Gretchen Northcott, Director of the Manila, Utah FHC reports on their successful Ward Family History Social and shares some fun ideas:

We had our ward social last night with a family history theme and it went very well.  I had some display tables set up with items from member's family history.  Also a display on our center and sign up sheets for Paf etc.  I used a lot of the ideas from others that I gleaned from the website and the emails you have sent along. 
We played some fun games:  One was just a trivia sheet that people could get the answers from looking at the displays. I had a pedigree chart on the back of the paper  and they put their own name in the primary position...then if anyone was related to them that person just signed their sheet (It didn't matter where)  It could be brother/sisters/aunts parents etc.   If they handed in their sheet, with both sides completed, they got a treat. 
 Another game was finding safety pins in some sawdust.  I told them that "Sometimes doing research was like looking for a needle in a haystack" and they had to pick out as many pins as they could in 10 seconds.  The kids loved this game. 
Our last game was "Find your parent", I blindfolded all the kids that wanted to participate and put them on one side of the gym...the parents had to call their kids names and lead them to find each other dispite all the other people calling for their kids.  It was noisy but very fun.  They all liked this game.  I gave out treats to the winners in all the games. (That was very popular!)
We had a potato bar and people brought breads  i.e. banana, pumpkin, etc.  (an idea used from your site)
It was a fun evening and I got a lot of positive comments.  I think people are getting excited about family history again.