Excerpts from a few Patriarchal Blessings given by Joseph Smith, Sr.
Edward Partridge
4 May 1835, Kirtland, Ohio
Thou shalt live to see the redemption of Zion and rejoice upon the goodly land
Arnold Stephens
6 July 1840, Nauvoo, Illinois
if faithful thou shalt see the sons of God come from the North Country, & thou shalt
be crowned with them, and shall meet them in their armies as the Lord leads them by his Prophet,
and when the
highway is cast up . . . Thou shalt see the Revelator John, and
shall stand upon the earth when he shall lead in his armies from
the North
Translate thyself
Ethan Barrows
22 March 1836, Kirtland, Ohio
Thou shalt have power to translate thyself from land to land and from country to country,
from one end of heaven to the other, and when thy work is done thou shalt translate from earth to
William Harris
2 May 1836, Kirtland, Ohio
thou shalt have all power, even to translate thyself and change into a shadow; so that if any
shall smite at thee they shall only
hit thy shadow, and thou shalt be in another place
Lorenzo Snow
thou shalt have power to translate thyself from one plannet [planet] to annother
[another] -- power to go to the moon if thou shalt desire it. Power to preach to the
spirits in prison
Dominicus Carter
19 December 1836, Kirtland, Ohio
Thou shall have power to translate thyself and call down fire from heaven as did Elijah of
Excerpt from a Patriarchal Blessing of Emily Jacob, given by John Smith
26 January 1846
For a woman can have but little power in the priesthood without a man.
Seer Stone
Excerpt from a Patriarchal Blessing of Lorenzo Snow, given by Isaac Morley
19 December 1843
Thou hast thy gift & blessing of discernment of spirits to detect error and imbrace [embrace] truth
Ask and thou shalt receive the gift and blessing of a white stone in that
stone a new name written that no man knoweth save to him to whom it is given.
Temple in Jackson County, Missouri
Excerpt from a Patriarchal Blessing of Matthias Cowley, given by Uncle John Smith
26 March 1845
shalt live to see Israel gathered in fulness - the City of Zion built in Jackson County,
Missouri, and the House of the Lord, and the cloud rest upon it, according to the Revelation.
Ten Tribes from the North Country
Excerpt from a Patriarchal Blessing of Joseph Smith, Jr., given by Joseph Smith, Sr.
9 December 1834
thou shalt stand on Mount Zion when the tribes of Jacob come shouting from the north, and
with thy brethren, the sons of Ephraim, crown them in the name of Jesus Christ: Thou shalt see
thy Redeemer come in the clouds of heaven
Excerpt from a Patriarchal Blessing of Arnold Stephens, given by Joseph Smith, Sr.
July 6, 1840
if faithful thou shalt see the sons of God come from the North Country, & thou shalt
be crowned with them, and shall meet them in their armies as the Lord leads them by his Prophet,
and when the highway is cast up ... Thou shalt see the Revelator John, and stand upon the earth
when he shall lead in his armies from the North
Treasures in the sand to build up Zion
Excerpt from a Patriarchal Blessing of Wilford Woodruff, given by Joseph Smith, Sr.
15 April 1837
Thou shalt have access to the treasures hid in the sand to assist thy necessities. An angel of
God shall show thee the treasures of the earth that thou mayest have riches to assist thee in
gathering many orphan Children to Zion.
Go to other planets
Excerpt from a Patriarchal Blessing of Stephen Post, given by Joseph Smith, Sr.
26 March 1836
. . . for thou shalt not finished thy ministry upon this ball [this earth], thou shalt preach to
people of other planets, and thou shalt preach to spirits in prison . . .
Excerpt from Patriarchal Blessing of Lorenzo Snow, given by Joseph Smith, Sr.
15 December 1836
thou shalt have power to translate thyself from one plannet [planet] to annother
[another] -- power to go to the moon if thou shalt desire it.