Computer Interests

This is a view of my dual AMD Athlon-MP computer. It needs to be updated again (the picture, I mean); now I've got a dual AMD Opteron HE (high-efficiency) system.

Old image of my computer desk

I also have an Atari 1040ST, Atari 1200XL, and Atari 800; an AMD K6-2 based PC; a '486 PC; and at one time I had a NeXTCube with a NeXTDimension board and two monitors! Notice in the photo below that my Atari 1200XL (standing on the back of the desk at the left) is using the right-hand NeXT monitor for its video output. You can also see that one of NeXT's windows is positioned halfway across the two monitors -- it's a huge desktop!


... The NeXT computer system, taken as a whole, is not just a stepwise refinement of currently available personal computers and workstations. In a market where another company can put a somewhat faster processor into an existing computer and call it a major new product, NeXT's accomplishments have real significance.
--Bruce F. Webster, in  The NeXT Book  

Project Builder Programming computers

Hacking computer programs

Computer games

Ray Tracing (and other graphics)

Solving problems

Installing / Configuring computer hardware and software

NeXT '040 motherboard

This was the guts of my NeXT: a Motorola 68040 33MHz CPU (under the heat sink on the left), Motorola 56001 DSP (in the upper right quadrant), 64MB RAM (top), NeXT custom I/O chips (lower left quadrant), and various connectors for SCSI devices, ethernet network, serial devices, etc. (on the right). The Dimension board (not shown) has an i860 parallel CPU, another 32MB RAM, and various connectors for video input and output.

Not bad for 1990, eh?

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