Picture of Savior on television, etc., as a reminder:

From Grandma Ruth R. (Stake R.S. President):  My married daughter places a picture of the Savior on or above their television sets to remind their family members to always ask themselves this question, "Would the Savior approve of what I am watching?"

(Note from Westras:  This could be expanded to include our CD players, computers, etc.  You can even purchase postage-stamp size stickers with pictures of the Savior to put on small ipods, etc. to make us more aware of what we are listening to and putting into our minds.  One of the mini-posters in Set 1 of the New Era Posters has a picture of the Savior and the words "You are Never Alone."  That would be a good reminder to put on our computers!  We like to give these mini-poster sets to our grandchildren to decorate their rooms {50 cents for set of 6 pictures.  There are 6 sets in all}.  We presented this idea as a Family History Minute in R.S., along with this handout.  One mother told me later that she followed through on this idea in her home.)


"Guard your homes. How foolish it seems to install bars and bolts and electronic devices against thieves and molesters while more insidious intruders come in as invited guests."

Gordon B. Hinckley, “Overpowering the Goliaths in Our Lives,” Ensign, May 1983, 46