Excellent Idea Shared by Brother Provard, Director of West Jordan Bingham Creek FHC:  

World Wide Support has the goal to get every Consultant registered to receive their help and training.  Brother Provard created a small card with the sign-up information.  He carries a stack of the cards with him to hand out to Consultants and Priesthood leaders wherever he goes.  As people register, they could write on the back of the card the e-mail address they signed-up with.  After people receive their username and password to access the online training lessons (e-mailed to them from Support--might take a couple of weeks), they could write their username and password on the card also and carry the card in their wallet.     Click here for a pdf copy of the card.      Print them off on light card stock and keep a pile in your FH Center for others to take, cut, and give out.