The Mothman Prophecies

Year: 2002

Director: Mark Pellington

Written by: Richard Hatem

Threat: Ghost

Weapon of Choice: Phone

Based upon: novel - The Mothman Prophecies - John A. Keel

IMDb page: IMDb link

      The Mothman Prophecies

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The tyranist's thoughts
One of the reasons that we keep going on this site is that we seem to have a lot of readers that enjoy what we do here. The other reason is that occasionally, we get to see a really scary movie that stands out from the crowd. This would be the latter.
I dislike Richard Gere and can't think of a movie he's been in that I enjoyed. Until today. He was amazing and understated and within the framework of the movie, he was a haunted man. Add to his presence another great performance by Will Patton (has he ever been bad in a movie) and Laura Linney as good as I've seen her, and you have the makings of a fine movie.
What most impressed me about the movie, though, was their ability to maintain a level of creepiness so long and so steadily. I've seen a lot of movies that have creepy little segments but few that draw it out through the entire movie. They accomplished this through the score and the script and through what is possibly a perfect cinematography. Well, not quite perfect there are a few of the special effects shots that don't quite accomplish what I think they wanted.
I don't remember the urban legend or folktale, but my viewing partner assured me that there is a mothman tale out there and that he still sometimes has nightmares. Perhaps I'll have to look it up. Of course, the beginning of the movie assures us that it is based on real events and as we all know, all urban legends have some basis in fact.
Go ahead and see this one, but maybe not if you need to get some sleep that night.
Posted: May 21st, 2002

Rish's Reviews
Tyranist loved this one. I didn't. But I don't know, he might be right.
I saw this a number of years ago when I worked at a video store (you know, the one in L.A. where celebrities often popped in and Martin Short was kind of a dick, even though I was a fan of his). My roommate told me to see it, quoting the "What's in my hand?" "Chapstiiiiik." part again and again), so I did.
I had the disadvantage of seeing it on video, where tyranist saw it theatrically, and due to interruptions, I had to turn it off and finish it the next night (something that could ruin any movie). I started a review, and never finished it. It sat for years in my HFC To-Do folder.
Then, not long ago, a friend of mine was talking about horror movies with me and he said, "Did you ever see Mothman Prophecies? That movie really messed me up. There's this part where Richard Gere is talking on the phone, and he closes the bathroom door, and for a split-second, you see this really effed-up face reflected in the mirror." My friend said it better (and probably didn't use "effed-up"), and to be honest, I had no memory of that moment.
So I rented the movie again, and to my shame, I was waiting for that moment the whole time, so when it finally came, well, I guess I was prepared. Which is too bad, since it's a mighty effective scare, and one I wouldn't mind seeing more often.
The film is very scary, and the mothman creature/character is disturbing, since of course, this is "based on a true story." But ultimately, I wasn't satisfied with the film. WHY did the bridge collapse? WHY was Laura Linney warned about it and others weren't? Why was Richard Gere told about it? What would've happened had he not gone there that night? What is the mothman? Tyranist classified him/it as a "Ghost," but I got no indication that that's what he was. If not a ghost, then what? An alien? A long-forgotten deity? Why did he do what he did? Why that town at that time? What would've happened had Gere taken the phone call from his dead wife? Why won't anybody love me?
The movie just didn't make a lot of sense to me. Maybe I needed Dumbledore or Mulder and Scully to explain to me afterwards. But without them, I was frustrated and perplexed by the ending, and don't count myself a fan of the film. Sorry, dude.

Total Skulls: 11

Sequel setup
Rips off earlier film
Horror film showing on TV/in theater in movie
Future celebrity appears
Former celebrity appears
Bad title
Bad premise
Bad acting
Bad dialogue
Bad execution
MTV Editing
Girl unnecessarily gets naked
Wanton sex skull
Death associated with sex
Unfulfilled promise of nudity
Characters forget about threat
Secluded location skull
Power is cut
Phone lines are cut
Someone investigates a strange noise skull
Someone runs up stairs instead of going out front door
Camera is the killer skull
Victims cower in front of a window/door
Victim locks self in with killer
Victim running from killer inexplicably falls
Toilet stall scene
Shower/bath scene skull
Car stalls or won't start skull
Cat jumps out
Fake scare
Laughable scare
Stupid discovery of corpse
Dream sequence
Hallucination/Vision skullskull
No one believes only witness skull
Crazy, drunk, old man knows the truth
Warning goes unheeded
Music detracts from scene
Death in first five minutes skull
x years before/later skull
Flashback sequence
Dark and stormy night
Killer doesn't stay dead
Killer wears a mask
Killer is in closet
Killer is in car with victim
Villain is more sympathetic than heroes
Unscary villain/monster
Blood fountain
Blood hits camera
Poor death effect
Excessive gore
No one dies at all
Virgin survives
Geek/Nerd survives
Little kid lamely survives
Dog/Pet miraculously survives
Unresolved subplots
"It was all a dream" ending
Unbelievably happy ending
Unbelievably crappy ending
What the hell?