difficulties to be surmounted in conducting the immigration of
Saints from so many different nations, speaking difference
languages, and having different peculiarities and national
After staying in Salt Lake for an unknown period Rasmus and his
wife, Hansine settled in Bountiful for a time and then the call came
to go help settle Richmond, Utah. After a brief stay in Richmond,
Rasmus was called to settle a new town, Weston, Idaho.30
Although not mentioned directly in this article it is worth noting
that Rasmus Nielsen’s first wife Hansine left Liverpool, England on
May 30, 1857 and arrived at Philadelphia on July 3, 1857.31
On the LDS roster of the ship Tuscarora it stated that Hansine came
with her parents Anna and Niels Nielsen, and a young boy by the name
of Niels Jensen, who according to Mabel Pratt’s history was a nephew
to Hansine. An unexpected find in conjunction with the
aforementioned entries was that Rasmus Nielsen’s parents Niels and
Anna Hansen were listed just before Hansine and her family.
Apparently they were travelling with Hansine’s family.
Very little has been written about the voyage of the Tuscarora
and the subsequent trip to the Midwest, so it is difficult to learn
of the route taken by the group during their travels in America.
Hansine and her family probably stayed in Iowa and/or Nebraska while
awaiting the arrival of Rasmus Nielsen from Denmark.
About a year after their arrival to America Rasmus Nielsen’s parents
died in 1858 while in Iowa. The nature of their deaths remains a
Andrew Jenson recaps the trip to the Midwest by those aboard the William
TBH Stenhouse writes a letter to Mission President Asa Calkin about
the arrival of the William Tapscott.33
Notes and Bibliography
1. “They Came in 1859”, Our Pioneer Heritage compiled by
Kate B. Carter, volume 3 (Salt Lake City: Daughters of the Utah
Pioneers, 1959) p. 26.
2. See Our Pioneer Heritage vol. 3 p. 27 and The
Millenial Star, January 1, 1859 LDS Microfilm 1402730.
3. Emigration from the Scandinavian Mission (Spring 1859), LDS
microfilm 25696, p. 75.
4. Emigration from the Scandinavian Mission (Spring 1859), LDS
microfilm 25696. At the end of the roster on page 75 it listed
nationality by number.
5. Conway B. Sonne, Ships, Saints, and Mariners: A Maritime
Encylopedia of Mormon Migration 1830-1890 (Salt Lake City:
University of Utah Press, 1983) p. 130. The picture of the L.N.
Hvidt is on page 130. Sonne said this about the L.N. Hvidt:
On April 1 1859, a company of 355 Scandinavian
Saints in the charge of Elders Carl Widerbord and Niels Wilhelmsen
sailed from Copenhagen aboard the L.N. Hvidt. After a very
rough North Sea passage the steamer arrived safely at Grismby on 6
April. These Scandinavians with other British and Swiss emigrants
embarked on 11 April for America aboard the ship William Tapscott.
Screw steamship: 328 tons: 171’ x 23’ x 11’
Built: 1857 James Henderson & Son at Renfrew, Scotland. The L.N.
Hvidt was an iron steamship with three masts and one funnel.
She was owned by the General Danish Screw Steamship Co. of
Copenhagen. In 1889 after more than four decades of service, she
was sold to Norwegian owners.
6. The information for this entire paragraph came from the following
See “They Came in 1859”, Our Pioneer Heritage vol. 3 p. 27.
Conway B. Sonne, Saints on the Seas: A Maritime History of
Mormon Migration 1830-1890 (Salt Lake City: University of Utah
Press, 1983), p. 41.
7. Conway B. Sonne, Ships, Saints, and Mariners: A Maritime
Encylopedia of Mormon Migration 1830-1890 (Salt Lake City:
University of Utah Press, 1983) pp. 198-199.
The picture of the William Tapscott included in this article
was found on page 199.
Sonne wrote the following about the William Tapscott.
Ship: 1525 tons: 195’ x 41’ x 21’
Built: 1852 by William Drommond at Bath, Maine
In three voyages the square-rigger William Tapscott transported
2262 Mormon emigrants—the greatest number of any sailing craft.
Captain James B. Bell was the master during these passages. This
first began at Liverpool on 11 April 1859. Under the presidency of
Elder Robert F. Neslen and his counselors, Henry H. Harris and
George Rowley, the 725 Saints were organized into five English and
Swiss wards occupying one side of the ship and five Scandinavian
wards the other side.
