Saving America’s children must begin with a return to fundamental truths about child development, truths that society has lately overlooked. One of these truths is that willow switches make for great discipline. More to the point, the reflective contemplation a child undertakes when sent out to cut a willow switch does wonders for the soul. The willow switch itself certainly impresses upon a youngster’s mind the need to think before making mischief. America needs to get back to willow switches. Hence, The Willow Project.
Our goal is to spur a grassroots movement to plant willow trees outside of each home, juvenile court, and public school in all fifty states, so that parents and officials will have the tools they need to turn wayward youth around. We can’t do it without you, since you are in the best position to affect your community. Therefore, you need to take the lead in your town or county. Plant a tree outside your home. Then explain this project to your local juvenile judge and to your school administrator. Take willows with you and offer to plant them yourself. Can you imagine the powerful effect it will have when a juvenile court judge tells a miscreant to bring back a switch and receive justice? Willow switches turn bad boys into good boys! Let’s get those trees planted, and change the world!
The Willow Project is brought to you by the maker of “Pictures for a Juvenile Court Calendar.”