Better Early Than Fancy
Richard Ebling's homepage, Version 1.2 (New lipstick, same old pig) I decided that if I waited until I had the time to do it right, I'd never get anything online.

Standard disclaimer applies.

H1N1 Practical Resources

Richard's New(er) listing of links: More than you ever wanted to know about foo

No longer new and shiny!!

Gratuitous plug for budding comic artist Danial: Excerpts from the Life of a Stick Figure

CueCat Links page
Quality in Therapy
Folk Dance Info
WWW helps
Virus info & Internet hoaxes

Quality in Therapy: Therapy-related resources, with emphasis on SFT, use of focus and client feedback to improve quality of therapy services, Managed Care resources, and (Real Soon Now) ideas on How (in what ways) might Managed Care be(come) a Good Thing(TM)?. Surf with care: This space under ongoing construction.

Computers in Mental Health homepage, maintained by Dr. Martin Briscoe

AOD-Collaborative Therapies Discussion List
Read the charter for this online forum (mailing list)--now open for subscribing! aod-collab: "...a forum for treatment professionals to discuss the practical application of cooperative/ collaborative approaches to substance use problems." If you're interested in participating, follow the "charter" link above and subscribe.

Asian American Psychological Association homepage

Utah Contradance Information Page
Mike Drews' page; contains link to Kiran Wagle's ultimate connectivity contradance page and others.
William Palmer's Pocket Playford, "An aide memoire summary by William Palmer of dances from the Playford Ball programmes as arranged by The Round in Cambridge, England."

WWW helps
Browse the Designing Universal/Accessible Web Sites for information on making your site more accessible to persons with vision problems or text-only browsers.

Terry Carroll's Copyright Resource Page (includes Brad Templeton's Copyright FAQ, as seen by some, in news.announce.newusers).

Convert old Wordperfect documents to HTML (WP v5.1, DOS only) at home in your spare time, using University of Southampton's WordPerfect to HTML Conversion Macros. Freeware.
The Free Pages Page Lists and reviews of sites that host www pages, for "free". Just remember: TANSTASFL (something to do with free lunches).
Guide to MRML ( Mind Reading Markup Language)

Citation style for Tasty Online References
Cybercitations Citing Internet Resources in Bibliographies, Research Papers, & Theses
APA Publication Manual Cribsheet Pretty much everything, including ideas on citing online references.
Web Extension to American Psychological Association Style (WEAPAS)Proposed standard for referencing online documents in scientific publications (Revision 1.2.4)

Not Just For Nerds: Other Internet/computer-related info

Virus information and Internet hoaxes
"Don't Spread That Hoax!"
Visit this page if you've heard that Craig Shergold is a dying kid who wants to get in the Guinness book by receiving record number of Nieman-Marcus-Cookie-Recipe email-virus messages, or if your spouse wants to "Make Money Fast" and protect your computer against the aol4free pyramid scheme, that was actually started by BlueStar LSD-using gangsters who drive with their headlights off. Or something like that.

Read the FCC's 12/98 statement re: "internet tax" issues.

The CIAC Internet Hoaxes homepage. Primary reference on a limited number of internet computer scares. Contains a great spoof on the Good Times virus hoax.

Okay, so where's some accurate/useful info on viruses?
The VIRUS-L FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions file). 107 K. Updated 3/97.

Also see the National Computer Security Association's NCSA Virus Lab page. Contains info on virus alerts and hoaxes, antivirus product certification, and much information on computer viruses.

Know of a good anti-virus system?
Well, as a matter of fact... Take a look at f-prot, which is IMO, the best anti-virus software for the average (or above-average) DOS/PC-compatible computer user. The full-strength (DOS) version is free for private use (CHEAP shareware for business use) and available for download; you can get updates online approximately every two months.
Windows users, take heart: the same company (Frisk International) is currently offering a limited demo version of the F-Prot Professional Anti-virus Toolkit, v3.0, for Windows 3.1x, Win95 & Windows NT (server & client).

Linux Links
Linux is a powerful freeware Un*x clone, which runs on IBM-compatible PC's and provides an alternative to commercial 32-bit operating systems (Win95, OS/2). Much quality freeware is available.

