Policy concerning temple work for stillborn children:

Ordinances That May Not Be Needed

. . . No ordinances are necessary for children who are stillborn. However, if there is any possibility that a child lived after birth, he or she should be sealed to the parents unless the child was born in the covenant.

Note: In some countries, children who died shortly after birth were listed in vital records as stillborn, Countries that have sometimes listed live births as stillborn include Austria, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, German states (Baden, Bavaria, Germany, Hesse-Darmstadt, Prussia, Saxony, Thuringia, Württemberg), Denmark, Finland, France, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden, and Switzerland. Children listed as stillborn on records from these countries may be sealed to their parents.    (from: TempleReady for Windows® help files)

Children who died before age eight and were not born in the covenant need only to be sealed to their parents. They do not need any other ordinances.