M. Russell Ballard:  "Strength in Council", October 1993 General Conference address (link)
M. Russell Ballard:  "Counseling with our Councils", April 1994 General Conference address (link)

Click on the above links to read the articles.  For more excellent in-depth leadership information, read Elder Ballard's Book "Counseling with our Councils."  It is also available on CDs and Cassettes.  To save time and money, we get them from the library and listen to them in the car or while eating meals.  I usually end up getting the book also to copy quotes I like.  In Salt Lake County (library link), you can go on the internet and have them put on "hold" and brought in from any of the 18 county libraries to the library of your choice.  It is a wonderful service which I use weekly.  Check what services are available from your library system.