Excerpt from:   President Gordon B. Hinckley, “Living with Our Convictions,” Ensign, Sept. 2001, p. 2:

A Convert’s Courage

        I think of a friend whom I knew when I was a missionary in London many years ago.  He came to our door through the rain one night.  I answered his knock and invited him in.

        He said, as I remember,  “I have to talk to someone.  I’m all alone.”

        I asked what the problem was.

        He said,  “When I joined the Church, my father told me to get out of his house and never come back.  A few months later my athletic club dropped me from membership.  Last month my boss fired me because I am a member of this Church.  And last night the girl I love said she would never marry me because I’m a Mormon.”

        I said,  “If this has cost you so much, why don’t you leave the Church and go back to your father’s home, to your club, to the job that meant so much to you, and marry the girl you think you love?”

        He said nothing for what seemed a long time.  Then, putting his head in his hands, he sobbed as if his heart would break.  Finally he looked up through his tears and said,  “I couldn’t do that.  I know this is true, and if it were to cost me my life, I could not give it up.”

        He picked up his wet hat and walked to the door and went out into the rain.  As I watched him, I thought of the power of conscience, the loneliness of faith, and the strength and power of personal testimony.
