Journal entries of November-December 1832 by Joseph Smith

The following entries by Joseph Smith, Jr. were recorded in his 1832-1834 Journal. They are written by his own hand. Crossout words omitted. Original in LDS archives.

Joseph Smith Jrs Book for Record Baught on the 27th of November 1832 for the purpose to keep a minute a minute ac[c]ount of all things that come under my obse[r]vation &c- Oh may God grant that I may be directed in all my thaughts Oh bless thy Servent Amen

November 28th this day I have [spent] in reading and writing this Evening my mind is calm and serene for which I thank the Lord -

November 29th this day road from Kirtland to Chardon to see my Sister Sop[h]ronia and also ca[lled] to see my Sister Catherine [and fou]nd them [well] this Evening Brother Frederic[k G. Williams] Prophecyed that next spring I should go to the city of PittsBurg to establish a Bishoprick and within one year I should go to the City of New York the Lord spare the life of thy servent Amen

November 30th 1830 [1832] this day retu[r]ned home to Kirtland found all well to the Joy and satidfaction of my soul on my return home stopped at Mr Kings bore test[i]mony to him and Family &c-

December 1th [1st] bore testimony to Mr Gilmore wrote and corrected revelations & c-

December 2th [2nd] the sab[b]ath went to went to meeting &c

December 3d ordain[e]d Brother Packherd [Noah Packard] with my own hand also Brother umfiry [Solomon Humphery] came to see me from the East & braught news from Brother Lyman Johnson and Orson Pratt &c. also held a conference in the Evening Br Jese [Jesse Gause] and Mogan [Morgan?] and William Mclelen [McLellin] was excommunicated from the church &c-

December 4th this day I [have] been unwell done but lit[t]le been at home all day regulated some things this Evening feel better in my mind then I have for a few days back Oh Lord deliver out thy servent out of tem[p]tations and fill his heart with wisdom and understanding

December 5th this day copying letters and translating and in evening held a council to advise with Brother Solomon Humphry it was ordered by the council that he should be a companion with Brother Noah packard in the work of the ministry -

December 6th translating and received a revelation explaining the Parable [of] the wheat and the tears [tares] &c-

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