Cell Environment in person with Fibromyalgia

At the cell level people with fibromyalgia have been found to be low in magnesium (Mg), high in pyruvate, and low in ATP. It is likely that other abnormal conditions may exist at the cell level in the person with fibromyalgia but this is sufficient data to start our search for more clues.

Low magnesium is not unique to fibromyalgia, according to the article in the links section below, approximately 72% of americans may be lacking in this important alkaline mineral. There are a few fibromyalgia-like symptoms associated with a deficiency of magnesium. Since magnesium also helps control potassium levels in the cell, one can logically reason that potassium levels in the cell may also be below "normal".

Do not confuse blood levels of a substance as an accurate indicator of levels inside the cell (or elsewhere in the body). Potassium is, or rather should be, more abundant in the cell compared to lower levels normal to the serum (blood). This difference in concentration is important for the osmotic diffusion of the mineral out of the cell. The Sodium-Potassium pump (Na+, K+ ATPase), an ATP energized enzyme, is designed to maintain correct concentrations of these minerals by pumping sodium (which has difussed into the cell) out of the cell and potassium back into the cell.

The other two substances, Pyruvate and ATP, is where we will direct our focus. ATP is a substance obtained from the processes that break down glucose. Pyruvate is formed as an intermediate substance in the production of ATP. Magnesium also plays a part in the processes that convert glucose to ATP.

Related Links
The Role of Magnesium in Fibromyalgia
Magnesium's Profound Effect on CFS
Glycolysis abnormalities in fibromyalgia

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