2003 History of Janelle Marjorie Jensen

Hi!  My name is Janelle Marjorie Jensen and I turned one year old on October 14th,  2003 and so I am now almost fifteen months old.  I used to do this funny thing my mommy called “the bum dance.”  Whenever my diaper was changed and my little bum was bare, I would lay there and bring one leg up and around and then the other one up and around back and forth really fast and it looked so funny that whoever was watching would laugh and laugh!!  Then my sister and everyone would sing, “…doing the bum dance!  Doing the bum dance!!”  Everyone really got a kick out of it!

    For Christmas I got a little car with a tall handle bar behind it from my Grandma Westra that I like to ride on or push around.  My sister will push me around on it.  I can also walk while holding on to the handle bar and push it around.   I can also walk holding someone’s hand, but I haven’t really tried to take any steps on my own yet.   I liked having a Christmas tree in our house because I always got to pull off all of the pretty gold and red balls.  The balls didn’t bounce though – they just broke into lots of pieces.   I tried eating one but it didn’t taste very good and my mommy had to brush some of the pieces out of my mouth with a toothbrush.  

 I am a very good eater and will usually eat whatever is put in front of me.  Usually that is – sometimes I won’t try anything and shake my head furiously back and forth.  That means I don’t want to eat it.  I love ice-cream and can even do the sign for it – sort of.  Sometimes I sign “more” with some coaxing from mommy and daddy.  I have four big teeth up top and three teeth on the bottom.

      I love to suck my thumb!!  My mommy and daddy have a hard time getting this thumb out of my mouth!  I also love silky material and love to put it up to my face while I suck my thumb.  I love to snuggle up next to my mommy in her bed.  I have brown hair and big blue eyes.  My hair is long enough for two little pig-tails or a palm-tree pony tail on top.  I love to play “I’m gonna get you!”  and “peek-a-boo” and “roll your hands” and I love to laugh!!  I love to play with my brothers and sister and they call me silly names like Janelley Belly.  I like to climb up on the little blue chairs that are in our computer room.  I also like to watch Barney.   I like to dance with mommy and daddy and love to tip over backwards and have them catch me.  

I can drink from a bottle and a sippy cup and a regular cup and a straw.  I like to look at books and turn the pages.  I can go up and down the stairs in our home really fast!  Last summer I went swimming in our pool.  I got to sit in a little floatie or else my mom or dad held me.  I like to swim.  I also went to Disneyland and liked being pushed around in my stroller.  I love to play outside in our sandbox.  Although sometimes I eat the sand and then mommy shakes her head and makes these funny faces with her tongue and says funny words like “blucckkkk, yucckkk” and starts spitting and then I laugh because she looks so silly!

    My mommy is expecting another baby in June and so I will get to be a big sister this summer!   I have a very noisy family and sometimes I just sit and observe everything going on.  It can be pretty crazy sometimes.  My sister and brothers love to play with me and they are good at watching out for me.  If they start to tackle daddy on the floor then I love to climb right on him and join the fun!  My family and I have lots of fun together.  They love me very much and I love them too!