My name is Marshall Brough.  I serve as the Stake FH Consultant in Salt Lake Butler Stake, a calling I have had since Feb. 2003.

Our center is a former extraction center and was turned over to us to be used as a teaching center. It is not staffed for helping patrons, but is used effectively for hands-on training. We have a dial-up connection.

My wife serves at the ward level as a FH consultant, teaches a weekly Sunday School class which utilizes out teaching center.

On a stake level we enjoyed the support of our stake presidency last year in creating a year-long focus on family history work. We taught a 2 1/2 hour class for stake leaders to prepare them to speak with more confidence to their ward members. We used a case study with actual names and led them through a hands-on learning experience in the teaching center. There were several other events.

I conduct a monthly coordination meeting with ward consultants. It is a mix of motivation and training. The following excerpt outlines our plan for the year.

Thank you for the positive response regarding a change in our monthly coordination meeting schedule to 7:00am each 3rd Sunday. Our next meeting will be Sunday, January 18 at 7:00am in the Family History Teaching Center
(1-8-12 Ward Building). The format and dates are as follows:

Each meeting will be divided into 3 segments. I will handle general coordination items within the first 15 minutes. Wards will be assigned the next 2 segments on a rotating basis, 15 minutes to report on what they are
doing on a ward level and 30 minutes to teach a skill. The high priest group leader will be responsible to coordinate his ward's presentation.

January 18 - no ward assignment; Marshall teaches the skill; skill topic is Coordinating Research with Other Family Members

February 15 - no ward assignment; Marshall teaches the skill; skill topic is Sharing (incl. queries, mailing lists, bulletin boards, newsgroups)

March 21 - no ward assignment; Marshall teaches the skill; skill topic is Research Logs

April 18 - 8th Ward; skill topic is Organizing Paper Files

May 16 - 17th Ward; skill topic is Snatch the Opportunity to Capture What Living Family Members Know

June 20 - Apple Valley Ward; skill topic is Don't Forget the Pictures

July 18 - 1st Ward; skill topic is Family History Library Catalog

August 15 - 12th Ward; skill topic is Personal History Guidelines / Methods

September 19 - Brighton Point Ward; skill topic is Guidelines for Submitting Names to the Temple (incl. pitfalls associated with minimum qualifications,
when to move on)

October 17 - Old Mill Ward; skill topic is Examples of Special Finds in Ancestor Journals, Letters and Notes

November 21 - no ward assignment; Marshall teaches the skill; skill topic is Effective Use of Notes (and Custom Events) in PAF

December - no meeting

I am focusing on motivating high priest group leaders to assume leadership responsibility and fostering a partnership with ward family history consultants.

In spite of the stake support in 2003, we barely got off the ground in most wards and have since settled back to ground level, but I am blessed to have very supportive stake leaders.

The high council liaison, Ben Nilson, suggests that we find a way to eagage your help this year. I will be watching your communications for suggestions.

Hoping to be able to meet you and take guidance from you, I am sincerely,

Marshall Brough
Home: 943-8875

P.S. In case your want further detail, I have attached the entry I just submitted for our stake history.