The Mormon religion is in a large part based on the writings of Joseph Smith. Smith's writings, many of them, are considered inspired and canonical to the different churches of the Restoration movement. To the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS church), with headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah, the following writings originate from the founder of Mormonism.

The Book of Mormon (dictated in 1829, published in 1830). Now titled: The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ.

Joseph Smith Bible (most corrections/revisions 1830-33).

This is a Bible revision known as the Joseph Smith Translation abbreviated as JST. Smith did not know Hebrew or Greek during this period. The revision is referred to in various publications. At present it has not been canonized by the LDS church.
Currently published in English by the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, headquarters in Independence, Missouri.

Doctrine and Covenants (1828-43)

Many of Joseph Smith's religious instructions came in the form of written revelations. These revelatory messages were given in response to individual inquiries, church directivess, doctrinal explanations, who was to go on a mission, and whenever guidence was sought for the organization of the church.

Pearl of Great Price (1830-42) [first published, 1851, canonized in 1880]
Selections from the Book of Moses (revision of early part of Genesis, JST)
The Book of Abraham, Smith's writings from Egyptian papyrus [with 3 facsimilies]
Joseph Smith - Matthew (Smith's correction of Matthew 23:39 and chapter 24, JST)
Joseph Smith - History, includes Smith's early visionary experiences (years covered: 1805-1829) [1838-39 account]
Articles of Faith

Other writings relating to Joseph Smith include:

Dean C. Jessee, comp. and ed., Personal Writings of Joseph Smith 2nd ed., Salt Lake City: Deseret Book and Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University Press, 2002.

Volumes of the Joseph Smith Papers by the Church Historian's Press.

H. Michael Marquardt, Joseph Smith's 1828-1843 Revelations. Maitland, Florida: Xulon Press, 2013.

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