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Bootleg Bay: Hall of the Fire Lord
Ancient runes above the entrance attempt to scare away the casual visitor. Fresh goblin tracks lead into and out of the doorway.

Note: The quest is broken in the original game, the latest patch however fixes this issue. You can earn virtually infinite experience from the quest. Click here to learn how the bug works. I recommend not to read it, or it will spoil the game fun.

 1    You start here, the Fire Lord is in this room, talk to him to get a quest.
 2 This is a huge room, lots of nice fighting in here.
 3 After falling down a few floors you will be in room 3, here you can kill the "pharaoph" look-a-like which should give you a small taste for what is to come later on in the game.

The complete the quest the fastest way, talk to the Fire Lord in the room you start at. Grab the Amber in the chest nearby and then walk to the East and you will land on top of of a stone block. Turn North West and jump into the tunnel, nuke some enemies and unward the rigth most door with one of your ambers. With another amber touch one of the stone faces and you will be teleported back to the entry hall. Jump down the east floor again and this time jump into the South East tunnel, follow down the slope and jump into the hole of the first room. Walk some more and fall down one more floor and now head through the North East door. You will encounter a warted door, unward it using one of ambers and the quest is completed. Touch one of the stone faces and talk to the Fire Lord. I do not remember if there is a 3rd warted door, if so you have to find it before you can unwart the last warted door.

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