Family History Ideas Shared:

"Get a Cardboard Box......"   Do you remember Elder Boyd K. Packer's advice on how to get your family history work started in “Your Family History: Getting Started,” Boyd K. Packer - Ensign, Aug. 2003, 12 ?

Idea Shared:  For a helpful electronic version of the cardboard box idea, create a folder labeled "2007" somewhere on your computer hard drive.  All during this new year, add a copy of family photos taken, newsy family e-mails written and received (they make a great journal/history) and new family history items located and copied---census records, ancestors' patriarchal blessings, histories found, etc.  It really is easy to add a little here and there.  Next December, burn a CD containing all of this valuable information and make copies for your relatives.  It makes an inexpensive and meaningful Christmas present and gets important papers, photos, and information into many hands.  We've done this for a couple of years now and it has sparked interest in family history/temple work among our relatives.  Several of the recipients (young and computer-savvy) used the information and pictures to make wonderful scrapbooks, videos of life stories, and even a DVD of a live interview with great-grandparents telling of their childhood, courtship, and marriage, etc.

Can you speak with an accent?    Sister Robinson, a missionary in the Archive Zone, with a scarf around her head and good acting ability, presented a humorous reading (link) about "her family."  It delivers family history lessons along with a laugh.  It would be a fun addition to a family history fireside or fair.

Family History Feud (link):  Sister Diane Kiser, Director of the 7-stake Tooele Valley (Utah) FHC shares a fun activity they held for all their family history workers and their families.

A year's worth of
quotes on Strengthening our Families that could be put in the Sunday Ward Bulletin (with your Bishop's approval, of course).

Or a year's worth of quotes on Temple and Family History work.

Roster Idea Shared:  A couple of stakes have e-mailed us copies of their Stake Family History Roster.  We think this is a wonderful idea to help you get organized.  We're sure your Stake Presidency would appreciate having a roster showing all the family history consultants and priesthood leaders in each ward and their contact information.  Create a group e-mail list and send a copy to everyone involved, so they can all get acquainted and call on each other when they need help or have a question.  Be sure to e-mail us a copy also!  Thanks!     PDF Sample  

Ward overview Idea Shared:  Some wards have made up a chart similar to this, listing all the families in the ward.  It is easy to see at a glance where each family stands in being helped with their Family History Work.   One of the Consultants could give several copies to the HPGL each month to share at Ward Council meeting.  PDF Sample    

What others are doing:

Kamas Utah 2nd Ward - family history consultant Karen Lowry (link):

Idea shared by Meg Baker--Google Gadgets for Family History (link):

Farmington Utah July 2007 Family History Newsletter (pdf copy)
Farmington Utah August 2007 Family History Newsletter (pdf copy)

Granger West Stake July 2007 Family History Newsletter  (pdf copy):