Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel Website (direct link or URL below):

Statistics from Sister Wood (Missionary on the Overland Trail project), April, 2006:  It is estimated about 60,000 pioneers crossed the plains in over 250 companies during the years 1847-1868, before the railroad came.  About 41,000 names are on the site and they are still missing about 20,000.   The handcart companies did not start until 1856 and went until 1860 (5 years).  There were 10 handcart companies.

Missionaries are placing on the website transcribed copies of the actual diaries and journals written while crossing the plains.  New ones are being added daily, so check back often.  When you find your ancestor, click on "sources."  If you see the words "full text," that is the link to the actual transcribed journal.  Every attempt is made to maintain the accuracy and integrity of the original writing. 

To find the Overland Travel website:  Go to, then to Church History (on the left of the screen), then to Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel (at the bottom of the screen).  If you have information to correct or add to the website, there is a contact link on the website.,15773,3966-1,00.html

Link to a handout that could be printed off for each person to take home.