The William Tapscott was one of the largest full-rigged ships
built in Maine during the 1850s. She was a typical “Down
Easter”—sturdy, moneymaking, moderately sparred, and designed for
carrying capacity. She was a three-decker with a square stern and
billethead. Among her owners, including her namesake, were such
well-known mariners as William Drummond, Gilbert C. Trufant, and
George B. Cornish. She hailed from New York. After plying the
oceans for about forty years the William Tapscott was lost in the
English Channel in the early 1890s.
8. The Millennial Star, No. 25, Volume XXI, Saturday, June
18, 1859, p. 400. LDS microfilm 1402730.
LeRoy R. Hafen, Ann W. Hafen, Handcarts to Zion: The Story of an
Unique Western Migration 1856-1860 (Glendale, California:
Arthur H. Clark Company, 1960), pp. 166-167.
See Sonne, Saints on the Seas, p. 152.
See Sonne, Ship, Saints, and Mariners, p. 198.
See “They Came in 1859”, Our Pioneer Heritage vol. 3 p. 27,
31, 33, 45.
9. Emigration from the Scandinavian Mission (Spring 1859), p. 75,
LDS microfilm 25696. The quote from passage account states that the
Scandinavian passengers including Railway fare charged from Pt
[port] Grimsby to this port [Liverpool].
280 Adults @ £5.0.0 £1400.0.0
54 Children @ £4.0.0 £216.0.0
19 Infants @ 10p £ 9.10.0
10. Fanny Fry Simons (Journal), Our Pioneer Heritage,
compiled by the Lesson Committee vol. 6 (Salt Lake City: Daughters
of Utah Pioneers, 1983) p. 188.
11. The Millennial Star, No. 25, Volume XXI, Saturday, June
18, 1859, pp. 400-401. LDS microfilm 1402730. One section from this
letter was left out from the article. It talked about a note sent to
the ship’s master thanking him for a great journey.
12. Passengers Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York 1820-1897 Roll
191. The National Archives.
The passenger list of the William Tapscott. LDS microfilm
To see an LDS roster of the William Tapscott see Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints European Mission, Emigration
Records 1859. LDS microfilm 25691, page 118 (Rasmus Nielsen) and
page 123 (Christian Olsen).
Another reference to being passengers on the William Tapscott can
be found in the European Emigration Index LDS microfilm 298434,
which has the following entries for Rasmus Nielsen and Christian
1859: Apr. 11 -- Sailed on ship “William Tapscott”
(p. 14)
1859: Apr. 11 -- Sailed on ship “William Tapscott”
(p. 18)
13. See Fanny Fry Simons (Journal), p. 188
14. The Millennial Star, No. 25, Volume XXI, Saturday, June
25, 1859, p. 407 LDS microfilm 1402730. The article states that its
information was taken from the New York Herald, May 15, 1859.
See Sonne, Saints on the Seas, p. 111
Conway B. Sonne, Ships, Saints, and Mariners, p. 108-109.
This reference describes the Isaac Newton:
Side-wheel paddle steamboat:
1332 tons: 321’ x 40’ x 11’
Built: 1846 by Isaac Newton at New York City, New York.
In the mid nineteenth century hundreds of steam packets operated
on the Hudson River. Among the largest and best known was the
Isaac Newton of New York.
Named for her builder, the Isaac Newton was built of wood and had
one deck, a round tuck, and a billet head. She had cylinders 8.5
feet in diameter with a 12-foot stroke that drove paddle wheels
that were 39 feet high, having a surface dip that gave the craft a
speed of about 20 miles per hour. She was owned by the New Jersey
Steamboat Company. Her service ended on 5 December 1863 when she
exploded and burned at Fort Washington, New York, with a loss of
nine lives.
15. See Fanny Fry Simons (Journal), p. 190
16. See “They Came in 1859”, Our Pioneer Heritage vol. 3 p.
17. See “They Came in 1859”, Our Pioneer Heritage vol. 3 p.
See Sonne, Saints on the Seas, p. 111.
