Silent Hill

Year: 2006

Director: Christophe Gans

Written by: Roger Avary

Threat: Monsters

Weapon of Choice: Barbed wire

Based upon: video game

Color/B&W/3D: Colour

Language: English

Country of Origin: USA

IMDb page: IMDb link

Silent Hill

Other movies in this series:

The tyranist's thoughts
For months, Rish made fun of the promotional campaign for this movie, but when it came right down to it, he's the one that brought this over for us to watch. I thought the trailers made it look creepy, but my experience with video game movies has taught me to be overly cautious. Still, if I didn't want to watch horror flicks, I probably would have stopped contributing to the site ages ago.
So a woman and her little girl are driving through some odd back country when the girl goes missing. Soon her mother has followed her into a sort of nether realm where the rules aren't quite the same and the people are intermittently either severely deformed or very stupid. Terror follows.
So this had some of the pitfalls of video game movies, but holds up for the most part. They stayed within the parameters of the game and that is what hurt the movie. Playing a game is entirely different from the passive activity of watching the movie. While the visuals were fun to look at and there were a number of good scares, way too many things felt like set pieces and the plot was mostly of the "go here, do this, go there, do that" variety that most game designers rely on.
Even with as deep a flaw as that, the movie was easy to watch and didn't hurt the way most of them do. It didn't turn out to be just awful, but I still can't really recommend it. Even Sean Bean, who was barely in the movie, didn't help.
Posted: May 14, 2007

Total Skulls: 25

Sequel setup skull
Rips off earlier film
Horror film showing on TV/in theater in movie
Future celebrity appears
Former celebrity appears
Bad title
Bad premise
Bad acting
Bad dialogue
Bad execution skull
MTV Editing
Girl unnecessarily gets naked
Wanton sex
Death associated with sex
Unfulfilled promise of nudity
Characters forget about threat skull
Secluded location skull
Power is cut skull
Phone lines are cut skull
Someone investigates a strange noise skullskull
Someone runs up stairs instead of going out front door
Camera is the killer
Victims cower in front of a window/door
Victim locks self in with killer skull
Victim running from killer inexplicably falls skull
Toilet stall scene skull
Shower/bath scene
Car stalls or won't start skullskull
Cat jumps out
Fake scare
Laughable scare
Stupid discovery of corpse
Dream sequence
Hallucination/Vision skull
No one believes only witness skull
Crazy, drunk, old man knows the truth
Warning goes unheeded
Music detracts from scene
Death in first five minutes
x years before/later
Flashback sequence skull
Dark and stormy night skull
Killer doesn't stay dead
Killer wears a mask
Killer is in closet
Killer is in car with victim
Villain is more sympathetic than heroes
Unscary villain/monster
Blood fountain skull
Blood spatters - camera, wall, etc. skullskull
Poor death effect
Excessive gore skullskull
No one dies at all
Virgin survives
Geek/Nerd survives
Little kid lamely survives
Dog/Pet miraculously survives
Unresolved subplots skull
"It was all a dream" ending
Unbelievably happy ending
Unbelievably crappy ending
What the hell? skullskull