Bennion Heights (Utah) Stake Family History Evening (2005):

On Sunday evening, we attended a wonderful Stake Family History Evening, "Putting the 'Family' into Family History", at the Bennion Heights Stake (which they hold annually in September).  Attendance was good; the Chapel was full, as was part of the overflow area.

They have a nice Family History Center (computer-only) directed by Stake Consultant Jean Naisbitt.  Brother and Sister Naisbitt are Missionaries working in FH Support several days a week--so it might be their pleasant voices answering your questions when you call in!  They even served as Missionaries while Brother Naisbitt was in the Stake Presidency! 

Shirley Gylling did a super job as chairman of the event.  Her class on FHE lessons and projects was also very helpful.

President Maxfield presided and High Councilor Gordon Burns conducted.  The evening was honoring Joseph Smith and his family.  A Stake YW-YM Choir sang a rousing version of "Praise to the Man" that I really liked (good voices and good harmony).  The Primary Chorus sang "The Happy Family" and "Family History--I am Doing It."

In a tribute to the family of Joseph Smith, they had members of their stake portray Joseph's parents and each one of their children.  Each told about his/her own life.  Little known stories and facts about each life had been researched and they were very interesting.  They learned their parts and spoke convincingly as if they were that person.  They wore simple period clothing. 

A mixed chorus of 9 of the brethren and 11 sisters then sang "To Those Who Came Before Me."

After the initial program in the Chapel, the Primary Children met for activities in the Primary Room, under the direction of the Stake Primary Presidency; the Young Women met under the direction of the Stake YW Presidency; the young men met to work on their FH Scouting Merit Badge; and the adults could choose two classes (1/2 hour each) out of five classes that were offered. 

Closing prayers were held in the classes--followed by light refreshments served in the Cultural Hall.   Displays were set up in the Cultural Hall by each ward.  A wall of art displayed pictures and program covers drawn by the Primary Children.  Each family received a gift of a laminated time line of Joseph Smith's life.