Salt Lake Butler Stake History – 2003
Family History Work
December 27, 2003

The year began with the Stake Presidency and High Council addressing family history work as the theme for ward conferences.  By the end of March all stake members had not only heard fervent testimony and personal experiences on this subject from their stake leaders, but they were also invited by their ward priesthood leaders and family history consultants to take advantage of new and exciting research tools.

In an effort to build confidence in leaders who were being asked to encourage family history work as part of their stewardship, Marshall Brough, the stake family history consultant, and his wife Janet, conducted a two hour and 30 minute class in the stake family history teaching center for the stake presidency, stake high council, bishoprics, high priest group leaderships, ward family history consultants and any other members of the ward councils interested in attending.  A hands-on comprehensive case study with actual family names was the teaching vehicle.  Attendees used Ancestral File data that had been imported into a PAF file, found additional family members through the 1881 British Census and Mormon Immigration Index.  Resources available in the Family History Library were identified via the catalog.  The research assistant on FamilySearch Internet led to the discovery of clarifying maps.  The online IGI feature was used to make the first check for temple work already completed.  Then attendees were sent with diskette in-hand to a local family history center to clear names for temple work.  The class was offered six times with approximately 50% coverage being achieved.

The fifth Sunday priesthood – relief society lesson for May was taught at the ward level by those who had attended the leaders’ class.  It provided an opportunity for local leaders to explain the research process they had experienced in the case study and give testimony that because they had “done it,” they were confident that everyone could “do it.”  The objective spoken of was, of course, the preparation of names for temple ordinances.  Ward members were challenged to prepare and take a name to the temple on August 21, an upcoming stake temple day.

Although no official count is available on the number of names processed for temple work, the attendance at the special chapel meeting in the Salt Lake Temple on August 21 was a positive indication of progress.  Stake members felt a special spirit in that meeting and in the temple generally that day.

In the course of the year, high council speakers were invited to address family history work on two occasions.  Marshall Brough also spoke in each ward in the course of the year explaining that family history work is a work of the heart and how we can incline our hearts to such a work.

The culminating event of a year-long focus on family history work was a stake fireside on November 23.  Speakers were stake members who could bear testimony of the blessings that flow from a change of heart in relation to family history work.  The meeting was conducted by Pres. Tai Biesinger who also gave the concluding address.  Other speakers included Ben Nilsen (high council liaison), Pam Kirkman, Justus Ernst, Andrea Coomans, Larry Johnson and Marshall Brough.

Although the hope was for a jump starting of family history work throughout the stake, it is evident that the race will not be to the swift, but to the steadfast.  The year concludes with a steadfast intent to continue to help all stake members submit family names for temple ordinances, attend the temple regularly and keep a personal journal.