See Sonne, Ship, Saints, and Mariners, p. 175.
Sonne wrote this for the entry for the St. Mary:
>Side-wheel paddle steamboat: 295 tons:
204’ x 34’ x 4’
Built: 1855 at St. Louis, Missouri
After the Mormon emigrants from the ship William Tapscott
landed at New York City on 15 May 1859, their journey westward
followed a route no other company had taken. They traveled up the
Hudson River to Albany and went on to Windsor, Ontario, Canada,
and then crossed over to Detroit. From there the emigrants took a
train to St. Joseph, Missouri, where they boarded the steamboat
St. Mary on 21 May on 21 May. Four days later they arrived at
Florence, Nebraska. The St. Mary was skippered by Captain M.
Morrison and owned by J.M. Cabbell of Keokuk, Iowa. This
steamboat, which hailed out of Keokuk, was built with wood with a
cabin on her one deck and a plain head. In September of that year
[1859] the vessel was snagged above St. Joseph and lost.
18. The Mourits Mouritsen Family: A Record of His Posterity and
His Ancestors, compiled and edited by Carrie Mouritsen Jones
and Jerald Olean Seelos, privately published, p. 426. LDS Call
Number 929.273 M866j, LDS microfilm 1035592.
19. Mabel Pratt, History of Hansine Nielsen Nielsen. Photocopy in
possession of the editor.
20. It was once thought that Rasmus and his new bride had traveled
separately, but there is no direct evidence to support this theory.
21. See “They Came in 1859”, Our Pioneer Heritage vol. 3 pp.
31, 45.
22. History of Hansine Nielsen Nielsen by Mabel Pratt.
23. The Deseret News, August 24, 1859, No. 25, vol. IX, p.
197. LDS microfilm 26588.
24. The Deseret News, August 24, 1859, p. 197.
See also Andrew Jenson, Journal History entry for June 12,
1859. LDS microfilm 1259745.
Utah Emigration Index LDS Microfilm 298442 has the following entries
for Rasmus Nielsen and Christian Olsen
NIELSON, Rasmus Ch. Em.
Crossed Atlantic on ship Wm. Tapscott.
Member of Capt. Robert F. Neslin’s ox train company.
“ Ann
Members of Capt. Robert F. Nelsins ox train company which arrived in
G.S.L. City Sept. 15, 1859 (J.H. [Journal History] June 12, 1859, p.
25. See The Mourits Mouritsen Family, p. 426
26. E. Kay Kirkham, George (Wm.) Kirkham: His Ancestors and
Descendants to the Third Generation, (Provo: J. Grant
Stevenson), pp. 66-67. LDS microfilm 924481, item 2.
See also the original journal entries made by James Kirkham on LDS
microfilm 1225.
27. The Deseret News, September 21, 1859, No. 29, vol. IX.
LDS microfilm 26588.
See also Andrew Jenson, Journal History entry for June 12,
1859. LDS microfilm 1259745. An in-line entry next to the article
states: “Arrived in G.S.L. City Sept. 15, 1859”.
28. See Kirkham in George (Wm.) Kirkham p. 67.
29. The Deseret News, September 21, 1859, No. 29, vol. IX.
LDS microfilm 26588.
30. Lars Fredrickson. “History of Part of Franklin County (Weston
Idaho)” p. 1. A copy was obtained from the International Society
Daughters of Utah Pioneers in Salt Lake City.
31. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints European Mission,
Emigration Records 1857. Passenger list for the Tuscarora. LDS
microfilm 25691, page 75. The entries were as follows:
Niels Hansen 57
Anna do[ditto] 62
Niels Nilson 47 Farmer
Anna do[ditto] 56
Hansina [ditto]25
Niels Jensen 5
Source: Contributor, Vol XIV, July 1893 No 9 Published
by the Contributor Co Salt Lake City Utah pages 436-437
Author: Andrew Jenson
One Hundred and Fourth Company. William Tapscott, 725
souls. On Monday, April 11th, 1859, the ship William Tapscott sailed
from Liverpool, England, with 725 British, Scandinavian and Swiss
Saints on board. The Scandinavian portion of the company, consisting
of 355 souls, had sailed from Copenhagen, Denmark, on the steamer
L. N. Hvidt April 1st, 1859, in charge of Elders Carl
Widerborg and Niels Wilhelmsen, and reached Grimsby, England, on the
sixth, after a rather long and stormy passage over the German Ocean.
