
Year: 1972

Director: George McCowan

Written by: Robert Hutchison, Robert Brees

Threat: Frogs

Weapon of Choice: Poison

Based upon: none

IMDb page: IMDb link


Other movies in this series:

The tyranist's thoughts
I have my share of irrational fears. I couldn't claim to be an honest man if I didn't admit that much. Still, it is hard for me to believe that anyone finds frogs scary. And someone must because that is the only way this movie could have been made.
A photographer doing a spread on pollution around a rich man's island is nearly killed by the rich man's son. He is invited ashore for the family party to make up for the reprehensible behavior. If this were a happy, cohesive family, he might actually have had a reason to join them. As it is, I'm surprised it took frogs to kill them when they were nearly at each others' throats from the beginning.
Although it is mostly frogs haunting the island there are a couple snakes and some lizards and even a butterfly that gets in on the action. They were trying to make an environmental I-told-you-so kind of movie. Really, it is just a typically dull '70s creature feature that ends up being especially unimaginitve. I really struggled to stay awake through this one.
I wouldn't recommend it. Not unless you somehow really dig the '70s and just can't find anything wrong with the decade. Then I'd recommend it just to set you straight.

Rish's Reviews
When I was a kid, there were six channels on our television. Three were the networks, two were PBS stations, and there was a cheap independent station called Channel 20. It came in the weakest on our TV, but also provided me with the cartoons and syndicated programs that most impacted my young childhood. It was on Channel 20 that I watched "Casper," "Transformers," "Bewitched," "Star Trek," and "The Twilight Zone." And, as I've mentioned before (probably countless times), every Saturday afternoon at three o'clock, Channel 20 had their "Thriller Theater," wherein they showed a rotating selection of about twenty films, among which were Green Slime! The Legend of Heck House, Godzilla flicks, The Hound of the Baskervilles (a movie I never made it all the way through), and this little masterpiece, Frogs.
Ray Milland is a grouchy, rich, wheelchair-bound patriarch, who complains about all the things wrong with his family, yet wants them by his side on his yearly birthday/July 4th celebration. Sam Elliott is the photographer and naturalist who knows exactly what's going on and what's to be done in any situation.
This wasn't a good movie, by any stretch, but it was somewhat fun, and somewhat interesting. After all, how do you make frogs threatening?* Snakes? Sure. Spiders? Oh yeah. Lizards? Well, I don't find them scary, but the filmmakers did use them creatively. Alligators? Not too tough. Turtles? Well . . .
It also had an interesting premise (though one we've seen time and time again): after having their natural environment messed with by humans, certain members of the animal kingdom strike back, in a deadly fashion. I don't want to waste time getting serious talking about such a silly movie, but we really have damaged the environment and the natural world something awful, haven't we? Just yesterday, I looked out over the horizon and thought, "Wow, what a clear Los Angeles day. I can see for several blocks!" But then I looked up at the horizon, and could plainly see the demarcation line between the pale blue sky and the blue-brown of smog. All so I can drive two blocks to the bicycle shop, and California natives can use their air conditioners when it gets over seventy, and the housewives can drive their SUVs and the men with penises even smaller than mine can drive their Hummers. Maybe the frogs SHOULD come get us.
Whoa, I don't know where that came from. I meant to add my two cents to tyranist's review and ended up talking very little about this movie. Sorry.
*These filmmakers didn't.

Total Skulls: 16

Sequel setup
Rips off earlier film
Horror film showing on TV/in theater in movie
Future celebrity appears
Former celebrity appears
Bad title skull
Bad premise skull
Bad acting skull
Bad dialogue skull
Bad execution skull
MTV Editing
Girl unnecessarily gets naked
Wanton sex
Death associated with sex
Unfulfilled promise of nudity
Characters forget about threat skull
Secluded location skullskull
Power is cut
Phone lines are cut skull
Someone investigates a strange noise skullskull
Someone runs up stairs instead of going out front door
Camera is the killer
Victims cower in front of a window/door
Victim locks self in with killer
Victim running from killer inexplicably falls skull
Toilet stall scene
Shower/bath scene
Car stalls or won't start
Cat jumps out
Fake scare skull
Laughable scare
Stupid discovery of corpse
Dream sequence
No one believes only witness
Crazy, drunk, old man knows the truth
Warning goes unheeded skull
Music detracts from scene
Death in first five minutes
x years before/later
Flashback sequence
Dark and stormy night
Killer doesn't stay dead
Killer wears a mask
Killer is in closet
Killer is in car with victim
Villain is more sympathetic than heroes
Unscary villain/monster
Blood fountain
Blood spatters - camera, wall, etc.
Poor death effect skull
Excessive gore
No one dies at all
Virgin survives
Geek/Nerd survives
Little kid lamely survives
Dog/Pet miraculously survives
Unresolved subplots
"It was all a dream" ending
Unbelievably happy ending
Unbelievably crappy ending
What the hell? skull