PAF - Calendar

 PAF can print out a calendar, listing birth and anniversary dates of a selected group of people from your PAF database. 

 Select the group of people from your PAF database 

 Suppose you are a married couple (husband and wife) with children and grandchildren.  You want the group to include all your children and grandchildren, and all their aunts and uncles and cousins, along with any spouses or any descendants of any of these. 

 Use the advanced focus filter to select this group.  Bring up your PAF database, and click on the plain binoculars.  Click on Advanced.  Flag the sort as alphabetical.  Click on the father of the husband.  Now go down to the Relationship Filter and click on descendants and then click Select.  Make sure the Number of generations is high enough to include all descendants, and that the Include spouses box is checked.  This should select all the descendants of the husband’s father, including spouses.  The Filtered List on the right side of the box will show the number of individuals selected.  Leave this group selected.

 Now do the same for the father of the wife. This will add to the selected group all the wife’s relatives.  The Filtered List will now show the total number of individuals selected.

 Now click OK on the bottom of the box.  The selected individuals will remain selected. 

 Print the calendar

 Now click on the printer and click on the Calendar tab.  Select the appropriate year and month.  The Filter box should still reflect the number of individuals selected.  Set the Options box to your preferences and click Preview.

 If you wish the calendar printed in landscape mode, click Page Setup and Landscape before you click Preview.   

 When the preview calendar looks good, click Print to print it.   

 Repeat the print instructions for each month you want printed.