Quality in Therapy

A slowly growing assortment of ideas, links, tools, and references for providing high-quality therapy

Check out the AOD-Collaborative Therapies List charter aod-collab is now open for subscription and discussion.
See Brett Brasher's article: "Clinical Reasoning for Difficult Clients: Motivational Interviewing"
A message for survivors of abuse, by Yvonne M. Dolan, M.S.

Selected items by Lynn Johnson, Ph.D.
Session Rating Client Satisfaction feedback tool (freeware or postcard-ware)
Helping the Involuntary Client Working effectively with court-referred clients
Ways of Listening (most browsers) (text-only version) Useful handout for couples, therapists, conflict resolution.
Marriage Busters--4 Patterns that can Kill Love Applies elements of John Gottman's work with couples.
Solution-Focused Recovery Scale by Yvonne Dolan, M.S., and Lynn Johnson, Ph.D.
Order Lynn Johnson's "Psychotherapy in the Age of Accountability" (1995: W.W.Norton).
Dr. Johnson quoted in Practice Strategies' brief article Providers say they measure outcomes for themselves, not MCOs
From Terry Shuart: View(HTML) or download Terry's handout regarding the Miracle Question, in zipped MS-Word format or zipped "Powerpoint" form (you may need to press the "shift" key on your keyboard as you click on the link, if your browser doesn't know what to do with .zip files).
From Martin Fletcher : Download his "Pictograms"-- As discussed in SFT-L !!
Available in your choice of two flavours (both postcard-ware).
Less Filling: mfimg-ppt.zip, compressed PowerPoint format (393884 bytes), and
Tastes Great: mfimg.ppt, raw, uncompressed PowerPoint format (with 9% more foam, at 430592 bytes).
(If your browser starts displaying junk after clicking on the link, stop the page load and try again, this time pressing the "shift" key on your keyboard as you click on the link).
Better Early Than Fancy:
Richard's "Pretty Much Ready for Prime-Time" documents
Affiliation Questions
Generic reframe for Adjustment Problems at Adolescence
Focused Therapy Bibliography
Using Assessment as a Strategic Family Intervention
Links to SFT-related sites
Solution Focused Therapy Associated with the SFT-L mailing list; contains subscription info and searchable archives.
Ben Furman's homepage (in Finnish & English) with links to ReTeaming materials--Applying solution-orientation to organizations.
Christina Haxton's new website for the Aspen Center for Marriage & Family
Bill O'Hanlon's homepage
European Brief Therapy Association Among other things, contains updated list on outcome research on SFBT
David Pocock's "Working Therapeutically with Self and System"homepage. Contains many articles and links of interest, particularly text of a Heinz von Forster interview.
Managed Behavioral Health Care
Browse or search the MBHC mailing list archives. (Untested link--maelstrom was down when I added this)
Response: Healthcare Information Management A very interesting approach to marketing information services. Contains online demo of the BASIS-32, developed by Sue Eisen, Ph.D.
The Maine Rural Health Research Center has available for download "Best Practices in Rural Medicaid Managed Mental Health" among other offerings.
PsychLink: A variety of resources related to practice in a Managed Care environment.
Psychotherapy Finances: Useful practice ideas within or without Managed Care. Look under "Reader Services" for articles.
"OPEN MINDS, The Behavioral Health Industry Analyst." No longer offering a large collection of articles online, still a source of useful links and ideas. View their most recent available article.
"National Health Data Systems, Inc" makes the following promise: "We offer the most practical, elegant solution available anywhere for improving the quality of patient care and rewarding those responsible for delivering and managing that care!" Judge for yourself, and bring your own NaCl.
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