CueCat Links

RadioShack and a number of corporate heavyweights have moved to further simplify navigation on the WWW. In the USA, you can go to most any Radio Shack store, and pick up a free "CueCat" wand-style barcode reader that connects to your keyboard port. Software is provided for Win95, that allows the "cuecat" to scan special barcodes in print adverts, and then direct your computer browser to appropriate web pages for that product.

Not everyone wants to use the CueCat just to increase their exposure to commercial messages; several non-Windows drivers and utilities are now available, and there have been discussions about the possibility of using such a barcode reader as part of a user-authentication process (no, you won't have to get a barcode tattooed to your sensitive bits). Anyway, to find out more on alternative uses for the CueCat, point your browser towared the CueCat Links Page

Available for several months now, the psql2k-linux mailing list exists for those using/trying to use Pervasive Software's PervasiveSQL-2000 for Linux. Recently released, this server is apparently intended as an easy, stable server capable of providing services for Btrieve-based applications (whether they're currently being met via Win95 peer-to-peer or client-server systems). In theory at least, it should be able to provide the speed associated with the Btrieve transactional database and its use of API calls, combined with the increased data integrity gained by use of a single database engine serving multiple requesters.
Among other things, it also offers means to transform those databases into SQL-queryable databases, complete with ODBC.

When I last toyed with it (summer 2000), it seemed very much "not-ready-for-prime-time"; they've been working on it and promising another set of patches Real Soon Now. Folks using Therapist Helper might be interested in this, to implement the groovy new client-server version of the system. I see that the client-server version of TH is being offered on the NT version of Pervasive, but not on Linux (boggle); I'm hoping they're just waiting for PSQL2Ki' stability and reliability on the Linux platforms to catch up with the more mature version, as I think that may make it more affordable (and potentially more secure).

my Old link to the BUGTRAQ site
Link to Linux News & Linux Resources via the Linux Gazette homepage
Visit the homepage of the Salt Lake Linux Users' Group (meets monthly at U of U), or connect to Linux CD Giveaway List for your own, very cheap, nearly new Linux distribution CD (Read c.o.l.a. message about giveaway).
Netscape/Linux problems? Get the remedy from the Linux Help Page of Theofilu Andreas, who tells how to give Netscape (versions 3.x, 4.0b2) links to the old libraries it insists on, and how to work around Netscape's bus error in v4.0b3.

Miscellaneous: The Largest Category
Avicenna: The Medical Information Supersite"A comprehensive medical information resource free to all healthcare to MEDLINE search... (etc, etc.)

Links to info on Expert Systems

PC-AI's " Creative Thinking" links page

Netiquette Guidelines (RFC 1855)

Electronic Privacy Information Center Contains links to articles, privacy software such as PGP, updates.

The Computer Law Observer "is a FREE monthly electronic newsletter that discusses a wide range of cutting-edge legal issues relating to computers, technology and the Internet."

Stop Junk Email Logo Stop Junk Email Now John C. Rivard's anti-Junk Email Page contains numerous suggestions for slowing the flood of junk email.

Fight Spam on the internet Link to info on what you can do about excessively crossposted usenet posts and UCE (unsolicited commercial email).

Contact hardware/software vendors or connect to their www/ftp sites, from The Ultimate Industry Connection

On a less serious note: [Giant bandwidth-wasting graphic goes here]

Dilbert's pointy-haired boss shows how not to manage staff.

Generate a new Mission Statement, courtesy of the Center for Duhcision Making.

Use the The Official SGI Corporate Press Release Generator to create your own pressrelease in corpspeak.

Visit the MIT Gallery of Hacks

Use Scott Pakin's automatic complaint-letter generator

Ponder Hewitt & Subitsky's "A Call for More Scientific Truth in Product Warning Labels"

Browse the Jargon File: Exhaustive, humorous, and accurate definitions of computer-related terms.

Volunteer services provided to Iqra Academy of Utah

Send feedback via email to maintainer of this page (Richard Ebling)
Version: 3.12
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Composed with care (well, some) by Hastily assembled homepages R us ( Richard Ebling)
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