Horror Film Compendium FAQ

Every once in a while, someone accidentally comes across our website and every once in a while, one of them accidentally wonders something, and every once in a while, one of them actually asks us a question. So, as a service to you, we've created a list of the most frequently asked of those questions, and tried to answer most of them here.

Q. What is Horror?
A. Well, that's a good question. The short answer is that Horror is whatever we decide it is. The long answer is that Horror... is... whatever... we... decide... it ...is.
Q. What is a Compendium?
A. Compendium is an 400 year-old term derived from the Latin (compendere) for "to weigh together" meant to denote a collection of materials into a single body that summarize a larger work or field of knowledge. Thanks for asking.
Q. What constitutes a Film?
A. See answer to "What is Horror?".
We've decided not to limit ourselves on what we'll review here: new movies, classic movies, made for television movies, good movies, bad movies, mini-series, music videos, cartoons, made-for-cable programs, foreign films, TV series, short films, The Star Wars Holiday Special...the list could go on and on.
Q. What is a FAQ?
A. It's an archaic term for a bundle of sticks, or British slang for a cigarette. Come on, these are more enlightened times, people.
Q. What do the Skulls under each review mean?
A. I'm glad you asked. Check this out.
Sometimes I wonder if anyone really cares or if we do this just for the exercise.
Q. Did you rip off the movie Scream?
A. No. But I know some people who did.
Actually, we did crib some of our Skulls from that film, which helped inspire this website.
Q. Why do some reviews have a shorter list of Skulls than others?
A. The reason is historical. When the Horror Film Compendium first started, we had a wee list of skulls that we thought we were so clever for coming up with. Right around the time we were reviewing our 100th film, it occurred to us that there is far more in the world than just what we had previously thought. On that solemn occasion, we added to the list of Skulls that we track. It has been the work of many cycles to try to go back and catch those original 100 films up, and someday, perhaps, we'll make it. Of course, when you notice that Halloween 6 and Jack-O are on there, you'll realise that we'll never completely finish since neither of us is willing to watch those again.
Q. What if, in watching a movie you have reviewed, I noticed Skulls you didn't?
A. Then you are really, really cool.
Q. Can I quote your site in my school report, news article, thesis, or obituary?
A. Sure, but we like to get credit when you do it.
Q. Will you write a paper for me concerning Horror?
A. Hell no! First, if we were to write such a paper, it would appear here on the HFC as our own work and second, we're lazy.
We will, however, help stage your roommate's suicide so you get straight A's.
Q. Who are you guys?
A. Just a couple of blokes who love the horror and didn't understand exactly what they were getting into.
If you want to know more, check this out.
Q. Are you the same tyranist and Rish Outfield I saw on the credits of Sorority House Butchery?
A. No, that was another Rish Outfield and tyranist.
Q. How can I contact you?
A. E-mail. Our addresses are as follows: Tyranist (tyranist@xmission.com) and Rish (RishOut@aol.com).
Q. Why haven't you reviewed my favourite Horror movie?
A. Maybe we've never heard of your favourite. Maybe we are afraid it will be terrible. Maybe we saw it long ago and it WAS terrible. Maybe we just never thought about it. You could mention what your favourite is so that this conversation might get a little further.
Q. Why are some reviews short and some reviews long?
A. Why are some days good and some bad? Why does it hurt when you rub two pieces of styrofoam together? Why does the other line always move faster than yours? Why are the Oscars always longer than the Golden Globes? Why do black jellybeans taste so bad? Why didn't Donnie marry Marie?
Q. Why don't you consider x a Scream Queen/Fiend?
A. Could be that we don't like the actor, or maybe we just never realized that the body of their work is so vast as to require our consideration.
Q. Your review for q was negative, but I really liked it. What should I do?
A. Buy a gun?
Seriously, though, it's perfectly acceptable to disagree with our opinions. After all, we're not gods. Even though we're immortal and live on Mount Olympus.
Q. You gave y a really good review, but I thought it sucked.
A. Is this a question?
Q. Tyranist said z was good, Rish said it was bad (or vice-versa). Who should I believe?
A. While we try to be open-minded, sometimes we're unduly influenced in our reviews. Call Leonard Maltin, here's his home number: 310-550-1967.
Q. Can I review a movie for the site?
A. Nope. While we've had the rare guest review, those only happen under extenuating circumstances and we just aren't equipped to accept freelance reviews. Sorry, Mom.
Q. What is the deal with the spelling?
A. Rish: I'll take this one. While not particularly talented or attractive, her father was a television mogul and cast her in a hit TV show, making her a celebrity in spite of her flaws.
Q. Who is more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?
A. The idiot who sits there and watches them go.
Q. Why do you pick on Fairuza Balk?
A. Because she makes it so darn easy.
Q. If Jason fought Michael Myers, who would win?
A. Michael Myers, but it would bring about such a singular event that the universe would implode and be re-created as the playland of Zsa Zsa Gabor.
Wait a minute, hasn't that already happened?
Q. If I made a horror film, will you review it?
A. Sure. Just e-mail us for instructions on where to send the tape.
Q. What is the meaning of life?
A. 42.
Q. Why are you wasting your time on such a worthless genre?
A. And your time as well.