Experience shared by President Ezra Taft Benson: 

"Preparing Yourselves for Missionary Service",     Gen. Conf.  April 1985

      Let me talk about obedience. You're learning now to keep all the commandments of the Lord. As you do so, you will have His Spirit to be with you. You'll feel good about yourselves. You can't do wrong and feel right. It's impossible! One of the great lessons I learned on my first mission was the principle of total obedience.


      In 1923 I was serving a mission in Great Britain. At that time there was great opposition to the Church. It began with the ministers and then spread through the press. Many anti-Mormon articles appeared in the daily press. A number of anti-Mormon movies were shown, and derogatory plays were produced on the stage.  The general theme was the same--that Mormon missionaries were in England to lure away British girls and make slaves of them on Utah farms. Today that seems fantastic, but in those days it was very real. In some places we even had to stop tracting because of such misunderstandings.

       One time we received a letter from mission headquarters instructing us that we should discontinue all street meetings. At that time I was serving as the conference president, and my companion was the conference clerk. When this instruction arrived, we already had a meeting scheduled for the following Sunday night.  So we reasoned that we would hold that meeting and then discontinue street meetings thereafter. That's where we made our mistake!

       The next Sunday evening we held our street meeting down near the railway station as scheduled. The crowd was large and unruly.  In our efforts to preach to them, my companion [p. 37] and I stood back to back. He spoke in one direction, and I faced the other half of the crowd.

       When the saloons closed, the rougher, coarser element came out on the streets, many under the influence of liquor. The crowd became noisy, and those on the outside were not able to hear too well.

       Some yelled, "What's the excitement?"

       Others yelled back, "It's those dreadful Mormons."

       To this, others responded, "Let's get them and throw them in the river."

       Soon an attempt was made to trample us under their feet. But since we were taller than the average man there, we put our hands on their shoulders and prevented them from getting us under their feet.

       During the excitement, my companion and I became separated.  They took him down the far side of the railway station and me down the near side. Things began to look pretty bad.

       Then a big husky fellow came up to me as some of the others formed a circle around me about ten feet in diameter. The man looked me straight in the eye and said, "Young man, I believe every word you said tonight!"

       By this time a British policeman had worked his way through the crowd. He took me by the arm and said, "Young man, you come with me. You're lucky to be alive in this crowd." He led me several blocks and then ordered, "Now you get to your lodge and don't come out anymore tonight."

       When I arrived at the lodge, I found that my companion was not yet there. I worried and then prayed and waited. I became so concerned about him that I decided to disguise my appearance by putting on an old American cap and taking off my topcoat. Then I went out to try to find him.

       As I neared the place of the meeting, a man recognized me and asked, "Have you seen your companion?"

       I said, "No. Where is he?"

       He responded, "He's down on the other side of the railway station with one side of his head mashed in."

       This frightened me greatly, and I sprinted to the site as fast as I could. Before I reached the railway station, however, I met the same policeman again. He said, "I thought I told you to stay in and not come out on the street again tonight."

       I replied, "You did, officer. But I'm concerned about my companion. Do you know where he is?"

       He replied, "Yes, he got a nasty blow on the side of his head, but he's gone to the lodge now. I walked partway with him as I did earlier with you. Now you get back there and don't come out anymore tonight."

       So I went back to the lodge and found my companion disguising himself in order to go out and look for me. We threw our arms around each other and knelt together in prayer. From that experience I learned always to follow counsel, and that lesson has followed me all the days of my life.
