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White Cap: Shadow Guild
Home to the so-called Prince of Thieves, the Shadow Guild operates outside of Anthony Stone's jurisdiction. This Guildhall is not open to the public.

Shadow Guild
Shadow Guild
 1. Entrance
 2. Note stating that the Prince has moved to Free Haven sewers.
To activate the teleporter: Stand at the entry of the door, facing north. Now notice the darker tiles on the floor, jump on those in a half left circle till you reach the opposite side of the entry wall. If you do it right, you will hear a click each time you jump on the tile. Then you will be teleported.
 3. A teleporter will open after you did the "jump-play" in room 2.
 4. You will be teleported into this room by using the teleporter from room 3. This room has four riddles. Behind each door you will find a teleporter:
North: Free Haven
South: Dragoon's Caverns (Castle Ironfist)
West: Back to entry of cave
East: Shadow Guild Hideout (Castle Ironfist)

If you have high enough perception you can see all of the floor tiles that will set off traps.There are many of them.

The Prince is actually in the Sewers of Free Haven but I'll get a map up soon.

Alive without breath, as cold as death, never thirsty ever drinking, all in mail never clinking, ever travelling, never walking, mouth ever moving, never talking. What am I?
What consumes rocks, levels mountains, destroys wood, pushes the clouds across the sky, and can make a young one old?
I go through an apple, or point your way, I fit in a bow, then a target, to stay. What am I?
You cannot see me, hear me or touch me. I lie behind the stars and alter what is real, I am what you really fear, Close your eyes and I near. What am I?

Thanks goes to Ulf-Andre Gramstad for pointing out the teleporter in room #2.

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This Page was last updated on in the year of 1998.