The Fog

Year: 1980

Director: John Carpenter

Written by: John Carpenter & Debra Hill

Threat: Ghosts

Weapon of Choice: Hook

IMDb page: IMDb link

       The Fog Fog - International

Rish Outfield's reviews
John Carpenter is a cool director. He makes great, unsatisfying action movies, and even greater, unsatisfying horror movies. This is no exception. It's a fun, scary, silly horror film. Jamie Lee Curtis has very little to do here, but boy, is her hair bad! Her mother, Janet Leigh, also appears, but both looks old and is unsympathetic. Adrienne Barbeau, a Scream Queen in her own right, is the star of this show, and does an admirable job (though my favourite performance is still as ‘call me Billie' in Creepshow--with Hal Holbrook, who plays the priest in The Fog). As a boy, I was fascinated by the television commercials for this film, endlessly quoting, "What's in the Fog won't hurt will kill you!" But what's in the fog (skeletal sailors) aren't half as scary as the fog itself. The creepy scenes of translucent mist moving slowly toward the shore are completely effective. Also, there are many scary moments, such as when a message appears on a piece of driftwood (hard to read thanks to the video transfer), and the sounds of unseen, but approaching ghosts. Unfortunately, the end of the film is kind of anticlimactic, and I was left with more of a ho hum reaction than maybe I should have been. What can I say? I guess that's Carpenter's way.
Best Scare: The aforementioned fog.
I'd Recommend It To: most ghost story fans.

The tyranist's thoughts
This one has some pretty scary moments and more of that cool John Carpenter music that was featured in Halloween, but this one is also much more sloppy. The characters are a little less sympathetic and it is really hard to make fog menacing. They do pull off a few good moments, but the end seems very contrived and rushed. It could have used at least fifteen minutes devoted to characters and back story. We saw this one on VHS and let me warn you that it is the worst pan & scan job that I have ever seen. It was so bad that it was distracting most of the time. There were constantly shots of nothing while a character did something barely off screen. And conversations were impossible. I would be willing to watch this one again if I could find a widescreen DVD release on the chance that there were cool things that I missed, but otherwise I don't think I care enough.

Owes everything to/rips off earlier film
Sequel setup skull
Bad title
Bad premise
Bad acting
Bad dialogue
MTV Editing
Girl unnecessarily gets naked
Wanton sex
Death associated with sex
Characters forget about threat
Secluded location skull
Power is cut skull
Phone lines are cut skull
Someone investigates a strange noise skullskull
Someone runs up stairs instead of going out front door
Camera is the killer
Victims cower in front of a window/door skull
Toilet stall scene
Victim locks self in with killer
Killer is in car with victim
Cat jumps out
Fake scare skull
Laughable scare
Blood hits camera
Beheading skull
Killer doesn't stay dead
Stupid discovery of corpse
Dream sequence
Victim running from killer inexplicably falls
No one believes only witness
Blood fountain
Poor death effect
Excessive gore
Music detracts from scene
Horror film showing on TV/in theater in movie
Future celebrity appears
No one dies at all
Death in first five minutes
Virgin survives
Geek/Nerd survives
Little kid lamely survives skull
Dog/Pet miraculously survives
Villain is more sympathetic than heroes
Unresolved subplots skull
"It was all a dream" ending
Unbelievably happy ending
What the hell?

Total Skulls: 11

Other movies in this series: