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Dragonsand: City Map

1.NPC: +15% experience, takes 7% gold
NPC: +6 merchant, takes 2% gold
2.NPC: +4 all spell skills, takes 20% gold
NPC: cast's Town Portal once per day, takes 20% gold
3.NPC: cast's Water Walk once per day, takes 20% gold
NPC: cast's Fly once per day, takes 10% gold
4.Abdul himself!
5.Trades Pyramids, or Keg's for Armor
6.NPC: +20 to all elemental resistances, takes 20% gold
NPC: Heals and Cures everything once per day, takes 50% gold
7.A pedestal for the Place Statues Quest
8.Trades Pyramids, or Keg's for Weapons
9.NPC: +4 merchant skill, takes 1% gold
NPC: 3 skill to all weapons, takes 4% gold
10.rades Pyramids, or Keg's for Accessories
11.+20% all found gold, takes 10% gold
NPC: +8 diplomacy, takes 3% gold
12.Trade Lamps for Gems

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This Page was last updated on in the year of 1998.