From Grimsby the emigrants continued by rail to Liverpool, when
they, on the seventh, went on board the William Tapscott, and were
joined by the British and Swiss emigrants. Elder Robert F. Neslen
was appointed President of the company, with Henry H. Harris and
George Rowley as counselors. After going through the process of
government inspection, clearing, etc., Prest. Neslen, in connection
with his counselors, proceeded to organize the company into ten
wards, namely, five English and five Scandinavian, appointing a
president over each, to see to the faithful observance of
cleanliness, good order, etc. The Scandinavian Saints occupied one
side of the vessel, and the British and Swiss the other. The company
was blessed with a most pleasant and agreeable voyage, which lasted
only thirty-one days. The health of the passengers was exceptionally
good, which was demonstrated by the fact that only one death
occurred on board, and that was an old Swedish sister by the name of
Inger Olsen Hagg, sixty-one years old, who had been afflicted for
upwards of five years previous to her embarkation. This was
counterbalanced by two births. In the matrimonial department the
company did exceedingly well, as no less than nineteen marriages
were solemnized on board ; of these five couples were English, one
Swiss and thirteen Scandinavian. Every day during the voyage the
people were called together for prayer every morning and evening at
eight o'clock. On Sundays three meetings were held on deck, and
fellowship meetings in each ward two nights a week. The monotony of
the voyage was also enlivened with singing, instrumental music,
dancing, games, etc , in which, as a matter of course, the junior
portion took a prominent part, while the more sedate enjoyed
themselves in seeing and hearing the happifying recreations. Elder
Neslen writes that he felt it quite a task when he was appointed to
take charge of a company composed of people from so many countries,
speaking nine different languages, and having different manners,
customs, and peculiarities, and thrown together under such close
circumstances; but through the faithfulness and diligence of the
Saints, which were universally manifested, he soon found the load
far easier than he had anticipated, and on the arrival of the
company in New York, it was pronounced by doctors and government
officers to be the best disciplined and most agreeable company that
ever arrived at that port. Arriving safely in the New York harbor,
the emigrants were landed in the Castle Gardens on Saturday, the
fourteenth of May. On the same day, in the evening, most of them
continued the journey by steamboat up the Hudson River to Albany,
where they arrived the following morning. Thence they traveled by
rail via Niagara to Windsor, in Canada, where they, on the sixteenth
crossed the river to Detroit, and thence continued the journey by
rail, by way of Quincy to St. Joseph, Missouri, where they arrived
on the twenty-first. In the afternoon of that day they boarded the
steamboat St. Mary which brought them to Florence, Nebraska, where
they arrived on the twenty-fifth, in the morning. The whole route
through the States was one which no former company of emigrating
Saints had ever taken. Brother George Q. Cannon and those who
assisted him in the emigrating business were quite successful in
making arrangements for their transportation by rail direct to St.
Joseph, instead of, as first contemplated, shipping them to Iowa
City. On their arrival at Florence the Saints were organized into
temporary districts and branches, with presiding officers over each,
whose duty it was to look after the comfort and welfare of the
people while encamped at that place. Prayer meetings were held
regularly twice a week in most of these temporary branches. About
fifty of the Saints who crossed the Atlantic in the William Tapscott
stopped temporarily in New York and other parts of the United
States. [Millennial Star, Vol. XXI, pp. 286, 419; Morgenstjernen,
Vol. Ill, p. 82.)
On the 11th instant,the ship William Tapscott set sail for New York,
with 725 Saints on board. May the blessing of Heaven accompany
them on their journey Zionward ;and may the Saints whom they have
left behind in these lands be stimulated to increased exertions to
swellt he emigration list for another season, that they may then
rise and follow them
Millenial Star Vol XX1 p. 286
33. Letter by T.B.H. Stenhouse. Source Millenial Star Vol
XX1 p. 419

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